New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Build Token Trigger Plugin: 1.0.0
Jenkins: 2.121
This is the same request as JENKINS-20828 but for this new plugin (Build Token Trigger Plugin) that's largely replacing the buggy, unmaintained Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin.
Currently, this plugin's step buildTokenTrigger will complete when the job is submitted on the remote Jenkins, with no option for different behavior.
I would like to block the local build until the remote build finishes and fail the local build if the remote build fails, or continue the local build if the remote build is successful.
[JENKINS-51240] Add option to block until completion of remote job
Assignee | Original: Stephen Connolly [ stephenconnolly ] |
Removing myself as assignee. My current work assignments do not provide sufficient bandwidth to review these issues and in the majority of cases I am only assigned by virtue of being the default assignee. For the credentials-api and scm-api related plugins I have permission to allocate time reviewing changes to these APIs themselves to ensure these APIs remain cohesive, but that can be handled through PR reviews rather than assigning issues in JIRA