I can't provide more details, I had to cut "produced maven artifacts" off. But its a simple Maven Project with 2 jars (as modules) where jar2 depends on jar1. These jars contains mostly Pojo and a view jaxb-classes. So nothing fancy.
But after downgrading to version 3.5.6 we see the following line in the log again (and no triggering):
[withMaven] Not triggering Sportec » sharedsources » master because it has dependencies in the downstream project list
Instead of:
[withMaven] Scheduling downstream pipeline Sportec » sharedsources » master#209...
rpaasche It's the first timer I see release branches being built by Jenkins, I guess that this problem is related. I guess we don't want upstream triggers on "tags".
Can you please upgrade to the last attach screenshots of the "Maven" tab of the build sportec/sharedsources/master and sportec/sharedsources/release/6.0.0 ?