Hi p4karl. Sorry for the late answer. I do prefer the Blue Ocean interface over Jenkins "legacy" one because it makes me feel more in 2023 xD. Besides the joke, I do think Bluo Ocean stepped the game up the game to Jenkins in the UX point of view. Allowing the user to edit pipelines in a easier way than the editor in the default UI, is something I really enjoy (and people working with me too). As I have a development background, my workflow is basically VS Code + Jenkins Jack and Jenkins Doc extensions.
It's really straight forward but I miss the workflow I have in Azure, for instance. To edit a pipeline yaml on Azure is very simple and intuitive. As been a cloud practitioner, Blue Ocean really makes me feel like I am in one of those platforms. I do favor declarative syntax over scripted one, and having an in-browser easy to use edition tool is really productive for people not used to CVS and versioning in general.
As in game industry Perforce is really king, I think it's been a bit outcast in favor of git. Sure, lots of teams work with both, but in my case we have all centralized in Perforce for the sake of simplicity. Too many tools complicate too much and become failure points too quickly. So, yeah, that's my appeal knowing it's not an easy task to push those changes into an open source tool, but I think Jenkins is also king in CI/CD world. I hope I can learn a bit of Jenkins internals too so I can also collaborate instead of just asking xD. Have a nice day and thanks for listening to the community!
Commenting to keep this fresh. Have had request from customer for this feature.