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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-52595

Blue Ocean dashboard long load due to parameterized builds?

      So when loading the blue ocean dashboard there's a api call made to:


      This call never finishes under normal conditions as it seems to be trying to evaluate the available values for parameterised builds.

      This is not working so great for us as we have several jobs which uses dynamic choice parameters based on scriptler using pretty slow scripts making nice dropdowns for selecting from git tags.

      As we are running jenkins behind an nginx proxy pass I tried to increase the timeouts to 300 seconds and could see that the request eventually finishes, after 2.6 minutes according to chrome devtools.

      If I try the api request manually with a range that excludes any of our slower parameterised builds it seems to resolve instantly. Seeing how the UI can apparently figure out that the inputs are unsupported it seem's weird that we are waiting for these parameters to resolve in the first place.

      Not sure about the priority, but since this renders the dashboard useless for us (major loss of function) I set it as major.

          [JENKINS-52595] Blue Ocean dashboard long load due to parameterized builds?

          Markus Maga created issue -

          Vivek Pandey added a comment -

          I have tried it on a parameterized build and the dashboard loads fine. Can you send details of your job or someway to be able to reproduce it?

          Also does this slowness happen with 1.7.0 only or previous versions as well?

          Vivek Pandey added a comment - I have tried it on a parameterized build and the dashboard loads fine. Can you send details of your job or someway to be able to reproduce it? Also does this slowness happen with 1.7.0 only or previous versions as well?

          Markus Maga added a comment -

          Hi vivek

          This happened on all versions we've tried so far, we started experimenting with blue at 1.5.x if I remember correctly.

          I suppose I wasn't clear enough. The parameters on our jobs are of the type Dynamic Choice Parameter (Scriptler)

          We are using https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Scriptler+Plugin and https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Dynamic+Parameter+Plug-in 

          Our scriptler scripts then in turn do something similar to:

          new ProcessBuilder('sh','-c'," git ls-remote --tags https://${repo}.git | sort -t '/' -k 3 -Vr | awk -F/ '{ print \$3 }' | grep -v '\\^{}'").redirectErrorStream(true).start().text.readLines()

          This in itself isn't so fast to do, and then consider that we do this like 15 times for various repositories for some of our distribution builds  (it's not great but it's what we have for now).

          Markus Maga added a comment - Hi vivek This happened on all versions we've tried so far, we started experimenting with blue at 1.5.x if I remember correctly. I suppose I wasn't clear enough. The parameters on our jobs are of the type Dynamic Choice Parameter (Scriptler) We are using https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Scriptler+Plugin  and https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Dynamic+Parameter+Plug-in   Our scriptler scripts then in turn do something similar to: new ProcessBuilder( 'sh' , '-c' , " git ls-remote --tags https: //${repo}.git | sort -t '/' -k 3 -Vr | awk -F/ '{ print \$3 }' | grep -v '\\^{}' " ).redirectErrorStream( true ).start().text.readLines() This in itself isn't so fast to do, and then consider that we do this like 15 times for various repositories for some of our distribution builds  (it's not great but it's what we have for now).

            Unassigned Unassigned
            flydiverny Markus Maga
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