Hi, yes agree with that comment. But if people cannot configure that on a system level they need to do this:
steps {
file(credentialsId: ...
file(credentialsId: ...)]) {
sh 'git init'
sh 'git config --local http.sslKey $KEY'
sh 'git config --local http.sslCert $CERT'
sh 'git config --local http.sslCaInfo $CA'
git url: 'https:, branch: 'thebranch', credentialsId: 'gitCredentials'
ending up putting the certificate on the credentials and worst not being able to version the pipeline file. I really don't like the workaround that's why I created the ticket
I recommend against this, since self-signed certificates tend to be very brittle. We spend far too much time trying to identify all the files which must be modified and all the locations that must be modified to support self-signed certificates. It is better to not mislead users to think that self-signed certificates are easy to use or simple to configure. As far as I can tell, they are not.