• Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • jira-trigger-plugin
    • Jenkins v2.129 Jira-trigger v0.63 Jira v7.5.2


      We've added a webhook in Jira triggered by Comment Created and Issue updated, with the following SWL query:

       project in ("Integrated Interior Platform","OIP 2.0","SSW Core") and issuetype in (Story,Task)

      As the transition we're interested to use, Working to Verifying, has a custom event, StorytoWorking, we added a post function on it, to send also the event to the Hook, so this appears now in the webhook:
      TransitionsVerifying of IIP Story Workflow W/o Delivered

      In Jenkins, once the transition is done, I can see the event in logs:

      Jul 24, 2018 10:52:58 AM FINEST com.ceilfors.jenkins.plugins.jiratrigger.webhook.JiraWebhook
      Webhook event body:
      Jul 24, 2018 10:52:58 AM FINEST com.ceilfors.jenkins.plugins.jiratrigger.webhook.JiraWebhook
          "transition": {
              "workflowId": 924280,
              "workflowName": "IIP Story Workflow W/o Delivered",
              "transitionId": 31,
              "transitionName": "Verifying",
              "from_status": "Working",
              "to_status": "Verifying"*strong text*

      but the job isn't triggered. If I repeat the transition, I see comment_created, the second time, instead of issue_updated:

      Jul 24, 2018 10:55:52 AM FINE com.ceilfors.jenkins.plugins.jiratrigger.webhook.JiraWebhook
      Received Webhook callback from comment. Event type: comment_created
      Jul 24, 2018 10:56:08 AM FINEST com.ceilfors.jenkins.plugins.jiratrigger.webhook.JiraWebhook
      Webhook event body:
      Jul 24, 2018 10:56:08 AM FINEST com.ceilfors.jenkins.plugins.jiratrigger.webhook.JiraWebhook
          "transition": {
              "workflowId": 924280,
              "workflowName": "IIP Story Workflow W/o Delivered",
              "transitionId": 31,
              "transitionName": "Verifying",
              "from_status": "Working",
              "to_status": "Verifying"

      I've added the setup from Jira and Jenkins. Can you help?

      PS: By comment the job can be triggered.

      Thank you.

        1. trigger1.JPG
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        2. trigger2.JPG
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        3. trigger3.JPG
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          [JENKINS-52719] Post Function Transition Event support

            ceilfors Wisen Tanasa
            mpostole Marian Postole
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            2 Start watching this issue
