Resolution: Fixed
Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin version - 3.0.3
My Jenkins version - 2.121.2
Remote Jenkins version - 2.73.3
While triggering remote jenkins job from my local jenkins it was working with the version 2.2.2. But since few weeks it was not triggering, so we have updated the Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin version from 2.2.2 to 3.0.3. But still the remote jenkins job and was showing the below issue:
Run condition [Execute Windows Batch commands] enabling perform for step [BuilderChain]
ERROR: Build step failed with exception
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.ParameterizedRemoteTrigger.RemoteBuildConfiguration.evaluateEffectiveRemoteHost(RemoteBuildConfiguration.java:385)
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.ParameterizedRemoteTrigger.RemoteBuildConfiguration.perform(RemoteBuildConfiguration.java:533)
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.ParameterizedRemoteTrigger.RemoteBuildConfiguration.perform(RemoteBuildConfiguration.java:514)
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.conditionalbuildstep.BuilderChain.perform(BuilderChain.java:71)
at org.jenkins_ci.plugins.run_condition.BuildStepRunner$2.run(BuildStepRunner.java:110)
at org.jenkins_ci.plugins.run_condition.BuildStepRunner$Fail.conditionalRun(BuildStepRunner.java:154)
at org.jenkins_ci.plugins.run_condition.BuildStepRunner.perform(BuildStepRunner.java:105)
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.conditionalbuildstep.ConditionalBuilder.perform(ConditionalBuilder.java:134)
at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform(BuildStepMonitor.java:20)
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(AbstractBuild.java:744)
at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.build(Build.java:206)
at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.doRun(Build.java:163)
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.run(AbstractBuild.java:504)
at hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1798)
at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.run(FreeStyleBuild.java:43)
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:97)
at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:429)
Build step 'Conditional steps (multiple)' marked build as failure
In the remote jenkins i have given a folder path, in that particular folder it has around 5 jobs and I wanted to trigger all of them. But it triggers 1st job alone and fails with the above issue.
- RemoteTriggerFailure.png
- 157 kB
- Configuration.png
- 72 kB
[JENKINS-52810] Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin is not triggering job in remote jenkins
thanks, would you also provide the global remote host configuration?
Yes, we use it Jenkins A. There we will be providing a "Display name" and "Remote Jenkins URL", then the same will be reflecting under "Select a remote host" inside the Server Info for the job.
dineshkumar_n, you should check your remote server configuration.
If the URL can be correctly parsed, it's no way that url.getHost() throw NPE.
String addr = server.getAddress(); if (addr != null) { URL url = new URL(addr); Semaphore s = hostLocks.get(url.getHost()); <---- line 385
By the way, in the 3.x.x releases, almost every release has some configuration changes.
Although most of them are adding fields to the original configuration, you should still check your setting.
I have validated the configurations and all are proper. When i executed the build i am facing the below issue without a configuration change :
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
CSRF protection is disabled on the remote server.
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
Connection to remote server failed [404], waiting for to retry - 10 seconds until next attempt. URL: https://<Jenkins_URL>/view/All/queue/item/81305/api/json/,
parameters: Retry attempt #1 out of 5
Connection to remote server failed [404], waiting for to retry - 10 seconds until next attempt. URL: https://<Jenkins_URL>/view/All/queue/item/81305/api/json/
parameters: Retry attempt #2 out of 5
Connection to remote server failed [404], waiting for to retry - 10 seconds until next attempt. URL: https://<Jenkins_URL>/view/All/queue/item/81305/api/json/,
Retry attempt #3 out of 5
Connection to remote server failed [404], waiting for to retry - 10 seconds until next attempt. URL: https://<Jenkins_URL>/view/All/queue/item/81305/api/json/,
Retry attempt #4 out of 5
Connection to remote server failed [404], waiting for to retry - 10 seconds until next attempt. URL: https://<Jenkins_URL>/view/All/queue/item/81305/api/json/,
Retry attempt #5 out of 5
ERROR: Remote build failed with 'ExceedRetryLimitException' for the following reason: 'Max number of connection retries have been exeeded.'.
ERROR: ExceedRetryLimitException: Max number of connection retries have been exeeded.
BTW, in the error "view/All/queue/item/81305/api/json/" is automatically getting added. If that is added in URL the same path will not be present. Kindly can you provide your inputs.
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking... <— this line wasn't related to your problem
Connection to remote server failed [404], waiting for to retry - 10 seconds until next attempt. URL: https://<Jenkins_URL>/view/All/queue/item/81305/api/json/, <--- this line told the problem,
Please check your remote server URL in either global configuration & job configuration, and check your job name or URL as well,
the segment "view/All" is definitely added by some mistakes and definitely not auto-generated by this plugin.
I could almost 99% recognize this issue as a man-made error ...
Be more specifically, your job URL should be in http://*some_jenkins_host*/job/*some_job_name*/ instead of directly copy the URL with view in it.
Without the specific job URL, there's no way to 100% tell an accurate job name.
So, please,
use the url format i gave,
or just give a job name along with the remote server config whose URL should be http://*some_jenkins_host* .
Hope this will help you out.
I agree with your point, but in the URL at last it is appending queue/item/<Some Random Number>/api/json and now that is the place where the issue is with, and we are not pretty sure from where this is getting appended.
Even after providing the URL with the same format provided by you, still the same issue exists with the URL and it shows:
Connection to remote server failed [404], waiting for to retry - 10 seconds until next attempt. URL: https://<Jenkins_URL>/<FolderPath&FolderName>/queue/item/81594/api/json/, parameters:
Retry attempt #5 out of 5
ERROR: Remote build failed with 'ExceedRetryLimitException' for the following reason: 'Max number of connection retries have been exeeded.'.
ERROR: ExceedRetryLimitException: Max number of connection retries have been exeeded.
Finished: FAILURE
Maybe you can provide the remote server config with replacement of your server name like http://my_jenkins:8080/ and so as the job config instead of blur the image.
Because all I can tell is that something wrong with your settings from the provided information.
Please find my remote server configuration attached:
(As I have already mentioned, I wanted to trigger some 5 jobs inside folder, i wanted to provide my folder name in the URL)
Yeah, much more easier...
The remote server config is not designed for specific job or folder, so you can't use the full folder url in it...
It should be http://myjenkins:8080/ only.
Then, in your job config, if you want to trigger a folder-ed job ,
set the job name like the Jenkins reminds you,
then, it goes as what you expected.
If everything is okay after you fixed the setting, please let me know.
I'm going to close this ticket.
In the folder, out of number of jobs it is triggering only the 1st job and failing with the same issue.
The plugin didn't support your batch scenario, and you should compose job steps by yourself. (with other plugins or pipelines, etc.)
Failing with the same issue? could you paste the message?
I have updated the configurations according to what you have suggested, and we face the issue as attached.
Is the blur part the "root of your remote jenkins master" !?
The blur part should be identical to the URL of your remote server config.
The length of the blur URLs in retry log is far more different from the trigger starting log.
These two parts should be identical.
How could that be ? Still, I think you should check your setting in both side.
Maybe check the "Jenkins URL" setting of remote Jenkins server is the same with you configure in the "URL of remote server jenkins" of local Jenkins server.
Both the URL's are identical only, since i have blurred it was looking like a different URL.
In the remote server failing part in log (json appending URL), the URL is coming till which i have mentioned in the jenkins A configuration only. The remaining URL which i am giving in my job is not reflecting in the URL (Folder name and job name is not appending with the URL).
dineshkumar_n, even now, I think it's still a configuration issue.
I suggest that you can check you setting along with the source code.
Except for the batch triggering part, the nested folder triggering is well-supported and I can't reproduce your case.
Can you please share your both jenkins configurations for reference, so that i will still validate accordingly.
The remote job
The remote job config, (I can't upload files in my company, so you need to copy/paste as file by yourself.)
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<command>echo ${Test}
echo ${Test2}
echo ${Test3}
sleep 10
The local jenkins, plugini config (which should be under your jenkins home, a file named org.jenkinsci.plugins.ParameterizedRemoteTrigger.RemoteBuildConfiguration.xml)
<?xml version='1.1' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<org.jenkinsci.plugins.ParameterizedRemoteTrigger.RemoteBuildConfiguration_-DescriptorImpl plugin="Parameterized-Remote-Trigger@3.0.4">
The local job config
<?xml version='1.1' encoding='UTF-8'?>
I get a very similar error with Jenkins 2.107.1, Parameterized Remote Trigger 3.0.3, and Job DSL 1.68 (we update infrequently due to frequent breakage).
However, if I manually go into the job in Jenkins UI and click save/apply before running, I don't encounter the issue. This makes me think that Job DSL is generating a job configuration that won't be interpreted correctly at execution time, but if mutated with save/apply it updates it properly.
Here's my error:
ERROR: Build step failed with exception
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.ParameterizedRemoteTrigger.RemoteBuildConfiguration.evaluateEffectiveRemoteHost(RemoteBuildConfiguration.java:385)
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.ParameterizedRemoteTrigger.RemoteBuildConfiguration.perform(RemoteBuildConfiguration.java:533)
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.ParameterizedRemoteTrigger.RemoteBuildConfiguration.perform(RemoteBuildConfiguration.java:514)
at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform(BuildStepMonitor.java:20)
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(AbstractBuild.java:744)
at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.build(Build.java:206)
at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.doRun(Build.java:163)
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.run(AbstractBuild.java:504)
at hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1727)
at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.run(FreeStyleBuild.java:43)
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:97)
at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:429)
Build step 'Trigger a remote parameterized job' marked build as failure
Here is the mutation of the parameterized remote trigger portion of the config.xml:
If I manually copy in the job DSL code afterwards, reload configuration from disk, and run without save/apply it repeats the error.
I downloaded the master Job DSL plugin source and it still has the old auth, so I imagine it also will fail.
So from my 3rd party perspective, I'm not sure where the blame goes - Jenkins core for not interpreting the old job source, Job DSL for not updating the generated syntax, or this parameterized remote trigger plugin. Regardless, if it's not resolved in a few days we're rolling back this plugin.
treybohon thx for your information.
First, I have to say that it's a huge code change from 2.2.2 to 3.0.0 which maybe not that fully considered the compatibility but brought many features and bug fixes. It's user's decision to upgrade or not, although the plugin has compatibility remind already.
Second, in this case, I doubt the correctness of original usage ( dineshkumar_n). I've never tried to put the folder URL in the remote server and surprisingly it even works in the old version. All these paradoxical usages are just because the original implementation didn't get the build number in an accurate approach, or more specifically, in a right way. Furthermore, there're many bugs resulted from the wrong build number like 404 not found, wrong status, etc.
So, once the approach is corrected, many of the paradoxical usages need to be changed and that's why you guys can't get over through this, and why the compatibility remind was shown in the upgrade page.
IMHO, you guys should setup a testing environment before direct upgrading, and try to fix your processes.
I don't think the plugin needs to be compatible with the old and wrong approach .
And welcome to file a PR even it's just configuration experiences or some documentation.
Need you guys' help to make the documentation more complete.
Some configurations were misled before v2.x.x, the URL of remote server configuration should be the root URL of remote jenkins, or the build number can't be fetched correctly.
If you have trouble when upgrading, try to fix the configuration in your test environment or you can choose to stay in the old version if no new features are required.
cashlalala, Still I have validated the configurations comparing with yours, and now the build is not failing. Now I am facing issue as below, and the build is not ending and still it tried to run the 1st build job in the folder again and again, and it is not trying to execute the 2nd and next build jobs in the folder:
Can you please try to trigger more than 1 job in a particular folder and update whether it is triggering all of them.
Parameterized Remote Trigger Configuration:
- job: <path_name>/<folder_name>/<FirstJobName>
- remoteJenkinsName: Jenkins Server
- parameters: [Version1=test22, Version2=test21]
- blockBuildUntilComplete: false
- connectionRetryLimit: 5
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
Triggering parameterized remote job 'http://<Jenkins:8080>/job/<FirstJobName>'
Using globally defined 'Credentials Authentication' as user 'username' (Credentials ID 'my credentials id')
Triggering remote job now.
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
CSRF protection is disabled on the remote server.
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
The remote job is blocked. Build #58 is already in progress (ETA:34 min).
Remote job queue number: 101142
Waiting for remote build to be executed...
Waiting for 10 seconds until next poll.
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
The remote job is blocked. Build #58 is already in progress (ETA:33 min).
Waiting for 10 seconds until next poll.
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
The remote job is blocked. Build #58 is already in progress (ETA:33 min).
Waiting for 10 seconds until next poll.
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
The remote job is blocked. Build #58 is already in progress (ETA:33 min).
Waiting for 10 seconds until next poll.
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
The remote job is blocked. Build #58 is already in progress (ETA:32 min).
Waiting for 10 seconds until next poll.
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
The remote job is blocked. Build #58 is already in progress (ETA:32 min).
Waiting for 10 seconds until next poll.
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
The remote job is blocked. Build #58 is already in progress (ETA:32 min).
Waiting for 10 seconds until next poll.
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
The remote job is blocked. Build #58 is already in progress (ETA:31 min).
Waiting for 10 seconds until next poll.
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
The issue got resolved when the parameter "Block until the remote triggered projects finish their builds" is set to false (Uncheck the check box). The build is green now. Thank you for the support provided cashlalala.
Although I'm not a supporter, still glad to hear you solved it.
Give a like on github if you don't mind, and you can also try to file some PRs about the configuration experience if you have free time.
This is a bug not around the URL being null, but around the hostLocks and hostPermits fields being null when deserializing older configurations.
I have submitted a pull request to fix here:
Job Jenkins server:
Jenkins core. v.2.121.3
Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin v.3.0.6
Remote Jenkins server:
Jenkins core. v.2.121.3
I still see this error from the job console:
[Pipeline] triggerRemoteJob
Parameterized Remote Trigger Configuration:
- job: https://jenkins-robot.corp.fortinet.com/job/FortiOS_Automated_Test_6.0/job/FOS_Distributed_Smoke_Test
- auth: 'Credentials Authentication' as user 'xxxxxx' (Credentials ID 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
- parameters: [BUILD=5098, LABEL=ECO_130206, ENV=SMOKE_PRODUCTION]
- blockBuildUntilComplete: false
- connectionRetryLimit: 5
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
Triggering parameterized remote job 'https://jenkins-robot.corp.fortinet.com/job/FortiOS_Automated_Test_6.0/job/FOS_Distributed_Smoke_Test'
Using job-level defined 'Credentials Authentication' as user 'xxxxxx' (Credentials ID 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx')
Triggering remote job now.
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
CSRF protection is disabled on the remote server.
fail to accquire lock because of timeout, skip locking...
Connection to remote server failed [404], waiting for to retry - 300 seconds until next attempt. URL: https://jenkins-robot.corp.fortinet.com/queue/item/114603/api/json/, parameters:
Retry attempt #1 out of 5
Connection to remote server failed [404], waiting for to retry - 300 seconds until next attempt. URL: https://jenkins-robot.corp.fortinet.com/queue/item/114603/api/json/, parameters:
Retry attempt #2 out of 5
Connection to remote server failed [404], waiting for to retry - 300 seconds until next attempt. URL: https://jenkins-robot.corp.fortinet.com/queue/item/114603/api/json/, parameters:
Retry attempt #3 out of 5
Connection to remote server failed [404], waiting for to retry - 300 seconds until next attempt. URL: https://jenkins-robot.corp.fortinet.com/queue/item/114603/api/json/, parameters:
Retry attempt #4 out of 5
Connection to remote server failed [404], waiting for to retry - 300 seconds until next attempt. URL: https://jenkins-robot.corp.fortinet.com/queue/item/114603/api/json/, parameters:
Retry attempt #5 out of 5
ERROR: Remote build failed with 'ExceedRetryLimitException' for the following reason: 'Max number of connection retries have been exeeded.'.
Pipeline code:
triggerRemoteJob auth: CredentialsAuth(credentials: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'),
blockBuildUntilComplete: false,
job: 'https://jenkins-robot.corp.fortinet.com/job/FortiOS_Automated_Test_6.0/job/FOS_Distributed_Smoke_Test',
parameters: """BUILD=${build}\nLABEL=ECO_${ECO_ID}\nENV=SMOKE_PRODUCTION""", pollInterval: 300
I'm sorry.
I was trying to re-open the issue,
but clicked the wrong butto to resolve the issue.
Could anyone help me to revert my action?
totoroliu - I've run into this issue recently and it seems to occur when I up the polling time from 30 seconds to 300. If I use 30, it works again.
Hi all,
before I open new one i want to try it here. Have similar problem where i following the documentation [here|https://www.jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/Parameterized-Remote-Trigger/.]
I'm getting this error/warming message and 403 error when i use "remoteJenkinsURL" instead of "remoteJenkinsName"
[Pipeline] triggerRemoteJob 11:37:15 WARNING: Unknown parameter(s) found for class type 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.ParameterizedRemoteTrigger.pipeline.RemoteBuildPipelineStep': auth2
**Here is the conf im using it
stage ("SOME PLUGIN") { steps { script { //Trigger remote job def handle = triggerRemoteJob( // remoteJenkinsName: "JenkinsB", remoteJenkinsUrl: 'https://something.com/jenkins/something', job: 'taskdir/task01', auth2: TokenAuth(userName: 'user', apiToken: 'token'), trustAllCertificates: true, overrideTrustAllCertificates: true, parameters: "project_name=TEST\nSTACK_NAME=${STACK_NAME}" ) } } }
And the error is :
Connection to remote server failed [403], waiting to retry - 10 seconds until next attempt. URL:
https://something.com/jenkins/something/job/taskdir/job/task01/api/json, parameters:
Would you check your job and global configuration setting first against the release note?
It's a huge change from v2.2.2 to v3.x.
Or, would you share the configuration image for me?