I'm seeing this too. Jenkins master is on centos7. Slave is running on a Windows Server 2016 but (among other things) I'm using the docker plugin which in turn using git shell. I do have downgraded the durable task plugin - I tried the suggestion of setting:
in /etc/sysconfig/jenkins, and it made no difference. My guess is that despite the message it is the error on the ps that is being reacted to.
The alternative workaround for me would be to stop using the docker plugin. Originally, before I worked out how to use "sh" from Jenkins on a PC (ensure git is installed to C:\git and add C:\git\usr\bin to the windows path), I did have some code that tried to build on windows via bat - basically doing it all myself. I'd prefer not to have to - problem cases to handle etc etc. If this does not get fixed I probably will.
I'm seeing this too. Jenkins master is on centos7. Slave is running on a Windows Server 2016 but (among other things) I'm using the docker plugin which in turn using git shell. I do have downgraded the durable task plugin - I tried the suggestion of setting:
in /etc/sysconfig/jenkins, and it made no difference. My guess is that despite the message it is the error on the ps that is being reacted to.
The alternative workaround for me would be to stop using the docker plugin. Originally, before I worked out how to use "sh" from Jenkins on a PC (ensure git is installed to C:\git and add C:\git\usr\bin to the windows path), I did have some code that tried to build on windows via bat - basically doing it all myself. I'd prefer not to have to - problem cases to handle etc etc. If this does not get fixed I probably will.