Resolution: Unresolved
os.arch: amd64
os.name: Linux
os.version: 3.16.0-4-amd64
Jenkins version: 2.136
Java version: 1.8.0_171
AnsiColor - 0.5.2
Ant Plugin - 1.8
Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin - 4.5.5-3.0
Authentication Tokens API Plugin - 1.3
Autofavorite for Blue Ocean - 1.2.2
Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin - 2.2.12
Bitbucket Pipeline for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
Blue Ocean Core JS - 1.7.2
Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor - 1.7.2
bouncycastle API Plugin - 2.16.3
Branch API Plugin - 2.0.20
Build Environment Plugin - 1.6
Cobertura Plugin - 1.12.1
Command Agent Launcher Plugin - 1.2
Common API for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
Conditional BuildStep - 1.3.6
Config API for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
Credentials Binding Plugin - 1.16
Credentials Plugin - 2.1.18
Dashboard for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
Design Language - 1.7.2
Discard Old Build plugin - 1.05
Display URL API - 2.2.0
Display URL for Blue Ocean - 2.2.0
Docker Commons Plugin - 1.13
Docker Pipeline - 1.17
Durable Task Plugin - 1.25
embeddable-build-status - 1.9
Events API for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
Extensible Choice Parameter plugin - 1.6.0
External Monitor Job Type Plugin - 1.7
External Workspace Manager Plugin - 1.1.2
Favorite - 2.3.2
Folders Plugin - 6.5.1
Git client plugin - 2.7.3
Git Pipeline for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
Git plugin - 3.9.1
GIT server Plugin - 1.7
GitHub API Plugin - 1.92
GitHub Authentication plugin - 0.29
GitHub Branch Source Plugin - 2.3.6
GitHub Pipeline for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
GitHub plugin - 1.29.2
GitHub Pull Request Coverage Status - 1.10.0
Handy Uri Templates 2.x API Plugin - 2.1.6-1.0
HTML Publisher plugin - 1.16
HTML5 Notifier Plugin - 1.5
i18n for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
Icon Shim Plugin - 2.0.3
Jackson 2 API Plugin -
java.io.tmpdir cleaner plugin - 1.3
Javadoc Plugin - 1.4
JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin - 1.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin - 1.1.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin - 1.2.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin - 1.1.1
JDK Tool Plugin - 1.1
JIRA Integration for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
JIRA plugin - 3.0.0
Job Restrictions Plugin - 0.7
jQuery plugin - 1.12.4-0
JSch dependency plugin -
JUnit Plugin - 1.24
JWT for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
LDAP Plugin - 1.20
Mailer Plugin - 1.21
Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin - 2.3
Matrix Project Plugin - 1.13
Maven Integration plugin - 3.1.2
Mercurial plugin - 2.4
Metrics Plugin -
New Relic Deployment Notifier Plugin - 1.3
OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin - 1.5
PAM Authentication plugin - 1.3
Parameterized Trigger plugin - 2.35.2
Personalization for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
Pipeline - 2.5
Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin - 1.7
Pipeline implementation for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
Pipeline: API - 2.29
Pipeline: Basic Steps - 2.9
Pipeline: Build Step - 2.7
Pipeline: Declarative - 1.3.1
Pipeline: Declarative Agent API - 1.1.1
Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API - 1.3.1
Pipeline: Groovy - 2.54
Pipeline: Input Step - 2.8
Pipeline: Job - 2.24
Pipeline: Milestone Step - 1.3.1
Pipeline: Model API - 1.3.1
Pipeline: Multibranch - 2.20
Pipeline: Nodes and Processes - 2.20
Pipeline: REST API Plugin - 2.10
Pipeline: SCM Step - 2.6
Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries - 2.9
Pipeline: Stage Step - 2.3
Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata - 1.3.1
Pipeline: Stage View Plugin - 2.10
Pipeline: Step API - 2.16
Pipeline: Supporting APIs - 2.20
Plain Credentials Plugin - 1.4
Pub-Sub "light" Bus - 1.12
Resource Disposer Plugin - 0.12
REST API for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
REST Implementation for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
Run Condition Plugin - 1.0
SCM API Plugin - 2.2.7
Script Security Plugin - 1.44
Server Sent Events (SSE) Gateway Plugin - 1.15
Simple Theme Plugin - 0.4
Slack Notification Plugin - 2.3
SSH Agent Plugin - 1.16
SSH Credentials Plugin - 1.14
Structs Plugin - 1.14
Token Macro Plugin - 2.5
Variant Plugin - 1.1
Web for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2
Windows Slaves Plugin - 1.3.1
Workspace Cleanup Plugin - 0.34os.arch: amd64 os.name: Linux os.version: 3.16.0-4-amd64 Jenkins version: 2.136 Java version: 1.8.0_171 AnsiColor - 0.5.2 Ant Plugin - 1.8 Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin - 4.5.5-3.0 Authentication Tokens API Plugin - 1.3 Autofavorite for Blue Ocean - 1.2.2 Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin - 2.2.12 Bitbucket Pipeline for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 Blue Ocean Core JS - 1.7.2 Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor - 1.7.2 bouncycastle API Plugin - 2.16.3 Branch API Plugin - 2.0.20 Build Environment Plugin - 1.6 Cobertura Plugin - 1.12.1 Command Agent Launcher Plugin - 1.2 Common API for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 Conditional BuildStep - 1.3.6 Config API for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 Credentials Binding Plugin - 1.16 Credentials Plugin - 2.1.18 Dashboard for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 Design Language - 1.7.2 Discard Old Build plugin - 1.05 Display URL API - 2.2.0 Display URL for Blue Ocean - 2.2.0 Docker Commons Plugin - 1.13 Docker Pipeline - 1.17 Durable Task Plugin - 1.25 embeddable-build-status - 1.9 Events API for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 Extensible Choice Parameter plugin - 1.6.0 External Monitor Job Type Plugin - 1.7 External Workspace Manager Plugin - 1.1.2 Favorite - 2.3.2 Folders Plugin - 6.5.1 Git client plugin - 2.7.3 Git Pipeline for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 Git plugin - 3.9.1 GIT server Plugin - 1.7 GitHub API Plugin - 1.92 GitHub Authentication plugin - 0.29 GitHub Branch Source Plugin - 2.3.6 GitHub Pipeline for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 GitHub plugin - 1.29.2 GitHub Pull Request Coverage Status - 1.10.0 Handy Uri Templates 2.x API Plugin - 2.1.6-1.0 HTML Publisher plugin - 1.16 HTML5 Notifier Plugin - 1.5 i18n for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 Icon Shim Plugin - 2.0.3 Jackson 2 API Plugin - java.io.tmpdir cleaner plugin - 1.3 Javadoc Plugin - 1.4 JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin - 1.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin - 1.1.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin - 1.2.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin - 1.1.1 JDK Tool Plugin - 1.1 JIRA Integration for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 JIRA plugin - 3.0.0 Job Restrictions Plugin - 0.7 jQuery plugin - 1.12.4-0 JSch dependency plugin - JUnit Plugin - 1.24 JWT for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 LDAP Plugin - 1.20 Mailer Plugin - 1.21 Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin - 2.3 Matrix Project Plugin - 1.13 Maven Integration plugin - 3.1.2 Mercurial plugin - 2.4 Metrics Plugin - New Relic Deployment Notifier Plugin - 1.3 OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin - 1.5 PAM Authentication plugin - 1.3 Parameterized Trigger plugin - 2.35.2 Personalization for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 Pipeline - 2.5 Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin - 1.7 Pipeline implementation for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 Pipeline: API - 2.29 Pipeline: Basic Steps - 2.9 Pipeline: Build Step - 2.7 Pipeline: Declarative - 1.3.1 Pipeline: Declarative Agent API - 1.1.1 Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API - 1.3.1 Pipeline: Groovy - 2.54 Pipeline: Input Step - 2.8 Pipeline: Job - 2.24 Pipeline: Milestone Step - 1.3.1 Pipeline: Model API - 1.3.1 Pipeline: Multibranch - 2.20 Pipeline: Nodes and Processes - 2.20 Pipeline: REST API Plugin - 2.10 Pipeline: SCM Step - 2.6 Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries - 2.9 Pipeline: Stage Step - 2.3 Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata - 1.3.1 Pipeline: Stage View Plugin - 2.10 Pipeline: Step API - 2.16 Pipeline: Supporting APIs - 2.20 Plain Credentials Plugin - 1.4 Pub-Sub "light" Bus - 1.12 Resource Disposer Plugin - 0.12 REST API for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 REST Implementation for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 Run Condition Plugin - 1.0 SCM API Plugin - 2.2.7 Script Security Plugin - 1.44 Server Sent Events (SSE) Gateway Plugin - 1.15 Simple Theme Plugin - 0.4 Slack Notification Plugin - 2.3 SSH Agent Plugin - 1.16 SSH Credentials Plugin - 1.14 Structs Plugin - 1.14 Token Macro Plugin - 2.5 Variant Plugin - 1.1 Web for Blue Ocean - 1.7.2 Windows Slaves Plugin - 1.3.1 Workspace Cleanup Plugin - 0.34
I'm working on a jenkinsfile which triggers several inputs, however I am having an issue where the 'proceed' button of an input is very unreliable.
When I click the 'proceed' button and open the Chrome Developer Tools I can see that a network call is made to save my decision, but after this network call finishes most of the time nothing else happens. The UI still shows me the same 'proceed' button and if I click it again I get an error like this:
Error processing Input Submit request. This Run instance does not have an Input with an id of '[My Input Id here]'.
The weird thing is that after I click the 'proceed' button the second time and get the error above, after some time is does sometimes update the UI.
I'm not really sure when it does and doesn't update anymore but it definitely does not work as expected.
Note: I recently updated Jenkins & all Jenkins plugins but this exact issue occurred both before and after the update.
[JENKINS-53037] Input approval not always updating UI
Attachment | New: image-2019-08-22-15-05-17-694.png [ 48395 ] |