Started by user ITSM Admin
Building in workspace C:\Jenkins\workspace\test
[DIMENSIONS] Running checkout on master...
[DIMENSIONS] Running build in 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\test'...
[DIMENSIONS] Checking out project "030:303_xxx_PJT"...
[DIMENSIONS] Checking out directory 'C:\Users\aaaa\buildtest'...
FATAL: Unable to run checkout callout (IOException: Exception during checkout (DimensionsRuntimeException: Dimensions command 'UPDATE /BRIEF /DIR="C:\Users\aaaa\buildtest"/WORKSET="030:303_xxx_PJT" /PERMS=WRITABLE/USER_DIR="C:\Jenkins\workspace\test" /OVERWRITE /NOMETADATA' failed (DimensionsRuntimeException: Using Current Project '030:303_xxxx_PJT'.
Using 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\test\' as the Project work area.
Warning: Path 'C:\Users\\buildtest' is invalid (it cannot be mapped to the root location 'C:\Jenkins\workspace\test\')
COR0006431E Error: Directory Path 'C:\Users\aaaa\buildtest' is invalid.
Getting Project: 0.02 sec
Finished: FAILURE