Thanks for the patch. If I understand correctly, in SVN CLI, this option is in ~/.subversion/config, which means the configuration applies globally. Given that, I'm curious why you made this setting a per-project in Hudson.
Also, I'm bit worried about increase in the # of configuration options — I don't want the Hudson GUI to have switches for every ~/.subversion/config option. So in that light, wouldn't it be better if we just let people edit the config file, then have Hudson deliver it across the cluster?
Thanks for the patch. If I understand correctly, in SVN CLI, this option is in ~/.subversion/config, which means the configuration applies globally. Given that, I'm curious why you made this setting a per-project in Hudson.
Also, I'm bit worried about increase in the # of configuration options — I don't want the Hudson GUI to have switches for every ~/.subversion/config option. So in that light, wouldn't it be better if we just let people edit the config file, then have Hudson deliver it across the cluster?