After using the p4 plugin, and after it finished its task, the p4 plugin keeps opening connection and closing it. Each such action takes 1-2 seconds. So during the rest of the build, there is a delay of 5-20 seconds between the commands.
How to reproduce:
- Go to <jenkins url>/log/ and add a new logger called "p4"
Logger = "org.jenkinsci.plugins.p4" ; Log level = "ALL"
- Create a pipeline job with this script:
node() {
stage('run') {
3.times {
sh 'date'
- Build the Job
- Now remove one of the commented lines (library with perforce or p4sync), fill the needed data. You can use the "Pipeline Syntax".
- Build the Job again
- Compare the time that the 'run' stage took:
- in step 3 it took ~350 ms
- in step 5 it took 53 seconds
and this time diff is only for 3 "sh" calls. For longer jobs it increases.
- Pay attention that this time is only for the 3 calls to "sh", and not including the p4 stage.
- Open the log you created at stage 1 (<jenkins url>/log/p4).
You can see there a loop of
P4: opened connection OK
P4: closed connection OK
Each "open" takes 1-2 seconds, and during this time the build can't proceed.