i'd be interrested too, in a "create my release" job:
- idea is to sed /SNAPSHOT/MYRELEASEVERSION/g on all the poms,
- run the clean install task.
(the release:perform does too much stuff for me, on which i'd like to keep control, like svn interraction)
currently this kindda fails for me, because it seems like the "maven reactor" is keeping in memory the initial parsing of the poms (with the -SNAPSHOT), hense when i upload my artifacts to our artifact repo (artifactory, with the artifactory plugin), the build info keeps the SNAPSHOT version...
Changing this to an improvement request, since I don't actually consider the current behavior to be a bug. It's that way by design - the POM parsing happens before everything else build-related. That may be something we could consider changing, but it's not a bug.