Resolution: Done
- Jenkins version: 2.152
- Mailer plugin version: 1.22
- JCasC plugin version: 1.3
- OS: Linux
There is no possibility to set mailer credentials "as code". Jenkins Configuration as Code handles smtpHost, smtpPort and useSsl fields, but it doesn't handle useSMTPAuth, smtpAuthUserName and smtpAuthPasswordSecret fields.
Expected result
JCasC plugin should handle useSMTPAuth, smtpAuthUserName and smtpAuthPasswordSecret fields.
Example configuration
unclassified: mailer: adminAddress: admin <admin@dummy.tld> replyToAddress: admin <admin@dummy.tld> charset: UTF-8 smtpHost: smtp.mailgun.org smtpPort: 587 useSsl: false useSMTPAuth: true smtpAuthUserName: XXXXX@XXXXX.mailgun.org smtpAuthPasswordSecret: XXXXX
- links to
[JENKINS-55109] Unable to set credentials with CasC plugin
Description |
There is no possibility to set mailer credentials "as code". Jenkins Configuration as Code handles {{smtpHost}}, {{smtpPort}} and {{useSsl}} fields, but it doesn't handle {{useSMTPAuth}}, {{smtpAuthUserName}} and {{smtpAuthPasswordSecret}} fields. h4. Expected result JCasC plugin should handle {{useSMTPAuth}}, {{smtpAuthUserName}} and {{smtpAuthPasswordSecret}} fields. h4. Example configuration {code:java}unclassified: mailer: adminAddress: admin <admin@dummy.tld> replyToAddress: admin <admin@dummy.tld> charset: UTF-8 smtpHost: smtp.mailgun.org smtpPort: 587 useSsl: false useSMTPAuth: true smtpAuthUserName: XXXXX@XXXXX.mailgun.org smtpAuthPasswordSecret: XXXXX{code} |
There is no possibility to set mailer credentials "as code". Jenkins Configuration as Code handles {{smtpHost}}, {{smtpPort}} and {{useSsl}} fields, but it doesn't handle {{useSMTPAuth}}, {{smtpAuthUserName}} and {{smtpAuthPasswordSecret}} fields. h5. Expected result JCasC plugin should handle {{useSMTPAuth}}, {{smtpAuthUserName}} and {{smtpAuthPasswordSecret}} fields. h5. Example configuration {code:java} unclassified: mailer: adminAddress: admin <admin@dummy.tld> replyToAddress: admin <admin@dummy.tld> charset: UTF-8 smtpHost: smtp.mailgun.org smtpPort: 587 useSsl: false useSMTPAuth: true smtpAuthUserName: XXXXX@XXXXX.mailgun.org smtpAuthPasswordSecret: XXXXX{code} |
Labels | New: jcasc-compatibility |
Remote Link | New: This issue links to "PR#39 (Web Link)" [ 22441 ] |
Assignee | Original: Adrien Lecharpentier [ alecharp ] | New: Francisco Fernández [ fcojfernandez ] |
Status | Original: Open [ 1 ] | New: In Progress [ 3 ] |
Status | Original: In Progress [ 3 ] | New: In Review [ 10005 ] |
Many thanks in advance for somebody involved in this improvement