New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Amazon web services(AWS) introduced a new EU region Stockholm(eu-north-1) and we you want to push the docker image into an ECR repository which was created in that particular region, the docker.withRegistry() throws following error,
ERROR: Could not find credentials matching ecr:eu-north-1:dev-aws-keys
Code snippet:
docker.withRegistry('https://1234567890.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com', 'ecr:eu-north-1:demo-ecr-credentials') { docker.image('demo').push('latest') }
Region Id: eu-north-1
PlugIn: Docker Pipeline Plugin
Does the docker pipeline plugin have support for the region eu-north-1?
Could someone tell what is wrong here?
[JENKINS-55260] withRegistry() does not supports AWS - ECR login in region eu-north-1
Description |
Amazon web services(AWS) introduced a new *EU* region *Stockholm(eu-north-1)* and we you want to push the docker image into an *ECR* repository which was created in that particular region, the *docker.withRegistry()* throws following error, {code:java} ERROR: Could not find credentials matching ecr:eu-north-1:dev-aws-keys{code} *Code snippet*: {code:java} docker.withRegistry('https://1234567890.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com', 'ecr:eu-north-1:demo-ecr-credentials') { docker.image('demo').push('latest') }{code} *Region Id*: eu-north-1 *PlugIn*: Docker Pipeline Plugin Does the *docker pipeline plugin* have support for the region eu-north-1? Could someone tell what is wrong here? |
Amazon web services(AWS) introduced a new *EU* region *Stockholm(eu-north-1)* and we you want to push the docker image into an *ECR* repository which was created in that particular region, the *docker.withRegistry()* throws following error, {code:java} ERROR: Could not find credentials matching ecr:eu-north-1:dev-aws-keys{code} *Code snippet*: {code:java} docker.withRegistry('https://1234567890.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com', 'ecr:eu-north-1:demo-ecr-credentials') { docker.image('demo').push('latest') }{code} *Region Id*: eu-north-1 *PlugIn*: Docker Pipeline Plugin Does the *docker pipeline plugin* have support for the region eu-north-1? Could someone tell what is wrong here? |
I think the problem is about java aws-sdk dependency of the amazon-ecr plugin.
This is the pom file: https://github.com/jenkinsci/amazon-ecr-plugin/blob/master/pom.xml
It should be updated with a newer version of aws-sdk which support eu-north-1 region. Anyway it's included through a wrapper library from org.jenkins-ci.plugins so probably they will first need to update that library.
Please help!!