Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins ver. 2.150.3
null - Version
Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin - 4.5.5-3.0
Authentication Tokens API Plugin - 1.3
bouncycastle API Plugin - 2.17
Branch API Plugin - 2.1.2
Build Timeout - 1.19
Command Agent Launcher Plugin - 1.3
Config File Provider Plugin - 3.5
Credentials Binding Plugin - 1.17
Credentials Plugin - 2.1.18
Display URL API - 2.3.0
Docker Commons Plugin - 1.13
Docker Pipeline - 1.17
Durable Task Plugin - 1.29
Email Extension Plugin - 2.63
Folders Plugin - 6.7
Git client plugin - 2.7.6
Git plugin - 3.9.3
GIT server Plugin - 1.7
GitHub API Plugin - 1.95
GitHub Branch Source Plugin - 2.4.2
GitHub plugin - 1.29.4
Gradle Plugin - 1.30
Infrastructure plugin for Publish Over X - 0.22
Jackson 2 API Plugin - 2.9.8
Javadoc Plugin - 1.4
JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin - 1.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin - 1.1.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin - 1.2.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin - 1.1.1
JDK Tool Plugin - 1.2
JSch dependency plugin - 0.1.55
JUnit Plugin - 1.27
Lockable Resources plugin - 2.4
Mailer Plugin - 1.23
Matrix Project Plugin - 1.13
Maven Integration plugin - 3.2
NodeJS Plugin - 1.2.7
OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin - 1.5
Pipeline - 2.6
Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin - 1.9
Pipeline: API - 2.33
Pipeline: Basic Steps - 2.14
Pipeline: Build Step - 2.7
Pipeline: Declarative -
Pipeline: Declarative Agent API - 1.1.1
Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API -
Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries - 1.0
Pipeline: Groovy - 2.63
Pipeline: Input Step - 2.9
Pipeline: Job - 2.31
Pipeline: Milestone Step - 1.3.1
Pipeline: Model API -
Pipeline: Multibranch - 2.20
Pipeline: Nodes and Processes - 2.29
Pipeline: REST API Plugin - 2.10
Pipeline: SCM Step - 2.7
Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries - 2.13
Pipeline: Stage Step - 2.3
Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata -
Pipeline: Stage View Plugin - 2.10
Pipeline: Step API - 2.19
Pipeline: Supporting APIs - 3.2
Plain Credentials Plugin - 1.5
Publish Over SSH - 1.20.1
Resource Disposer Plugin - 0.12
SCM API Plugin - 2.3.0
Script Security Plugin - 1.52
SSH Credentials Plugin - 1.14
SSH Slaves plugin - 1.29.4
Structs Plugin - 1.17
Timestamper - 1.9
Token Macro Plugin - 2.6
Trilead API Plugin - 1.0.1
Workspace Cleanup Plugin - 0.37Jenkins ver. 2.150.3 null - Version Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin - 4.5.5-3.0 Authentication Tokens API Plugin - 1.3 bouncycastle API Plugin - 2.17 Branch API Plugin - 2.1.2 Build Timeout - 1.19 Command Agent Launcher Plugin - 1.3 Config File Provider Plugin - 3.5 Credentials Binding Plugin - 1.17 Credentials Plugin - 2.1.18 Display URL API - 2.3.0 Docker Commons Plugin - 1.13 Docker Pipeline - 1.17 Durable Task Plugin - 1.29 Email Extension Plugin - 2.63 Folders Plugin - 6.7 Git client plugin - 2.7.6 Git plugin - 3.9.3 GIT server Plugin - 1.7 GitHub API Plugin - 1.95 GitHub Branch Source Plugin - 2.4.2 GitHub plugin - 1.29.4 Gradle Plugin - 1.30 Infrastructure plugin for Publish Over X - 0.22 Jackson 2 API Plugin - 2.9.8 Javadoc Plugin - 1.4 JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin - 1.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin - 1.1.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin - 1.2.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin - 1.1.1 JDK Tool Plugin - 1.2 JSch dependency plugin - 0.1.55 JUnit Plugin - 1.27 Lockable Resources plugin - 2.4 Mailer Plugin - 1.23 Matrix Project Plugin - 1.13 Maven Integration plugin - 3.2 NodeJS Plugin - 1.2.7 OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin - 1.5 Pipeline - 2.6 Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin - 1.9 Pipeline: API - 2.33 Pipeline: Basic Steps - 2.14 Pipeline: Build Step - 2.7 Pipeline: Declarative - Pipeline: Declarative Agent API - 1.1.1 Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API - Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries - 1.0 Pipeline: Groovy - 2.63 Pipeline: Input Step - 2.9 Pipeline: Job - 2.31 Pipeline: Milestone Step - 1.3.1 Pipeline: Model API - Pipeline: Multibranch - 2.20 Pipeline: Nodes and Processes - 2.29 Pipeline: REST API Plugin - 2.10 Pipeline: SCM Step - 2.7 Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries - 2.13 Pipeline: Stage Step - 2.3 Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata - Pipeline: Stage View Plugin - 2.10 Pipeline: Step API - 2.19 Pipeline: Supporting APIs - 3.2 Plain Credentials Plugin - 1.5 Publish Over SSH - 1.20.1 Resource Disposer Plugin - 0.12 SCM API Plugin - 2.3.0 Script Security Plugin - 1.52 SSH Credentials Plugin - 1.14 SSH Slaves plugin - 1.29.4 Structs Plugin - 1.17 Timestamper - 1.9 Token Macro Plugin - 2.6 Trilead API Plugin - 1.0.1 Workspace Cleanup Plugin - 0.37
hi can anyone help plz
i cant not create any new maven with git project anymore not even copy from the old one
cuz in SCM git Credentials didn't work right anymore
i dont know what's wrong by now
UPDATED even i specified the Repository URL the Credentials still showERROR
at old jenkins(plugins )version i think this is not a problem
my git is same as jenkins server on and for save download time i use localhost to get much more faster git download speed from 10 minutes down to 30 seconds
i donw know why the old unrestricted can not be use in the localhost ?
BTW chinese language is not complete
these are my credentials account infos
[JENKINS-56192] Cannot run project when using Git SCM
Description |
hi can [Jenkins ver. 2.150.3|https://jenkins.io/] i cant not create any new project anymore cuz in SCM git didn't work right anymore i dont know what's wrong by now BTW chinese language is not complete !image-2019-02-19-15-58-17-595.png! !image-2019-02-19-16-08-55-963.png! !image-2019-02-19-16-09-35-980.png! |
hi can [Jenkins ver. 2.150.3|https://jenkins.io/] i cant not create any new project anymore cuz in SCM git didn't work right anymore i dont know what's wrong by now BTW chinese language is not complete !image-2019-02-19-15-58-17-595.png! these are my credentials account infos !image-2019-02-19-16-08-55-963.png! THIS WAS OLD ONE THAT CAN STILL WORK !image-2019-02-19-16-09-35-980.png! |
Description |
hi can [Jenkins ver. 2.150.3|https://jenkins.io/] i cant not create any new project anymore cuz in SCM git didn't work right anymore i dont know what's wrong by now BTW chinese language is not complete !image-2019-02-19-15-58-17-595.png! these are my credentials account infos !image-2019-02-19-16-08-55-963.png! THIS WAS OLD ONE THAT CAN STILL WORK !image-2019-02-19-16-09-35-980.png! |
hi can anyone help plz [Jenkins ver. 2.150.3|https://jenkins.io/] i cant not create any new project anymore cuz in SCM git didn't work right anymore i dont know what's wrong by now BTW chinese language is not complete !image-2019-02-19-15-58-17-595.png! these are my credentials account infos !image-2019-02-19-16-08-55-963.png! THIS WAS OLD ONE THAT CAN STILL WORK !image-2019-02-19-16-09-35-980.png! |
Description |
hi can anyone help plz [Jenkins ver. 2.150.3|https://jenkins.io/] i cant not create any new project anymore cuz in SCM git didn't work right anymore i dont know what's wrong by now BTW chinese language is not complete !image-2019-02-19-15-58-17-595.png! these are my credentials account infos !image-2019-02-19-16-08-55-963.png! THIS WAS OLD ONE THAT CAN STILL WORK !image-2019-02-19-16-09-35-980.png! |
hi can anyone help plz [Jenkins ver. 2.150.3|https://jenkins.io/] i cant not create any new project anymore not even copy from the old one cuz in SCM git didn't work right anymore i dont know what's wrong by now BTW chinese language is not complete !image-2019-02-19-15-58-17-595.png! these are my credentials account infos !image-2019-02-19-16-08-55-963.png! THIS WAS OLD ONE THAT CAN STILL WORK !image-2019-02-19-16-09-35-980.png! |
Component/s | Original: git-plugin [ 15543 ] |
Summary | Original: CAN NOT RUN GIT PROJECT ANYMORE WHEN USING GIT | New: Cannot run project when using Git SCM |
Attachment | New: image-2019-02-20-15-05-39-723.png [ 46125 ] |
Description |
hi can anyone help plz [Jenkins ver. 2.150.3|https://jenkins.io/] i cant not create any new project anymore not even copy from the old one cuz in SCM git didn't work right anymore i dont know what's wrong by now BTW chinese language is not complete !image-2019-02-19-15-58-17-595.png! these are my credentials account infos !image-2019-02-19-16-08-55-963.png! THIS WAS OLD ONE THAT CAN STILL WORK !image-2019-02-19-16-09-35-980.png! |
hi can anyone help plz [Jenkins ver. 2.150.3|https://jenkins.io/] i cant not create any new project anymore not even copy from the old one cuz in SCM git didn't work right anymore UPDATED even fill out the Repository URL the Credentials still show ERROR i dont know what's wrong by now BTW chinese language is not complete !image-2019-02-20-15-05-39-723.png! these are my credentials account infos !image-2019-02-19-16-08-55-963.png! THIS WAS OLD ONE THAT CAN STILL WORK !image-2019-02-19-16-09-35-980.png! |
Description |
hi can anyone help plz [Jenkins ver. 2.150.3|https://jenkins.io/] i cant not create any new project anymore not even copy from the old one cuz in SCM git didn't work right anymore UPDATED even fill out the Repository URL the Credentials still show ERROR i dont know what's wrong by now BTW chinese language is not complete !image-2019-02-20-15-05-39-723.png! these are my credentials account infos !image-2019-02-19-16-08-55-963.png! THIS WAS OLD ONE THAT CAN STILL WORK !image-2019-02-19-16-09-35-980.png! |
hi can anyone help plz [Jenkins ver. 2.150.3|https://jenkins.io/] i cant not create any new maven with git project anymore not even copy from the old one cuz in SCM git Credentials didn't work right anymore i dont know what's wrong by now UPDATED even i out the Repository URL the Credentials still show ERROR BTW chinese language is not complete !image-2019-02-20-15-05-39-723.png! these are my credentials account infos !image-2019-02-19-16-08-55-963.png! THIS OLD MAVEN PROJECT WITH GIT CAN STILL WORK !image-2019-02-19-16-09-35-980.png! |
Description |
hi can anyone help plz [Jenkins ver. 2.150.3|https://jenkins.io/] i cant not create any new maven with git project anymore not even copy from the old one cuz in SCM git Credentials didn't work right anymore i dont know what's wrong by now UPDATED even i out the Repository URL the Credentials still show ERROR BTW chinese language is not complete !image-2019-02-20-15-05-39-723.png! these are my credentials account infos !image-2019-02-19-16-08-55-963.png! THIS OLD MAVEN PROJECT WITH GIT CAN STILL WORK !image-2019-02-19-16-09-35-980.png! |
hi can anyone help plz [Jenkins ver. 2.150.3|https://jenkins.io/] i cant not create any new maven with git project anymore not even copy from the old one cuz in SCM git Credentials didn't work right anymore i dont know what's wrong by now UPDATED even i specified the Repository URL the Credentials still show ERROR IN OLD JENKINS(PLUGINS )VERSION i think this is not a problem my git is same as jenkins server on and for save download time i use localhost to get much more faster git download speed from 10 minutes down to 30 seconds [i donw know why the old unrestricted can not be use in the localhost ?|http://jenkins.storlead.com/credentials/store/system/domain/_/] BTW chinese language is not complete !image-2019-02-20-15-05-39-723.png! these are my credentials account infos !image-2019-02-19-16-08-55-963.png! THIS OLD MAVEN PROJECT WITH GIT CAN STILL WORK !image-2019-02-19-16-09-35-980.png! |