Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins ver. 2.150.3
Warnings Next Generation Plugin ver. 3.0.3
5.0.0 (analysis-model and warnings-ng)
Given the following stage definition and the attached CodeSniffer output
I was expecting to have errors reported.
Instead I get warnings with severity HIGH
Changing the tool from phpCodeSniffer() to checkStyle() makes no difference
stage('CodeSniffer') { steps { sh ''' vendor/bin/phpcs \\ --ignore=*/vendor/*,*/node_modules/* \\ --extensions=php \\ --standard=phpcs.xml \\ --bootstrap=vendor/autoload.php \\ --report=checkstyle \\ --report-file=phpcs.log.xml \\ Modules/ ''' } post { always { recordIssues enabledForFailure: true, aggregatingResults: true, tools: [phpCodeSniffer(pattern: 'phpcs.log.xml', reportEncoding: 'UTF-8')] } } }