New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
git plugin - 3.9.3
git client plugin - 2.7.6
At the moment warnings-ng doesn't support the git-feature submodule.
In the log the plugin promts the following error
Git blame errors:
no blame results for request <Module/UtilityLib/Source/UtilMath.c - [534]>.
Egit returns null for the request.
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-62119 Warnings Next Generation support Git Submodules
- Resolved
Which git plugin and git client plugin versions are you using?
Can you please check if it is possible to obtain a git blame from your Jenkins workspace using the git command line? I'm not sure if this is a problem in the jgit library or if such a workspace can't provide blames at all using the git command line.