We have problem with Multibranch Pipeline + Modern SCM Helix Library + Polling.
P4Plugin always finds changes in some streams (Polling Log has line "Changes found" but has no lines "... found change: XXX") and triggers new build.
The problem appears on all streams with different delay in time.
All streams have the same Jenkinsfile and Jenkins Library.
All workspaces in Polling logs have unique syncID (Multibranch Pipeline was recreated several times and logs checked).
The problem appears after a while, and I am not able to reproduce STR.
The problem appears only if Modern SCM Helix Library configration is used in Jenkins Library.
Workaround for this bug: migrate to Legacy SCM > Perforce Software > Manual Workspace
Next actions sometimes trigger the problem:
- Manual Job start
- Jenkins restart
Deleting and re-adding of stream in "Branch Sources > Helix Streams > Include streams" with deleting of child pipeline (for build history cleanup) temporary solve the build loop but it re-appears after some time.
Update #1
I have found one of possible steps to reproduce this bug:
1. Create //playground/jenkins-main stream
2. Submit //playground/jenkins-main/library/vars/foo1.groovy
def call() {
3. Submit //playground/jenkins-main/Jenkinsfile
pipeline { agent(none) libraries { lib("foo") } options { buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: "10")) disableConcurrentBuilds() disableResume() quietPeriod(150) skipDefaultCheckout(true) } triggers { pollSCM("* * * * *") } stages { stage("Init") { agent { node { label("master") } } steps { checkout scm: perforce(credential: "perforce-ticket-jenkins", populate: flushOnly(pin: "", quiet: false), workspace: streamSpec(charset: "none", format: "test1--${NODE_NAME}", pinHost: true, streamName: "//playground/${BRANCH_NAME}")) echo("hello") foo1() sleep(80) } } } }
4. Run Jenkins container:
docker run --name=jenkins -p 8080:8080 jenkins/jenkins:2.150.3
5. Click button "Install suggested plugins"
6. Install p4 plugin (1.9.6)
7. Restart Jenkins
8. Add Perforce Credentials:
Jenkins > Credentials > Global > Add Credentials > Perforce Ticker Credential:
- ID: perforce-ticket-jenkins
- P4Port: perforce:1666
- Username: jenkins
- Ticket: <censored>
9. Add Jenkins Library:
- Name: foo
- Default version: now
- Load implicitly: False
- Allow default version to be overridden: False
- Include Library changes in job recent changes: False
- Retrieval method: Modern SCM
- Source Code Management: Helix Library
- Perforce Credentials: jenkins
- Library Depot Path: //playground/jenkins-main/library/...
10. Add Multibranch Pipeline Job:
- Name: test1
- Branch Sources: Helix Streams
- Perforce Credentials: jenkins
- Include streams: //playground/jenkins-main
- Click "Save"
Result: test1/jenkins-main job will be automatically started.
11. Checkout and submit //playground/jenkins-main/library/vars/foo1.groovy
as soon as possible while test1/jenkins-main is running.
Result: infinite build loop.
Build interval between jobs - 3 minutes.
Polling starts each minute (* * * * *).
So polling is executed three times between builds and polling results are quite interesting:
- first polling in loop: Changes found => new build is scheduled (after 2 minutes due to quietPeriod)
- seconds polling in loop: No changes
- third polling in loop: No changes
- Job starts (quietPeriod expired)
And this loop repeats after each build (without any submits to perforce).
Perforce Software Polling Log (first polling in loop)
Started on Mar 1, 2019 3:36:00 PM P4: Polling on: master with:jenkins-lib-79530816-77d0-487e-bb64-61636b49a7bf P4Task: cleanup Client: jenkins-lib-79530816-77d0-487e-bb64-61636b49a7bf ... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-79530816-77d0-487e-bb64-61636b49a7bf + ... p4 info + ... p4 info + ... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-79530816-77d0-487e-bb64-61636b49a7bf + ... p4 client -i + ... View: + P4 Task: establishing connection. ... server: perforce:1666 ... node: fd9e6ec9c042 P4 Task: cleanup client: jenkins-lib-79530816-77d0-487e-bb64-61636b49a7bf ... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-79530816-77d0-487e-bb64-61636b49a7bf + ... p4 revert /var/jenkins_home/jobs/test1/branches/jenkins-main/... + P4 Task: remove client: jenkins-lib-79530816-77d0-487e-bb64-61636b49a7bf ... p4 client -d jenkins-lib-79530816-77d0-487e-bb64-61636b49a7bf + P4: Polling on: master with:test1--master Found last change 1183310 on syncID test1--master ... p4 client -o test1--master + ... p4 info + ... p4 info + ... p4 client -o test1--master + ... No change in client detected. P4 Task: establishing connection. ... server: perforce:1666 ... node: fd9e6ec9c042 P4: Polling with range: 1183310,now ... p4 changes -m20 //test1--master/...@1183310,now + ... p4 repos -C + Done. Took 0.14 sec Changes found
Perforce Software Polling Log (second polling in loop)
Started on Mar 1, 2019 3:37:00 PM P4: Polling on: master with:jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 Found last change 1183310 on syncID jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 ... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 + ... p4 info + ... p4 info + ... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 + ... p4 client -i + ... View: + P4 Task: establishing connection. ... server: perforce:1666 ... node: fd9e6ec9c042 P4: Polling with range: 1183310,1183310 ... p4 changes -m20 //jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6/...@1183310,1183___ + ... p4 repos -C + P4Task: cleanup Client: jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 ... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 + ... p4 info + ... p4 info + ... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 + ... p4 client -i + ... View: + P4 Task: establishing connection. ... server: perforce:1666 ... node: fd9e6ec9c042 P4 Task: cleanup client: jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 ... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 + ... p4 revert /var/jenkins_home/jobs/test1/branches/jenkins-main/... + P4 Task: remove client: jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 ... p4 client -d jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 + P4: Polling on: master with:test1--master Found last change 1183310 on syncID test1--master ... p4 client -o test1--master + ... p4 info + ... p4 info + ... p4 client -o test1--master + ... No change in client detected. P4 Task: establishing connection. ... server: perforce:1666 ... node: fd9e6ec9c042 P4: Polling with range: 1183310,now ... p4 changes -m20 //test1--master/...@1183310,now + ... p4 repos -C + Done. Took 0.19 sec No changes
Perforce Software Polling Log (third polling in loop)
Started on Mar 1, 2019 3:38:00 PM P4: Polling on: master with:jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 Found last change 1183310 on syncID jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 ... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 + ... p4 info + ... p4 info + ... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 + ... p4 client -i + ... View: + P4 Task: establishing connection. ... server: perforce:1666 ... node: fd9e6ec9c042 P4: Polling with range: 1183310,1183310 ... p4 changes -m20 //jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6/...@1183310,1183___ + ... p4 repos -C + P4Task: cleanup Client: jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 ... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 + ... p4 info + ... p4 info + ... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 + ... p4 client -i + ... View: + P4 Task: establishing connection. ... server: perforce:1666 ... node: fd9e6ec9c042 P4 Task: cleanup client: jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 ... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 + ... p4 revert /var/jenkins_home/jobs/test1/branches/jenkins-main/... + P4 Task: remove client: jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 ... p4 client -d jenkins-lib-cbe76982-a3c4-4e1f-abd3-6520b61e87e6 + P4: Polling on: master with:test1--master Found last change 1183310 on syncID test1--master ... p4 client -o test1--master + ... p4 info + ... p4 info + ... p4 client -o test1--master + ... No change in client detected. P4 Task: establishing connection. ... server: perforce:1666 ... node: fd9e6ec9c042 P4: Polling with range: 1183310,now ... p4 changes -m20 //test1--master/...@1183310,now + ... p4 repos -C + Done. Took 0.2 sec No changes
Also I have spent some hours in IDE and found an interesting case:
If the problem occurs,
on each poll iteration the method TagAction.getLastChange(Run<?, ?> run, TaskListener listener, String syncID) is always executed with the same syncID value
but lastActions(run) returns the action[0] with the different syncID value on each poll iteration.
Result: TagAction.getLastChange returns empty list because the following expression is always false:
for (TagAction action : actions) { if (syncID.equals(action.getSyncID())) { ...
Result: PerforceSCM.lookForChanges returns null because lastRefs is empty and a build triggers again:
List<P4Ref> lastRefs = TagAction.getLastChange(lastRun, listener, syncID); if (lastRefs == null || lastRefs.isEmpty()) { // no previous build, return null. return null; }
Please fix the bug.
Thank you
- is related to
JENKINS-56295 multibranch jobs triggering repeatedly
- Closed
[JENKINS-56286] Multibranch Pipeline + P4Plugin + Helix Library + Polling = Infinite Build Loop
Labels | New: P4_SUPPORT |
Assignee | New: Karl Wirth [ p4karl ] |
Summary | Original: Multibranch Pipeline + P4Plugin + Polling = Infinite Build Loop | New: Multibranch Pipeline + P4Plugin + Helix Library + Polling = Infinite Build Loop |
Description |
Hello We have problem with Multibranch Pipeline + P4Plugin + Polling. P4Plugin always finds changes in some streams (Polling Log has line "Changes found" but has no lines "... found change: XXX") and triggers new build. Some streams are affected, some are not. All streams have the same Jenkinsfile and Jenkins Library. All workspaces in Polling logs have unique syncID. Multibranch Pipeline was recreated several times. I am not able to reproduce STR and create minimal Jenkinsfile. The problem appears after after a while, and I don't see the cause of it. Next actions don't solve the problem: * Jenkins restart * Job cancellation * Manual Job start Deleting and re-adding of stream in "Branch Sources > Helix Streams > Include streams" with deleting of child pipeline (for build history cleanup) temporary solve the build loop. Multibranch Pipeline Configuration: * Branch Sources > Helix Streams * Perforce Credentials: jenkins * Script Path: Tools/Jenkins/jobs/build/Jenkinsfile * Include streams: {code:java} //k02/main //k02/dev-prototype //k02/dev-prototype-99 {code} *scm-polling.log* {code:java} Started on Feb 26, 2019 10:29:00 AM P4: Polling on: master with:jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579 P4Task: cleanup Client: jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579 p4 client -o jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579(p4):stop:4 (p4):cmd:... p4 info p4 info(p4):stop:5 (p4):cmd:... p4 info p4 info(p4):stop:6 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579 p4 client -o jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579(p4):stop:7 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -i p4 client -iClient jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579 saved.(p4):stop:8 (p4):cmd:... View: //k02/dev-prototype/Tools/Jenkins/library/... //jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579/... (p4):stop:P4 Task: establishing connection. ... server: perforce:1666 ... node: k02-jenkins P4 Task: cleanup client: jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579 p4 client -o jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579(p4):stop:9 (p4):cmd:... p4 revert /var/jenkins_home/jobs/build/branches/dev-prototype/... p4 revert /var/jenkins_home/jobs/build/branches/dev-prototype/.../var/jenkins_home/jobs/build/branches/dev-prototype/... - file(s) not opened on this client.(p4):stop:10 P4 Task: remove client: jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -d jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579 p4 client -d jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579Client jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579 deleted.(p4):stop:11 P4: Polling on: master with:k02-dev-prototype--poll--master Found last change 1181055 on syncID k02-dev-prototype--poll--master (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o k02-dev-prototype--poll--master p4 client -o k02-dev-prototype--poll--master(p4):stop:4 (p4):cmd:... p4 info p4 info(p4):stop:5 (p4):cmd:... p4 info p4 info(p4):stop:6 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o k02-dev-prototype--poll--master p4 client -o k02-dev-prototype--poll--master(p4):stop:7 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -i p4 client -iClient k02-dev-prototype--poll--master not changed.(p4):stop:8 (p4):cmd:... View: null null (p4):stop:P4 Task: establishing connection. ... server: perforce:1666 ... node: k02-jenkins P4: Polling with range: 1181055,now (p4):cmd:... p4 changes -m20 //k02-dev-prototype--poll--master/...@1181055,now p4 changes -m20 //k02-dev-prototype--poll--master/...@1181055,nowChange 1181055 on 2019/02/25 by yuriyp@k02-dev-prototype-art--kiepc2056 '!U concept ' (p4):stop:9 (p4):cmd:... p4 repos -C p4 repos -C(p4):stop:10 P4: Polling on: master with:k02-dev-prototype--build-win64-sync--k02-bld-win-01 Found last change 1181055 on syncID k02-dev-prototype--build-win64-sync--k02-bld-win-01 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o k02-dev-prototype--build-win64-sync--k02-bld-win-01 p4 client -o k02-dev-prototype--build-win64-sync--k02-bld-win-01(p4):stop:4 (p4):cmd:... p4 info p4 info(p4):stop:5 (p4):cmd:... p4 info p4 info(p4):stop:6 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o k02-dev-prototype--build-win64-sync--k02-bld-win-01 p4 client -o k02-dev-prototype--build-win64-sync--k02-bld-win-01(p4):stop:7 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -i p4 client -iClient k02-dev-prototype--build-win64-sync--k02-bld-win-01 not changed.(p4):stop:8 (p4):cmd:... View: null null (p4):stop:P4 Task: establishing connection. ... server: perforce:1666 ... node: k02-jenkins P4: Polling with range: 1181055,1181055 (p4):cmd:... p4 changes -m20 //k02-dev-prototype--build-win64-sync--k02-bld-win-01/...@1181055,1___ p4 changes -m20 //k02-dev-prototype--build-win64-sync--k02-bld-win-01/...@1181055,1181055Change 1181055 on 2019/02/25 by yuriyp@k02-dev-prototype-art--kiepc2056 '!U concept ' (p4):stop:9 (p4):cmd:... p4 repos -C p4 repos -CClient 'k02-dev-prototype--build-win64-sync--k02-bld-win-01' can only be used from host 'k02-bld-win-01'.(p4):stop:10 P4: Polling on: master with:k02-dev-prototype--build-linux-sync--k02-bld-win-02 Found last change 1181055 on syncID k02-dev-prototype--build-linux-sync--k02-bld-win-02 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o k02-dev-prototype--build-linux-sync--k02-bld-win-02 p4 client -o k02-dev-prototype--build-linux-sync--k02-bld-win-02(p4):stop:4 (p4):cmd:... p4 info p4 info(p4):stop:5 (p4):cmd:... p4 info p4 info(p4):stop:6 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o k02-dev-prototype--build-linux-sync--k02-bld-win-02 p4 client -o k02-dev-prototype--build-linux-sync--k02-bld-win-02(p4):stop:7 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -i p4 client -iClient k02-dev-prototype--build-linux-sync--k02-bld-win-02 not changed.(p4):stop:8 (p4):cmd:... View: null null (p4):stop:P4 Task: establishing connection. ... server: perforce:1666 ... node: k02-jenkins P4: Polling with range: 1181055,1181055 (p4):cmd:... p4 changes -m20 //k02-dev-prototype--build-linux-sync--k02-bld-win-02/...@1181055,1___ p4 changes -m20 //k02-dev-prototype--build-linux-sync--k02-bld-win-02/...@1181055,1181055Change 1181055 on 2019/02/25 by yuriyp@k02-dev-prototype-art--kiepc2056 '!U concept ' (p4):stop:9 (p4):cmd:... p4 repos -C p4 repos -CClient 'k02-dev-prototype--build-linux-sync--k02-bld-win-02' can only be used from host 'k02-bld-win-02'.(p4):stop:10 Done. Took 0.22 sec Changes found {code} config.xml is attached. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you |
Hello We have problem with Multibranch Pipeline + Modern SCM Helix Library + Polling. P4Plugin always finds changes in some streams (Polling Log has line "Changes found" but has no lines "... found change: XXX") and triggers new build. The problem appears on all streams with different delay in time. All streams have the same Jenkinsfile and Jenkins Library. All workspaces in Polling logs have unique syncID (Multibranch Pipeline was recreated several times and logs checked). The problem appears after a while, and I am not able to reproduce STR. *The problem appears only if Modern SCM Helix Library configration is used in Jenkins Library!* *Workaround to this bug: migrate to Legacy SCM > Perforce Software > Manual Workspace* Next actions sometimes trigger the problem: * Manual Job start * Jenkins restart Deleting and re-adding of stream in "Branch Sources > Helix Streams > Include streams" with deleting of child pipeline (for build history cleanup) temporary solve the build loop. *Library Configuration:* * Name: <some name> * Default version: now * Load implicitly: False * Allow default version to be overridden: False * Include Library changes in job recent changes: False * Retrieval method: Modern SCM * Source Code Management: Helix Library * Perforce Credentials: jenkins * Library Depot Path: //playground/jenkins-main/library/... *Multibranch Pipeline Configuration:* * Branch Sources > Helix Streams * Perforce Credentials: jenkins * Script Path: Jenkinsfile * Add property: (Deprecated) Suppress automatic SCM triggering * Disable: Discard old items * Include streams: {code:java} //playground/jenkins-main {code} *//playground/jenkins-main/library/vars/foo1.groovy* {code:java} def call() { echo("foo1") } {code} *//playground/jenkins-main/Jenkinsfile* {code:java} pipeline { agent { node { label("master") } } libraries { lib("foo") } options { disableConcurrentBuilds() skipDefaultCheckout(true) } triggers { pollSCM("* * * * *") } stages { stage("Init") { steps { checkout scm: perforce(credential: 'perforce-ticket-jenkins', populate: flushOnly(pin: '', quiet: false), workspace: streamSpec(charset: 'none', format: 'bar--kiepc2006', pinHost: true, streamName: '//playground/jenkins-main')) echo("hello") foo1() } } } } {code} *scm-polling.log* {code:java} P4: Polling on: master with:jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579 ... Changes found {code} Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you |
Attachment | Original: multibranch-state.xml [ 46180 ] |
Attachment | Original: multibranch-config.xml [ 46181 ] |
Attachment | Original: config.xml [ 46183 ] |
Attachment | Original: scm-polling.log [ 46182 ] |
Attachment | New: image-2019-03-01-13-01-53-711.png [ 46224 ] | |
Attachment | New: 01.png [ 46225 ] | |
Description |
Hello We have problem with Multibranch Pipeline + Modern SCM Helix Library + Polling. P4Plugin always finds changes in some streams (Polling Log has line "Changes found" but has no lines "... found change: XXX") and triggers new build. The problem appears on all streams with different delay in time. All streams have the same Jenkinsfile and Jenkins Library. All workspaces in Polling logs have unique syncID (Multibranch Pipeline was recreated several times and logs checked). The problem appears after a while, and I am not able to reproduce STR. *The problem appears only if Modern SCM Helix Library configration is used in Jenkins Library!* *Workaround to this bug: migrate to Legacy SCM > Perforce Software > Manual Workspace* Next actions sometimes trigger the problem: * Manual Job start * Jenkins restart Deleting and re-adding of stream in "Branch Sources > Helix Streams > Include streams" with deleting of child pipeline (for build history cleanup) temporary solve the build loop. *Library Configuration:* * Name: <some name> * Default version: now * Load implicitly: False * Allow default version to be overridden: False * Include Library changes in job recent changes: False * Retrieval method: Modern SCM * Source Code Management: Helix Library * Perforce Credentials: jenkins * Library Depot Path: //playground/jenkins-main/library/... *Multibranch Pipeline Configuration:* * Branch Sources > Helix Streams * Perforce Credentials: jenkins * Script Path: Jenkinsfile * Add property: (Deprecated) Suppress automatic SCM triggering * Disable: Discard old items * Include streams: {code:java} //playground/jenkins-main {code} *//playground/jenkins-main/library/vars/foo1.groovy* {code:java} def call() { echo("foo1") } {code} *//playground/jenkins-main/Jenkinsfile* {code:java} pipeline { agent { node { label("master") } } libraries { lib("foo") } options { disableConcurrentBuilds() skipDefaultCheckout(true) } triggers { pollSCM("* * * * *") } stages { stage("Init") { steps { checkout scm: perforce(credential: 'perforce-ticket-jenkins', populate: flushOnly(pin: '', quiet: false), workspace: streamSpec(charset: 'none', format: 'bar--kiepc2006', pinHost: true, streamName: '//playground/jenkins-main')) echo("hello") foo1() } } } } {code} *scm-polling.log* {code:java} P4: Polling on: master with:jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579 ... Changes found {code} Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you |
Hello We have problem with Multibranch Pipeline + Modern SCM Helix Library + Polling. P4Plugin always finds changes in some streams (Polling Log has line "Changes found" but has no lines "... found change: XXX") and triggers new build. The problem appears on all streams with different delay in time. All streams have the same Jenkinsfile and Jenkins Library. All workspaces in Polling logs have unique syncID (Multibranch Pipeline was recreated several times and logs checked). The problem appears after a while, and I am not able to reproduce STR. *The problem appears only if Modern SCM Helix Library configration is used in Jenkins Library!* *Workaround for this bug: migrate to Legacy SCM > Perforce Software > Manual Workspace* Next actions sometimes trigger the problem: * Manual Job start * Jenkins restart Deleting and re-adding of stream in "Branch Sources > Helix Streams > Include streams" with deleting of child pipeline (for build history cleanup) temporary solve the build loop. *Library Configuration:* * Name: <some name> * Default version: now * Load implicitly: False * Allow default version to be overridden: False * Include Library changes in job recent changes: False * Retrieval method: Modern SCM * Source Code Management: Helix Library * Perforce Credentials: jenkins * Library Depot Path: //playground/jenkins-main/library/... *Multibranch Pipeline Configuration:* * Branch Sources > Helix Streams * Perforce Credentials: jenkins * Script Path: Jenkinsfile * Add property: (Deprecated) Suppress automatic SCM triggering * Disable: Discard old items * Include streams: {code:java} //playground/jenkins-main {code} *//playground/jenkins-main/library/vars/foo1.groovy* {code:java} def call() { echo("foo1") } {code} *//playground/jenkins-main/Jenkinsfile* {code:java} pipeline { agent { node { label("master") } } libraries { lib("foo") } options { disableConcurrentBuilds() skipDefaultCheckout(true) } triggers { pollSCM("* * * * *") } stages { stage("Init") { steps { checkout scm: perforce(credential: 'perforce-ticket-jenkins', populate: flushOnly(pin: '', quiet: false), workspace: streamSpec(charset: 'none', format: 'bar--kiepc2006', pinHost: true, streamName: '//playground/jenkins-main')) echo("hello") foo1() } } } } {code} *scm-polling.log* {code:java} P4: Polling on: master with:jenkins-lib-df5e5c28-4afd-4be8-802a-ff6832e38579 ... Changes found {code} I have spent some hours in IDE and found an interesting case: !image-2019-03-01-13-01-53-711.png|width=955,height=522! If the problem occurs, on each poll iteration the method {{TagAction.getLastChange(Run<?, ?> run, TaskListener listener, String syncID)}} *is always executed with the same syncID value* but lastActions(run) returns the action[0] *with the different syncID value on each poll iteration*. Result: {{TagAction.getLastChange}} returns empty list because the following expression is always false: {code:java} for (TagAction action : actions) { if (syncID.equals(action.getSyncID())) { ...{code} {{Result: PerforceSCM.}}lookForChanges returns null because lastRefs is empty and a build triggers again. {code:java} List<P4Ref> lastRefs = TagAction.getLastChange(lastRun, listener, syncID); if (lastRefs == null || lastRefs.isEmpty()) { // no previous build, return null. return null; } {code} Please fix the bug. Thank you |
Attachment | Original: image-2019-03-01-13-01-53-711.png [ 46224 ] |