We cannot start blue ocean beacause it is hanging during the loading process. I've updated the Jenkins Core and all Pluging and try reinstalling BlueOcean completly, but the error occurs futher.
I cannot find any error in jenkins.log but found some strange messages in the browser console.
Module load failure: Timed out waiting on module 'mobx:mobx' to load. blueocean.js:2903:21
https:Module load failure: Timed out waiting on module 'jenkins-cd-js-extensions:jenkins-cd-js-extensions' to load. blueocean.js:2903:21
https:Module load failure: Timed out waiting on module 'jenkins-cd-blueocean-core-js:jenkins-cd-blueocean-core-js' to load. blueocean.js:2903:21