• Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • workflow-job-plugin
    • None
    • Jenkins: 2.164.1
      Pipeline plugins:
      * Build Step: 2.8
      * Job: 2.32

      We have a pipeline which in Test stage executes a lot of new jobs by using build step (we cannot move the jobs logic into this pipeline due to JENKINS-52391 - we don't want to rebuild 120 jobs because 1 has randomly failed):

      stage('Test') {
          steps {
              script {
                  def parallelTests = [:]
                  def recipes = env.TESTED_RECIPES.split(',')
                  def testSplit = env.TEST_SPLIT != null ? env.TEST_SPLIT.toInteger() : 1
                  def testWebSplit = env.WEBTEST_SPLIT != null ? env.WEBTEST_SPLIT.toInteger() : 1
                  for (def recipe in recipes) {
                      for (def index = 1; index <= testSplit; ++index) {
                          parallelTests["Test JUnit $recipe $index/$testSplit"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-junit', [
                              string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                              string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                              string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_IDX', value: "${index}"),
                              string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_MAX', value: "${testSplit}"),
                              string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                      for (def index = 1; index <= testWebSplit; ++index) {
                          parallelTests["Test Web JUnit $recipe $index/$testWebSplit"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-junit', [
                              string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                              string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                              booleanParam(name: 'WEB_TESTS', value: true),
                              string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_IDX', value: "${index}"),
                              string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_MAX', value: "${testWebSplit}"),
                              string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                          ], false)
                      parallelTests["Test Initialization $recipe"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-initialization', [
                          string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                          string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                          string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                      parallelTests["Test Server $recipe"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-server', [
                          string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                          string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                          string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                  parallel parallelTests
      def createTestExecutionStage(name, parameters, propagate = true) {
          return {
              build(job: name, parameters: parameters, propagate: propagate)

      Unfortunately, very rarely we see the following entries in logs:

      Apr 04, 2019 4:30:04 AM WARNING hudson.model.ParametersAction filter
      Skipped parameter `PIPELINE_ID` as it is undefined on `generic-test-server`. Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer show this message.
      Apr 04, 2019 4:30:04 AM WARNING hudson.model.ParametersAction filter
      Skipped parameter `RECIPE` as it is undefined on `generic-test-server`. Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer show this message.
      Apr 04, 2019 4:30:04 AM WARNING hudson.model.ParametersAction filter
      Skipped parameter `PRIORITY` as it is undefined on `generic-test-server`. Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer show this message.

      It of course breaks the build because parameters are missing. This is how generic-test-junit looks after I clicked Build with Parameters:

      In most cases it looks correct:

      But sometimes it is broken:

      The generic-junit-test job is generated by Job DSL plugin:

      pipelineJob('generic-test-junit') {
          displayName('Generic JUnit Test')
          description('''Multi-line description
      is here''')
          logRotator {
          parameters {
              stringParam('PIPELINE_ID', '', 'Identifier of the pipeline which will be built.')
              stringParam('RECIPE', '', 'Recipe which will be tested.')
              booleanParam('WEB_TESTS', false, 'Defines whether web tests should be executed instead of the non-web tests.')
              stringParam('TEST_SPLIT_IDX', '', 'Index of the test package to be performed.')
              stringParam('TEST_SPLIT_MAX', '', 'Number of the test packages.')
              booleanParam('DEBUG', false, 'Defines whether test target should be executed in debug mode.')
              stringParam('PRIORITY', '', 'Pipeline priority (number from 1 to 5, where 1 is the highest).')
          definition {
              cps {

      This is the definition of generic-junit-test job (jobs/genericTestJunit.jenkinsfile):

      pipeline {
          agent {
              label 'swarm'
          options {
          stages {
              stage('Test') {
                  steps {
                      sh """#!/bin/bash
                          rsync -az jkmaster:build-scripts .
                          rsync -az jkmaster:resources/${params.PIPELINE_ID}/pipeline.properties .
                      script {
                          def environmentVariables = ""
                          readProperties(file: 'pipeline.properties')
                              .findAll { !params.containsKey(it.key) }
                              .each { k, v -> environmentVariables = "${environmentVariables}env.${k}='${v}'\n" }
                          writeFile file: 'env.groovy', text: environmentVariables
                      load 'env.groovy'
                      script {
                          currentBuild.displayName = "#${env.BUILD_NUMBER}-${env.PRODUCT_NAME}-${params.PIPELINE_ID}-${params.RECIPE}-${params.WEB_TESTS ? 'WEB-' : ''}${params.TEST_SPLIT_IDX}-${params.TEST_SPLIT_MAX}"
                      timestamps {
                          lock(resource: null, label: 'rsync', quantity: 1) {
                              sh './build-scripts/synchronize-with-jkmaster.sh'
                      wrap([$class: 'LogfilesizecheckerWrapper', failBuild: true, maxLogSize: 0, setOwn: false]) {
                          wrap([$class: 'Xvfb', displayNameOffset: 2]) {
                              timestamps {
                                  timeout(time: 6, unit: 'HOURS') {
                                      timeout(time: 15, activity: true) {
                                          sh "./build-scripts/jobs/test-junit.sh ${params.WEB_TESTS ? 'web' : ''}"
                      junit 'junit/**/*.xml'
                      archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'junit/**/*.xml'
          post {
              always {

      (I know the code is not very pretty (rsync etc.) - we are migrating very old Jenkins to newer technologies ).

      At this moment we are forced to use this flag -Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true.

          [JENKINS-56875] Missing parameters due to SECURITY-170

          Adam Gabryś created issue -
          Adam Gabryś made changes -
          Description Original: We have a pipeline which in {{Test}} stage executes a lot of new jobs by using {{build}} step (we cannot move the jobs logic into this pipeline due to JENKINS-52391 - we don't want to rebuild 120 jobs because 1 has randomly failed):
          stage('Test') {
              steps {
                  script {
                      def parallelTests = [:]
                      def recipes = env.TESTED_RECIPES.split(',')
                      def testSplit = env.TEST_SPLIT != null ? env.TEST_SPLIT.toInteger() : 1
                      def testWebSplit = env.WEBTEST_SPLIT != null ? env.WEBTEST_SPLIT.toInteger() : 1
                      for (def recipe in recipes) {
                          for (def index = 1; index <= testSplit; ++index) {
                              parallelTests["Test JUnit $recipe $index/$testSplit"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-junit', [
                                  string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                                  string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_IDX', value: "${index}"),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_MAX', value: "${testSplit}"),
                                  string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                          for (def index = 1; index <= testWebSplit; ++index) {
                              parallelTests["Test Web JUnit $recipe $index/$testWebSplit"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-junit', [
                                  string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                                  string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                                  booleanParam(name: 'WEB_TESTS', value: true),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_IDX', value: "${index}"),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_MAX', value: "${testWebSplit}"),
                                  string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                              ], false)
                          parallelTests["Test Initialization $recipe"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-initialization', [
                              string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                              string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                              string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                          parallelTests["Test Server $recipe"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-server', [
                              string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                              string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                              string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                      parallel parallelTests
          {code}def createTestExecutionStage(name, parameters, propagate = true) {
              return {
                  build(job: name, parameters: parameters, propagate: propagate)

          Unfortunately, very rarely we see the following entries in logs:
          Apr 04, 2019 4:30:04 AM WARNING hudson.model.ParametersAction filter
          Skipped parameter `PIPELINE_ID` as it is undefined on `generic-test-server`. Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer show this message.
          Apr 04, 2019 4:30:04 AM WARNING hudson.model.ParametersAction filter
          Skipped parameter `RECIPE` as it is undefined on `generic-test-server`. Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer show this message.
          Apr 04, 2019 4:30:04 AM WARNING hudson.model.ParametersAction filter
          Skipped parameter `PRIORITY` as it is undefined on `generic-test-server`. Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer show this message.{noformat}
          It of course breaks the build, because parameters are missing. This is how {{generic-test-junit}} looks after I clicked {{Build with Parameters}}:

          In most cases it looks correct:

          But sometimes it is broken:

          The {{generic-junit-test}} job is generated by [Job DSL|https://jenkinsci.github.io/job-dsl-plugin/] plugin:
          pipelineJob('generic-test-junit') {
              displayName('Generic JUnit Test')
              description('''Multi-line description
          is here''')

              logRotator {

              parameters {
                  stringParam('PIPELINE_ID', '', 'Identifier of the pipeline which will be built.')
                  stringParam('RECIPE', '', 'Recipe which will be tested.')
                  booleanParam('WEB_TESTS', false, 'Defines whether web tests should be executed instead of the non-web tests.')
                  stringParam('TEST_SPLIT_IDX', '', 'Index of the test package to be performed.')
                  stringParam('TEST_SPLIT_MAX', '', 'Number of the test packages.')
                  booleanParam('DEBUG', false, 'Defines whether test target should be executed in debug mode.')
                  stringParam('PRIORITY', '', 'Pipeline priority (number from 1 to 5, where 1 is the highest).')

              definition {
                  cps {

          This is the definition of {{generic-junit-test}} job ({{genericTestJunit.jenkinsfile}}:
          {code}pipeline {
              agent {
                  label 'swarm'
              options {
              stages {
                  stage('Test') {
                      steps {
                          sh """#!/bin/bash
                              rsync -az jkmaster:build-scripts .
                              rsync -az jkmaster:resources/${params.PIPELINE_ID}/pipeline.properties .
                          script {
                              def environmentVariables = ""
                              readProperties(file: 'pipeline.properties')
                                  .findAll { !params.containsKey(it.key) }
                                  .each { k, v -> environmentVariables = "${environmentVariables}env.${k}='${v}'\n" }
                              writeFile file: 'env.groovy', text: environmentVariables
                          load 'env.groovy'
                          script {
                              currentBuild.displayName = "#${env.BUILD_NUMBER}-${env.PRODUCT_NAME}-${params.PIPELINE_ID}-${params.RECIPE}-${params.WEB_TESTS ? 'WEB-' : ''}${params.TEST_SPLIT_IDX}-${params.TEST_SPLIT_MAX}"

                          timestamps {
                              lock(resource: null, label: 'rsync', quantity: 1) {
                                  sh './build-scripts/synchronize-with-jkmaster.sh'
                          wrap([$class: 'LogfilesizecheckerWrapper', failBuild: true, maxLogSize: 0, setOwn: false]) {
                              wrap([$class: 'Xvfb', displayNameOffset: 2]) {
                                  timestamps {
                                      timeout(time: 6, unit: 'HOURS') {
                                          timeout(time: 15, activity: true) {
                                              sh "./build-scripts/jobs/test-junit.sh ${params.WEB_TESTS ? 'web' : ''}"
                          junit 'junit/**/*.xml'
                          archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'junit/**/*.xml'
              post {
                  always {
          (I know the code is not very pretty ({{rsync}} etc - we are migrating very old Jenkins to newer technologies).

          At this moment we are forced to use this flag {{-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=true}}.
          New: We have a pipeline which in {{Test}} stage executes a lot of new jobs by using {{build}} step (we cannot move the jobs logic into this pipeline due to JENKINS-52391 - we don't want to rebuild 120 jobs because 1 has randomly failed):
          stage('Test') {
              steps {
                  script {
                      def parallelTests = [:]
                      def recipes = env.TESTED_RECIPES.split(',')
                      def testSplit = env.TEST_SPLIT != null ? env.TEST_SPLIT.toInteger() : 1
                      def testWebSplit = env.WEBTEST_SPLIT != null ? env.WEBTEST_SPLIT.toInteger() : 1
                      for (def recipe in recipes) {
                          for (def index = 1; index <= testSplit; ++index) {
                              parallelTests["Test JUnit $recipe $index/$testSplit"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-junit', [
                                  string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                                  string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_IDX', value: "${index}"),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_MAX', value: "${testSplit}"),
                                  string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                          for (def index = 1; index <= testWebSplit; ++index) {
                              parallelTests["Test Web JUnit $recipe $index/$testWebSplit"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-junit', [
                                  string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                                  string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                                  booleanParam(name: 'WEB_TESTS', value: true),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_IDX', value: "${index}"),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_MAX', value: "${testWebSplit}"),
                                  string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                              ], false)
                          parallelTests["Test Initialization $recipe"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-initialization', [
                              string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                              string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                              string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                          parallelTests["Test Server $recipe"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-server', [
                              string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                              string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                              string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                      parallel parallelTests
          {code}def createTestExecutionStage(name, parameters, propagate = true) {
              return {
                  build(job: name, parameters: parameters, propagate: propagate)

          Unfortunately, very rarely we see the following entries in logs:
          Apr 04, 2019 4:30:04 AM WARNING hudson.model.ParametersAction filter
          Skipped parameter `PIPELINE_ID` as it is undefined on `generic-test-server`. Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer show this message.
          Apr 04, 2019 4:30:04 AM WARNING hudson.model.ParametersAction filter
          Skipped parameter `RECIPE` as it is undefined on `generic-test-server`. Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer show this message.
          Apr 04, 2019 4:30:04 AM WARNING hudson.model.ParametersAction filter
          Skipped parameter `PRIORITY` as it is undefined on `generic-test-server`. Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer show this message.{noformat}
          It of course breaks the build because parameters are missing. This is how {{generic-test-junit}} looks after I clicked {{Build with Parameters}}:

          In most cases it looks correct:

          But sometimes it is broken:

          The {{generic-junit-test}} job is generated by [Job DSL|https://jenkinsci.github.io/job-dsl-plugin/] plugin:
          pipelineJob('generic-test-junit') {
              displayName('Generic JUnit Test')
              description('''Multi-line description
          is here''')

              logRotator {

              parameters {
                  stringParam('PIPELINE_ID', '', 'Identifier of the pipeline which will be built.')
                  stringParam('RECIPE', '', 'Recipe which will be tested.')
                  booleanParam('WEB_TESTS', false, 'Defines whether web tests should be executed instead of the non-web tests.')
                  stringParam('TEST_SPLIT_IDX', '', 'Index of the test package to be performed.')
                  stringParam('TEST_SPLIT_MAX', '', 'Number of the test packages.')
                  booleanParam('DEBUG', false, 'Defines whether test target should be executed in debug mode.')
                  stringParam('PRIORITY', '', 'Pipeline priority (number from 1 to 5, where 1 is the highest).')

              definition {
                  cps {

          This is the definition of {{generic-junit-test}} job ({{jobs/genericTestJunit.jenkinsfile}}):
          {code}pipeline {
              agent {
                  label 'swarm'
              options {
              stages {
                  stage('Test') {
                      steps {
                          sh """#!/bin/bash
                              rsync -az jkmaster:build-scripts .
                              rsync -az jkmaster:resources/${params.PIPELINE_ID}/pipeline.properties .
                          script {
                              def environmentVariables = ""
                              readProperties(file: 'pipeline.properties')
                                  .findAll { !params.containsKey(it.key) }
                                  .each { k, v -> environmentVariables = "${environmentVariables}env.${k}='${v}'\n" }
                              writeFile file: 'env.groovy', text: environmentVariables
                          load 'env.groovy'
                          script {
                              currentBuild.displayName = "#${env.BUILD_NUMBER}-${env.PRODUCT_NAME}-${params.PIPELINE_ID}-${params.RECIPE}-${params.WEB_TESTS ? 'WEB-' : ''}${params.TEST_SPLIT_IDX}-${params.TEST_SPLIT_MAX}"

                          timestamps {
                              lock(resource: null, label: 'rsync', quantity: 1) {
                                  sh './build-scripts/synchronize-with-jkmaster.sh'
                          wrap([$class: 'LogfilesizecheckerWrapper', failBuild: true, maxLogSize: 0, setOwn: false]) {
                              wrap([$class: 'Xvfb', displayNameOffset: 2]) {
                                  timestamps {
                                      timeout(time: 6, unit: 'HOURS') {
                                          timeout(time: 15, activity: true) {
                                              sh "./build-scripts/jobs/test-junit.sh ${params.WEB_TESTS ? 'web' : ''}"
                          junit 'junit/**/*.xml'
                          archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'junit/**/*.xml'
              post {
                  always {
          (I know the code is not very pretty ({{rsync}} etc.) - we are migrating very old Jenkins to newer technologies ;) ).

          At this moment we are forced to use this flag {{-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=true}}.
          Adam Gabryś made changes -
          Component/s New: pipeline-build-step-plugin [ 21707 ]
          Component/s Original: build-pipeline-plugin [ 15962 ]
          Adam Gabryś made changes -
          Issue Type Original: Improvement [ 4 ] New: Bug [ 1 ]
          Adam Gabryś made changes -
          Component/s New: build-pipeline-plugin [ 15962 ]
          Component/s Original: pipeline-build-step-plugin [ 21707 ]
          Environment New: Jenkins: 2.164.1
          Pipeline plugins:
          * Build Step: 2.8
          * Job: 2.32
          Issue Type Original: Bug [ 1 ] New: Improvement [ 4 ]
          Adam Gabryś made changes -
          Issue Type Original: Improvement [ 4 ] New: Bug [ 1 ]
          Adam Gabryś made changes -
          Description Original: We have a pipeline which in {{Test}} stage executes a lot of new jobs by using {{build}} step (we cannot move the jobs logic into this pipeline due to JENKINS-52391 - we don't want to rebuild 120 jobs because 1 has randomly failed):
          stage('Test') {
              steps {
                  script {
                      def parallelTests = [:]
                      def recipes = env.TESTED_RECIPES.split(',')
                      def testSplit = env.TEST_SPLIT != null ? env.TEST_SPLIT.toInteger() : 1
                      def testWebSplit = env.WEBTEST_SPLIT != null ? env.WEBTEST_SPLIT.toInteger() : 1
                      for (def recipe in recipes) {
                          for (def index = 1; index <= testSplit; ++index) {
                              parallelTests["Test JUnit $recipe $index/$testSplit"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-junit', [
                                  string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                                  string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_IDX', value: "${index}"),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_MAX', value: "${testSplit}"),
                                  string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                          for (def index = 1; index <= testWebSplit; ++index) {
                              parallelTests["Test Web JUnit $recipe $index/$testWebSplit"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-junit', [
                                  string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                                  string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                                  booleanParam(name: 'WEB_TESTS', value: true),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_IDX', value: "${index}"),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_MAX', value: "${testWebSplit}"),
                                  string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                              ], false)
                          parallelTests["Test Initialization $recipe"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-initialization', [
                              string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                              string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                              string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                          parallelTests["Test Server $recipe"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-server', [
                              string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                              string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                              string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                      parallel parallelTests
          {code}def createTestExecutionStage(name, parameters, propagate = true) {
              return {
                  build(job: name, parameters: parameters, propagate: propagate)

          Unfortunately, very rarely we see the following entries in logs:
          Apr 04, 2019 4:30:04 AM WARNING hudson.model.ParametersAction filter
          Skipped parameter `PIPELINE_ID` as it is undefined on `generic-test-server`. Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer show this message.
          Apr 04, 2019 4:30:04 AM WARNING hudson.model.ParametersAction filter
          Skipped parameter `RECIPE` as it is undefined on `generic-test-server`. Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer show this message.
          Apr 04, 2019 4:30:04 AM WARNING hudson.model.ParametersAction filter
          Skipped parameter `PRIORITY` as it is undefined on `generic-test-server`. Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer show this message.{noformat}
          It of course breaks the build because parameters are missing. This is how {{generic-test-junit}} looks after I clicked {{Build with Parameters}}:

          In most cases it looks correct:

          But sometimes it is broken:

          The {{generic-junit-test}} job is generated by [Job DSL|https://jenkinsci.github.io/job-dsl-plugin/] plugin:
          pipelineJob('generic-test-junit') {
              displayName('Generic JUnit Test')
              description('''Multi-line description
          is here''')

              logRotator {

              parameters {
                  stringParam('PIPELINE_ID', '', 'Identifier of the pipeline which will be built.')
                  stringParam('RECIPE', '', 'Recipe which will be tested.')
                  booleanParam('WEB_TESTS', false, 'Defines whether web tests should be executed instead of the non-web tests.')
                  stringParam('TEST_SPLIT_IDX', '', 'Index of the test package to be performed.')
                  stringParam('TEST_SPLIT_MAX', '', 'Number of the test packages.')
                  booleanParam('DEBUG', false, 'Defines whether test target should be executed in debug mode.')
                  stringParam('PRIORITY', '', 'Pipeline priority (number from 1 to 5, where 1 is the highest).')

              definition {
                  cps {

          This is the definition of {{generic-junit-test}} job ({{jobs/genericTestJunit.jenkinsfile}}):
          {code}pipeline {
              agent {
                  label 'swarm'
              options {
              stages {
                  stage('Test') {
                      steps {
                          sh """#!/bin/bash
                              rsync -az jkmaster:build-scripts .
                              rsync -az jkmaster:resources/${params.PIPELINE_ID}/pipeline.properties .
                          script {
                              def environmentVariables = ""
                              readProperties(file: 'pipeline.properties')
                                  .findAll { !params.containsKey(it.key) }
                                  .each { k, v -> environmentVariables = "${environmentVariables}env.${k}='${v}'\n" }
                              writeFile file: 'env.groovy', text: environmentVariables
                          load 'env.groovy'
                          script {
                              currentBuild.displayName = "#${env.BUILD_NUMBER}-${env.PRODUCT_NAME}-${params.PIPELINE_ID}-${params.RECIPE}-${params.WEB_TESTS ? 'WEB-' : ''}${params.TEST_SPLIT_IDX}-${params.TEST_SPLIT_MAX}"

                          timestamps {
                              lock(resource: null, label: 'rsync', quantity: 1) {
                                  sh './build-scripts/synchronize-with-jkmaster.sh'
                          wrap([$class: 'LogfilesizecheckerWrapper', failBuild: true, maxLogSize: 0, setOwn: false]) {
                              wrap([$class: 'Xvfb', displayNameOffset: 2]) {
                                  timestamps {
                                      timeout(time: 6, unit: 'HOURS') {
                                          timeout(time: 15, activity: true) {
                                              sh "./build-scripts/jobs/test-junit.sh ${params.WEB_TESTS ? 'web' : ''}"
                          junit 'junit/**/*.xml'
                          archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'junit/**/*.xml'
              post {
                  always {
          (I know the code is not very pretty ({{rsync}} etc.) - we are migrating very old Jenkins to newer technologies ;) ).

          At this moment we are forced to use this flag {{-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=true}}.
          New: We have a pipeline which in {{Test}} stage executes a lot of new jobs by using {{build}} step (we cannot move the jobs logic into this pipeline due to JENKINS-52391 - we don't want to rebuild 120 jobs because 1 has randomly failed):
          stage('Test') {
              steps {
                  script {
                      def parallelTests = [:]
                      def recipes = env.TESTED_RECIPES.split(',')
                      def testSplit = env.TEST_SPLIT != null ? env.TEST_SPLIT.toInteger() : 1
                      def testWebSplit = env.WEBTEST_SPLIT != null ? env.WEBTEST_SPLIT.toInteger() : 1
                      for (def recipe in recipes) {
                          for (def index = 1; index <= testSplit; ++index) {
                              parallelTests["Test JUnit $recipe $index/$testSplit"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-junit', [
                                  string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                                  string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_IDX', value: "${index}"),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_MAX', value: "${testSplit}"),
                                  string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                          for (def index = 1; index <= testWebSplit; ++index) {
                              parallelTests["Test Web JUnit $recipe $index/$testWebSplit"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-junit', [
                                  string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                                  string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                                  booleanParam(name: 'WEB_TESTS', value: true),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_IDX', value: "${index}"),
                                  string(name: 'TEST_SPLIT_MAX', value: "${testWebSplit}"),
                                  string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                              ], false)
                          parallelTests["Test Initialization $recipe"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-initialization', [
                              string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                              string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                              string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                          parallelTests["Test Server $recipe"] = createTestExecutionStage('generic-test-server', [
                              string(name: 'PIPELINE_ID', value: params.PIPELINE_ID),
                              string(name: 'RECIPE', value: recipe),
                              string(name: 'PRIORITY', value: params.PRIORITY)
                      parallel parallelTests
          {code}def createTestExecutionStage(name, parameters, propagate = true) {
              return {
                  build(job: name, parameters: parameters, propagate: propagate)

          Unfortunately, very rarely we see the following entries in logs:
          Apr 04, 2019 4:30:04 AM WARNING hudson.model.ParametersAction filter
          Skipped parameter `PIPELINE_ID` as it is undefined on `generic-test-server`. Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer show this message.
          Apr 04, 2019 4:30:04 AM WARNING hudson.model.ParametersAction filter
          Skipped parameter `RECIPE` as it is undefined on `generic-test-server`. Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer show this message.
          Apr 04, 2019 4:30:04 AM WARNING hudson.model.ParametersAction filter
          Skipped parameter `PRIORITY` as it is undefined on `generic-test-server`. Set `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true` to allow undefined parameters to be injected as environment variables or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.safeParameters=[comma-separated list]` to whitelist specific parameter names, even though it represents a security breach or `-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=false` to no longer show this message.{noformat}
          It of course breaks the build because parameters are missing. This is how {{generic-test-junit}} looks after I clicked {{Build with Parameters}}:

          In most cases it looks correct:

          But sometimes it is broken:

          The {{generic-junit-test}} job is generated by [Job DSL|https://jenkinsci.github.io/job-dsl-plugin/] plugin:
          pipelineJob('generic-test-junit') {
              displayName('Generic JUnit Test')
              description('''Multi-line description
          is here''')

              logRotator {

              parameters {
                  stringParam('PIPELINE_ID', '', 'Identifier of the pipeline which will be built.')
                  stringParam('RECIPE', '', 'Recipe which will be tested.')
                  booleanParam('WEB_TESTS', false, 'Defines whether web tests should be executed instead of the non-web tests.')
                  stringParam('TEST_SPLIT_IDX', '', 'Index of the test package to be performed.')
                  stringParam('TEST_SPLIT_MAX', '', 'Number of the test packages.')
                  booleanParam('DEBUG', false, 'Defines whether test target should be executed in debug mode.')
                  stringParam('PRIORITY', '', 'Pipeline priority (number from 1 to 5, where 1 is the highest).')

              definition {
                  cps {

          This is the definition of {{generic-junit-test}} job ({{jobs/genericTestJunit.jenkinsfile}}):
          {code}pipeline {
              agent {
                  label 'swarm'
              options {
              stages {
                  stage('Test') {
                      steps {
                          sh """#!/bin/bash
                              rsync -az jkmaster:build-scripts .
                              rsync -az jkmaster:resources/${params.PIPELINE_ID}/pipeline.properties .
                          script {
                              def environmentVariables = ""
                              readProperties(file: 'pipeline.properties')
                                  .findAll { !params.containsKey(it.key) }
                                  .each { k, v -> environmentVariables = "${environmentVariables}env.${k}='${v}'\n" }
                              writeFile file: 'env.groovy', text: environmentVariables
                          load 'env.groovy'
                          script {
                              currentBuild.displayName = "#${env.BUILD_NUMBER}-${env.PRODUCT_NAME}-${params.PIPELINE_ID}-${params.RECIPE}-${params.WEB_TESTS ? 'WEB-' : ''}${params.TEST_SPLIT_IDX}-${params.TEST_SPLIT_MAX}"

                          timestamps {
                              lock(resource: null, label: 'rsync', quantity: 1) {
                                  sh './build-scripts/synchronize-with-jkmaster.sh'
                          wrap([$class: 'LogfilesizecheckerWrapper', failBuild: true, maxLogSize: 0, setOwn: false]) {
                              wrap([$class: 'Xvfb', displayNameOffset: 2]) {
                                  timestamps {
                                      timeout(time: 6, unit: 'HOURS') {
                                          timeout(time: 15, activity: true) {
                                              sh "./build-scripts/jobs/test-junit.sh ${params.WEB_TESTS ? 'web' : ''}"
                          junit 'junit/**/*.xml'
                          archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'junit/**/*.xml'
              post {
                  always {
          (I know the code is not very pretty ({{rsync}} etc.) - we are migrating very old Jenkins to newer technologies ;) ).

          At this moment we are forced to use this flag {{-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true}}.
          Adam Gabryś made changes -
          Attachment New: build-missing.txt [ 47638 ]
          Attachment New: build-ok.txt [ 47639 ]
          Dan Alvizu made changes -
          Component/s Original: build-pipeline-plugin [ 15962 ]

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