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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-56897

Support general purpose authenticated git operations in Pipeline

    • Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • git-plugin
    • None

      Support git clone --mirror in Git plugin to enable usage of credentials via GIT_ASKPASS for mirroring the repositories. It would be great to have generic

      withCredentials() {
         git.sh "clone --mirror ...."
         git.sh "push --mirror"

          [JENKINS-56897] Support general purpose authenticated git operations in Pipeline

          Alexey Pelykh created issue -
          Alexey Pelykh made changes -
          Issue Type Original: Bug [ 1 ] New: New Feature [ 2 ]

          Mark Waite added a comment -

          As far as I understand the withCredentials syntax, it already can do that for https protocol. The withCredentials step defines variables for the username and password which the statements inside the block can use to reference the username and password in the git command line. Refer to the credentials binding plugin documentation on jenkins.io

          A similar technique can be used with git repositories using the ssh protocol by using an sshagent step. Refer to the sshagent pipeline step documentation on jenkins.io

          Mark Waite added a comment - As far as I understand the withCredentials syntax, it already can do that for https protocol. The withCredentials step defines variables for the username and password which the statements inside the block can use to reference the username and password in the git command line. Refer to the credentials binding plugin documentation on jenkins.io A similar technique can be used with git repositories using the ssh protocol by using an sshagent step. Refer to the sshagent pipeline step documentation on jenkins.io
          Mark Waite made changes -
          Assignee Original: Mark Waite [ markewaite ]

          Alexey Pelykh added a comment -

          It can be done like that yet requires code like:

          pipeline {
              agent any
              parameters {
                  string(name: 'srcUrl',
                      description: 'Source (URL)')
                  credentials(name: 'srcCredentials',
                      description: 'Source (credentials)',
                      credentialType: 'com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl',
                      required: true)
                  string(name: 'dstUrl',
                      description: 'Destination (URL)')
                  credentials(name: 'dstCredentials',
                      description: 'Destination (credentials)',
                      credentialType: 'com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl',
                      required: true)
              stages {
                  stage('Clean') {
                      steps {
                          script {
                              def tmp = pwd(tmp: true)
                              sh "rm -rf $tmp/repository"
                  stage('Credentials') {
                      steps {
                          script {
                              def tmp = pwd(tmp: true)
                              withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: params.srcCredentials, usernameVariable: 'username', passwordVariable: 'password')]) {
                                  writeFile file: "$tmp/src-username.txt", text: username
                                  writeFile file: "$tmp/src-password.txt", text: password
                              writeFile file: "$tmp/src-askpass.sh", text: """#!/bin/sh
          case "\$1" in
          Username*) cat "$tmp/src-username.txt" ;;
          Password*) cat "$tmp/src-password.txt" ;;
                              sh "chmod +x $tmp/src-askpass.sh"
                              withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: params.dstCredentials, usernameVariable: 'username', passwordVariable: 'password')]) {
                                  writeFile file: "$tmp/dst-username.txt", text: username
                                  writeFile file: "$tmp/dst-password.txt", text: password
                              writeFile file: "$tmp/dst-askpass.sh", text: """#!/bin/sh
          case "\$1" in
          Username*) cat "$tmp/dst-username.txt" ;;
          Password*) cat "$tmp/dst-password.txt" ;;
                              sh "chmod +x $tmp/dst-askpass.sh"
                  stage('Pull') {
                      steps {
                          script {
                              def tmp = pwd(tmp: true)
                              withEnv(["GIT_ASKPASS=$tmp/src-askpass.sh"]) {
                                  sh "git clone --mirror ${params.srcUrl} $tmp/repository"
                  stage('Push') {
                      steps {
                          script {
                              def tmp = pwd(tmp: true)
                              withEnv(["GIT_ASKPASS=$tmp/dst-askpass.sh"]) {
                                  dir("$tmp/repository") {
                                      sh "git push --mirror ${params.dstUrl}"

          Alexey Pelykh added a comment - It can be done like that yet requires code like: pipeline { agent any parameters { string(name: 'srcUrl' , description: 'Source (URL)' ) credentials(name: 'srcCredentials' , description: 'Source (credentials)' , credentialType: 'com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl' , required: true ) string(name: 'dstUrl' , description: 'Destination (URL)' ) credentials(name: 'dstCredentials' , description: 'Destination (credentials)' , credentialType: 'com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl' , required: true ) } stages { stage( 'Clean' ) { steps { script { def tmp = pwd(tmp: true ) sh "rm -rf $tmp/repository" } } } stage( 'Credentials' ) { steps { script { def tmp = pwd(tmp: true ) withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: params.srcCredentials, usernameVariable: 'username' , passwordVariable: 'password' )]) { writeFile file: "$tmp/src-username.txt" , text: username writeFile file: "$tmp/src-password.txt" , text: password } writeFile file: "$tmp/src-askpass.sh" , text: """#!/bin/sh case "\$1" in Username*) cat "$tmp/src-username.txt" ;; Password*) cat "$tmp/src-password.txt" ;; esac """ sh "chmod +x $tmp/src-askpass.sh" withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: params.dstCredentials, usernameVariable: 'username' , passwordVariable: 'password' )]) { writeFile file: "$tmp/dst-username.txt" , text: username writeFile file: "$tmp/dst-password.txt" , text: password } writeFile file: "$tmp/dst-askpass.sh" , text: """#!/bin/sh case "\$1" in Username*) cat "$tmp/dst-username.txt" ;; Password*) cat "$tmp/dst-password.txt" ;; esac """ sh "chmod +x $tmp/dst-askpass.sh" } } } stage( 'Pull' ) { steps { script { def tmp = pwd(tmp: true ) withEnv([ "GIT_ASKPASS=$tmp/src-askpass.sh" ]) { sh "git clone --mirror ${params.srcUrl} $tmp/repository" } } } } stage( 'Push' ) { steps { script { def tmp = pwd(tmp: true ) withEnv([ "GIT_ASKPASS=$tmp/dst-askpass.sh" ]) { dir( "$tmp/repository" ) { sh "git push --mirror ${params.dstUrl}" } } } } } } }

          Mark Waite added a comment - - edited

          Or you could simplify by pushing to the remote repository by embedding the username and password in the remote URL as in:

          sh "git push --mirror https://${username}:${password}@hostname/url/path.git"

          No need to rewrite the URL of the origin in the repository configuration.

          Mark Waite added a comment - - edited Or you could simplify by pushing to the remote repository by embedding the username and password in the remote URL as in: sh "git push --mirror https://${username}:${password}@hostname/url/path.git" No need to rewrite the URL of the origin in the repository configuration.
          Mark Waite made changes -
          Summary Original: Support git clone --mirror in Git plugin New: Support general purpose authenticated git operations in Pipeline

            Unassigned Unassigned
            alexey_pelykh Alexey Pelykh
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