Resolution: Unresolved
The clearcase change history is summarized by delivery, with all file changes enumerated. For our users, the CQ defect number or activity number and headline is very important to knowing whether a particular build should be deployed in a given test environment.
For example, say that defect 1234 is blocking some tests and they don't want to take another build until 1234 is fixed. There's no way to tell from the current change history whether a fix for that defect was delivered in a build except perhaps either polling CQ or digging into changesets.
Something like this would be desired:
1. deliver some_stream on sometimestamp by someuser
a) DEF00012345 - The Defect's headline
23/02/2010 15:42: path\to\file.extension version \main\intg_stream\12
b) DEF00012346 - Other Defect's headline
23/02/2010 15:42: path\to\otherfile.extension version \main\intg_stream\11
2. deliver someother_stream on someothertimestamp by someotheruser