• NegotiateSSO-1.4

      The following change to JNA version in release 2.181, combined with NegotiateSSO prevents jenkins from starting.

      What's new in 2.181 (2019-06-16)
      Update JNA from 4.5.2 to 5.3.1 to fix issue with shared library loading on AIX when using OpenJDK. (issue 57515)

          [JENKINS-58207] 2.181 JNA update breaks NegotiateSSO

          Damian slee added a comment -

          work around was to roll back to - What's new in 2.180 (2019-06-09)

          Damian slee added a comment - work around was to roll back to - What's new in 2.180 (2019-06-09)

          Markus Winter added a comment -

          plugin itself packs jna-4.5.1.jar and jna-platform-4.5.1.jar via waffle

          Due to classloading the plugins sees the newer jna-5.3.1.jar from Jenkins but the old jna-platform-4.5.1.jar which leads to this error.

          Possible solutions:

          1. plugin first classloading
          2. add explicit dependency to jna and jna-platform (seems waffle itself doesn't need code adjustments, so this might work)
          3. wait for waffle to release new version (current head also uses 5.3.1 of jna, but this is not yet released)
          4. Jenkins core also packs jna-platform (though it seems it doesn't need it)


          Markus Winter added a comment - plugin itself packs jna-4.5.1.jar and jna-platform-4.5.1.jar via waffle Due to classloading the plugins sees the newer jna-5.3.1.jar from Jenkins but the old jna-platform-4.5.1.jar which leads to this error. Possible solutions: plugin first classloading add explicit dependency to jna and jna-platform (seems waffle itself doesn't need code adjustments, so this might work) wait for waffle to release new version (current head also uses 5.3.1 of jna, but this is not yet released) Jenkins core also packs jna-platform (though it seems it doesn't need it)  

          Daniel Beck added a comment -

          5. Shading of the dependency in the plugin

          Daniel Beck added a comment - 5. Shading of the dependency in the plugin

          Waffle 2.0.0 was recently released, and depends on jna 5.3.1 and jna-platform 5.3.1. When I have some time I'll try the upgrade and test it.

          Bryson Gibbons added a comment - Waffle 2.0.0 was recently released, and depends on jna 5.3.1 and jna-platform 5.3.1. When I have some time I'll try the upgrade and test it.

          Tim Postler added a comment -

          I ran into the same problem today while upgrading from LTS 2.176.3 to 190.1 (automatic upgrade), and I guess others will follow. Fortunately 2.176.4 does still work. Any news when this will be fixed? 

          Tim Postler added a comment - I ran into the same problem today while upgrading from LTS 2.176.3 to 190.1 (automatic upgrade), and I guess others will follow. Fortunately 2.176.4 does still work. Any news when this will be fixed? 

          Markus Stoll added a comment -

          manually updating jna and jna-platform to version 5.3.1 AND updating waffle-jna to version 2.1.0 in the plugin solved the problem for me (with latest Jenkins)

          Markus Stoll added a comment - manually updating jna and jna-platform to version 5.3.1 AND updating waffle-jna to version 2.1.0 in the plugin solved the problem for me (with latest Jenkins)

          Marton Sebok added a comment -

          I've created a pull request with updating Waffle to 2.1.0 and jna to 5.4.0 versions.

          Marton Sebok added a comment - I've created a pull request with updating Waffle to 2.1.0 and jna to 5.4.0 versions.

          ethorsa added a comment -

          Same Probleme with Jenkins v2.190.1 and Windows Negotiate SSO v1.3.

          My workaround was to build and install the version of sebok's PR. This works fine so far.

          ethorsa added a comment - Same Probleme with Jenkins v2.190.1 and Windows Negotiate SSO v1.3. My workaround was to build and install the version of sebok 's PR. This works fine so far.

          ethorsa added a comment -

          The issue has been resolved in the recent v1.4.

          ethorsa added a comment - The issue has been resolved in the recent v1.4.

          Hi. Any idea, when v1.4 is going to be visible via Jenkins Update Center? 

          Stefan Rademacher added a comment - Hi. Any idea, when v1.4 is going to be visible via Jenkins Update Center? 

          ethorsa added a comment -

          It should be visible already. Do you have up to date Metadata?

          In doubt, you can download it manually: https://updates.jenkins.io/download/plugins/NegotiateSSO/

          ethorsa added a comment - It should be visible already. Do you have up to date Metadata? In doubt, you can download it manually:  https://updates.jenkins.io/download/plugins/NegotiateSSO/

          I checked it on our two jenkins servers. Metadata is up-to-date on both, but none shows the 1.4 version.
          I am going to upgrade manually, if no one else has this issue. Thx

          Stefan Rademacher added a comment - I checked it on our two jenkins servers. Metadata is up-to-date on both, but none shows the 1.4 version. I am going to upgrade manually, if no one else has this issue. Thx

          Markus Stoll added a comment -

          I chechked this, too and can confirm, with latest metadata the 1.4 does not show up in jenkins Updatemanager.

          Installing the latest version of this plugin manually makes everything work.

          But on on Jenkins installation I had some problems and had to run jenkins with Java option: "--requestHeaderSize=32768" to make it work

          Markus Stoll added a comment - I chechked this, too and can confirm, with latest metadata the 1.4 does not show up in jenkins Updatemanager. Installing the latest version of this plugin manually makes everything work. But on on Jenkins installation I had some problems and had to run jenkins with Java option: "--requestHeaderSize=32768" to make it work

          ethorsa added a comment -

          Strange, I get v1.4 in the available plugins list.

          ethorsa added a comment - Strange, I get v1.4 in the available plugins list.

          Markus Stoll added a comment -

          today I get V1.4 with the current metadata, too

          Markus Stoll added a comment - today I get V1.4 with the current metadata, too

          ethorsa added a comment -

          So this can be closed I guess.

          ethorsa added a comment - So this can be closed I guess.

          Markus Stoll added a comment -

          I explicitly tested again with installing v1.4 using the jenkins plugin manager. Everything is working like a charme for me.


          Markus Stoll added a comment - I explicitly tested again with installing v1.4 using the jenkins plugin manager. Everything is working like a charme for me.  

          ethorsa added a comment -

          I take the liberty and close this issue.

          ethorsa added a comment - I take the liberty and close this issue.

            farmgeek4life Bryson Gibbons
            damianslee Damian slee
            7 Vote for this issue
            13 Start watching this issue
