Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins version: rolling
Plugin: Execute Micro Focus tests from file system
Powered by SuggestiMate
We are using ‘Execute Micro Focus tests from file system’ plugin to integrate the Load Runner Controller scenarios with Jenkins. In the ‘LoadRunner Settings’ we have the option of ‘Analysis Template’ where user can use customize template.
Created a template (.tmp file) on the local drive. Used the path of .tmp file in the 'Analysis Template' of the job in Build section. Ran the job and when open the .LRR report it is opening in default format.
I want the .LRR report to open uisng the template that I have designed.
[JENKINS-58234] LRR report not opening using the .tmp template mentioned in Jenkins job
Hello Rolando,
Here are the console logs. I don't see the applied template in the Performance report section.
Started by user Dasari Rakesh (CVC8DZC)
Building remotely on UFT_EntAutomation_N1 (uft-ent-n1) in workspace C:\Program Files\Jenkins\UFT_EntAutomation_N1\workspace\jenkinsmaster-5\ENT\EntAutomation\Performance_Jobs\Test_Controller
No emails were triggered.
[Test_Controller] $ "C:\Program Files\Jenkins\UFT_EntAutomation_N1\workspace\jenkinsmaster-5\ENT\EntAutomation\Performance_Jobs\Test_Controller\HpToolsLauncher.exe" -paramfile props27062019032443247.txt
Run build tests
Launcher timeout is 10675199::02:48:05
Controller Polling Interval: 30 seconds
PerScenarioTimeout: 00::00:10:00 minutes
FileSystemTestRunner timeout is 10675199.02:48:05.4775807
Mc connection info is - Mc HostAddress: , McPort: 8080, Username: , TenantId: , UseSSL: 0, UseProxy: 0, ProxyType: 0, ProxyAddress: , ProxyPort: 0, ProxyAuth: 0, ProxyUser:
1 tests found:
D:\LRC_Test App\SDC_Scripts\SDC_Scenario2.lrs
27/06/2019 03:24:45 Running: D:\LRC_Test App\SDC_Scripts\SDC_Scenario2.lrs
D:\LRC_Test App\SDC_Scripts\SDC_Scenario2.lrs
Cleaning up the environment...
Preparing scenario D:\LRC_Test App\SDC_Scripts\SDC_Scenario2.lrs for execution.
Load Generator localhost connected
setting scenario result folder to C:\Program Files\Jenkins\UFT_EntAutomation_N1\workspace\jenkinsmaster-5\ENT\EntAutomation\Performance_Jobs\Test_Controller\3137b7\LRR
scenario result folder: C:\Program Files\Jenkins\UFT_EntAutomation_N1\workspace\jenkinsmaster-5\ENT\EntAutomation\Performance_Jobs\Test_Controller\3137b7\LRR
Starting scenario...
Scenario run has started
Error: Scenario Execution timeout 00:00:10:00 (d:h:m:s) passed.
Scenario D:\LRC_Test App\SDC_Scripts\SDC_Scenario2.lrs ended after 0:10:0.
Analyzing results...
closing Controller
Controller closed
calling analysis report generator
executing Analysis launcher with arguments : "C:\Program Files\Jenkins\UFT_EntAutomation_N1\workspace\jenkinsmaster-5\ENT\EntAutomation\Performance_Jobs\Test_Controller\3137b7\LRR\LRR.lrr" "C:\Program Files\Jenkins\UFT_EntAutomation_N1\workspace\jenkinsmaster-5\ENT\EntAutomation\Performance_Jobs\Test_Controller\3137b7\LRA\LRA.lra" "C:\Program Files\Jenkins\UFT_EntAutomation_N1\workspace\jenkinsmaster-5\ENT\EntAutomation\Performance_Jobs\Test_Controller\3137b7\HTML\HTML.html" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\LoadRunner\AnalysisTemplates\Test_test_template\Test_test_template.tem"
time for analysis: 00::00:10:00
starting analysis launcher
creating analysis COM object
creating analysis session
analysis session created
creating HTML reports
HTML reports created
loading errors, if any
error count: 18
Error(s) report:
ID: 0 Name: Action.c(16) Error -26624 HTTP Status-Code=407 (authenticationrequired) for "https//test.upssupplierdirectconnect.com/Account/Login"
ID: 1 Name: Action.c(16) Error -27789 Proxy "proxy.njc.ups.com" failed to connect to server "test.upssupplierdirectconnect.com" – returned status code 407 authenticationrequired
ID: 2 Name: Action.c(16) Error -26377 No match found for the requested parameter "c_RequestToken". Either the specified boundaries were not found in the response or the matched text is longer than current max html parameter size of 999999 bytes. The total length of_2
ID: 3 Name: CreateRentalRequest_Regular.c(11) Error -26624 HTTP Status-Code=407 (authenticationrequired) for "https//test.upssupplierdirectconnect.com/Account/Login"
ID: 4 Name: CreateRentalRequest_Regular.c(11) Error -27789 Proxy "proxy.njc.ups.com" failed to connect to server "test.upssupplierdirectconnect.com" – returned status code 407 authenticationrequired
ID: 5 Name: CreateRentalRequest_Regular.c(11) Error -26377 No match found for the requested parameter "c_RequetsToken". Either the specified boundaries were not found in the response or the matched text is longer than current max html parameter size of 999999 bytes_5
ID: 6 Name: CreateRentalRequest_UPSAdmin.c(11) Error -26624 HTTP Status-Code=407 (authenticationrequired) for "https//test.upssupplierdirectconnect.com/Account/Login"
ID: 7 Name: CreateRentalRequest_UPSAdmin.c(11) Error -27789 Proxy "proxy.njc.ups.com" failed to connect to server "test.upssupplierdirectconnect.com" – returned status code 407 authenticationrequired
ID: 8 Name: CreateRentalRequest_UPSAdmin.c(11) Error -26377 No match found for the requested parameter "c_RequetsToken". Either the specified boundaries were not found in the response or the matched text is longer than current max html parameter size of 999999 byte_8
ID: 9 Name: CreateEmergencyRentalRequest.c(13) Error -26624 HTTP Status-Code=407 (authenticationrequired) for "https//test.upssupplierdirectconnect.com/Account/Login"
ID: 10 Name: CreateEmergencyRentalRequest.c(13) Error -27789 Proxy "proxy.njc.ups.com" failed to connect to server "test.upssupplierdirectconnect.com" – returned status code 407 authenticationrequired
ID: 11 Name: CreateEmergencyRentalRequest.c(13) Error -26377 No match found for the requested parameter "c_RequetsToken". Either the specified boundaries were not found in the response or the matched text is longer than current max html parameter size of 999999 byt_11
ID: 12 Name: Action.c(11) Error -26624 HTTP Status-Code=407 (authenticationrequired) for "https//test.upssupplierdirectconnect.com/Account/Login"
ID: 13 Name: Action.c(11) Error -27789 Proxy "proxy.njc.ups.com" failed to connect to server "test.upssupplierdirectconnect.com" – returned status code 407 authenticationrequired
ID: 14 Name: Action.c(11) Error -26377 No match found for the requested parameter "c_RequetsToken". Either the specified boundaries were not found in the response or the matched text is longer than current max html parameter size of 999999 bytes. The total length o_14
ID: 15 Name: Action.c(13) Error -26624 HTTP Status-Code=407 (authenticationrequired) for "https//test.upssupplierdirectconnect.com/Account/Login"
ID: 16 Name: Action.c(13) Error -27789 Proxy "proxy.njc.ups.com" failed to connect to server "test.upssupplierdirectconnect.com" – returned status code 407 authenticationrequired
ID: 17 Name: Action.c(13) Error -26377 No match found for the requested parameter "c_RequetsToken". Either the specified boundaries were not found in the response or the matched text is longer than current max html parameter size of 999999 bytes. The total length o_17
Gathering Run statistics
closing session
SLA report:
calculating SLA
SLA calculation done
WholeRunRules : 6
Transaction Name : 01_CreateEmergencyRequest_Login
Percentile : 90
Full Name : Transaction Response Time (Percentile)
Measurement : PercentileTRT
Goal Value : 200
Actual value : 0
status : NoData
Transaction Name : 01_CreateRentalReuqest_Login
Percentile : 90
Full Name : Transaction Response Time (Percentile)
Measurement : PercentileTRT
Goal Value : 200
Actual value : 0
status : NoData
Transaction Name : 01_DeclineRequest_Login
Percentile : 90
Full Name : Transaction Response Time (Percentile)
Measurement : PercentileTRT
Goal Value : 200
Actual value : 0
status : NoData
Transaction Name : 01_SearchAllRequests_Login
Percentile : 90
Full Name : Transaction Response Time (Percentile)
Measurement : PercentileTRT
Goal Value : 200
Actual value : 0
status : NoData
Transaction Name : 02_SearchAllRequest_Rental_ManageRequest
Percentile : 90
Full Name : Transaction Response Time (Percentile)
Measurement : PercentileTRT
Goal Value : 200
Actual value : 0
status : NoData
Transaction Name : 03_CreateEmergencyRequest_ClickNewEmergencyRequest
Percentile : 90
Full Name : Transaction Response Time (Percentile)
Measurement : PercentileTRT
Goal Value : 200
Actual value : 0
status : NoData
TimeRangeRules : 0
saving RunReport.xml to C:\Program Files\Jenkins\UFT_EntAutomation_N1\workspace\jenkinsmaster-5\ENT\EntAutomation\Performance_Jobs\Test_Controller\3137b7\RunReport.xml
saving SLA.xml to C:\Program Files\Jenkins\UFT_EntAutomation_N1\workspace\jenkinsmaster-5\ENT\EntAutomation\Performance_Jobs\Test_Controller\3137b7\SLA.xml
closing analysis session
time passed: 00::00:00:54
analysis report generator finished
Error: Action.c(16) Error -26624 HTTP Status-Code=407 (authenticationrequired) for "https//test.upssupplierdirectconnect.com/Account/Login"
Error: total number of errors: 1
Error(s) summary:
0 ignored , 1 errors
Error summary:
1 : Action.c(16) Error -26624 HTTP Status-Code=407 (authenticationrequired) for "https//test.upssupplierdirectconnect.com/Account/Login"
Error: Test FAILED. 1 errors occurred during scenario execution.
Test result: Failed
27/06/2019 03:36:52 Test complete: D:\LRC_Test App\SDC_Scripts\SDC_Scenario2.lrs
Cleaning up the environment...
Run status: Job failed, total tests: 1, succeeded: 0, failures: 1, errors: 0
Failed : D:\LRC_Test App\SDC_Scripts\SDC_Scenario2.lrs
Build step 'Execute Micro Focus tests from file system' changed build result to FAILURE
Email was triggered for: Failure - Any
Sending email for trigger: Failure - Any
Sending email to: abc@xyz.com
Finished: FAILURE
Does props27062019032443247.txt contain the analysisTemplate key with your specified path? Can you reproduce this issue with a simple script and a template containing an extra graph?
Hello Rolando,Controller Logs.txtprops27062019032443247.txt
Attached is the .txt file that contains path of analysis template. I did made change to template and ran the job, its still showing the Default template.
Console attached for your reference.
Input wise everything seems fine. What version of loadrunner and Micro Focus plugin are you using so I can see if it reproduces?
Details of version are as follows
Load Runner Controller: 12.60
Micro Focus plugin on CloudBees Enterprise Jenkins: 5.6
Hey Rolando,
Could you please go over the issue and provide us the solution.
Please upgrade the plugin version asI was told 5.6 was removed due to a critical error.
I uploaded a scenario.zip containg a script, scenario and template. Please extract it to C:\, and configure the build as presented in build_configuration.png. The template has 10 graphs in total. I tested on my environment and it works.
Hello Rolando,
I used the plugin version: 5.8 for execution with the scenario and template shared by you.
When I opened the .LRR file from LRR folder of workspace it open the report in Default format. Want to know from where the report would be opened in User defined template default?
When I tried to changed the template from Analysis it is giving me error for not having access to the path.
Please suggest.
The .LRA file contains the results with applied template. You can also see the template in the performance report section in jenkins (you might have to unset the CSP header due to security reasons in order to be able to see the graphs).
Hello Rolando,
I executed one more job and try to open the .LRA file but its giving error "Failed to open session. Cannot update. Database or Object is read only". Please advise.
Please open a support case on LoadRunner so we can have a webex. The plugin peforms API calls to the Controller/Analysis and it seems you have an issue with LoadRunner.
Hello Rolando,
Thanks, I cannot raised a ticket due to non availability of SAIS with me. I raised a internal ticket and they will then create a support ticket with LoadRunner.
Meanwhile is there a way we can have webex to resolve this issue.
Appreciate your support.
I am very busy these days, I can look into your issue probably next friday. You can send me a webex invitation through mail. My time is GMT+3.
Hello Goving Sureka,
Please provide the console log. Can you see the applied template in the performance report section ?