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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-58452

Determining Dependencies from Update Center json

    • GSoC 2019. Coding Phase 2

      A plugin is downloaded from a url based on the following logic: 

            if a url is entered, download from that url 

            if "latest" version and there's a jenkins specific update center, download from cfg.getJenkinsUc()/jenkinsVersion/latest

            if experimental or incremental, download from experimental update center or incrementals mirror  repo 

            else: download from cfg.getJenkinsUc()/download/plugins/pluginName/pluginVersion/pluginName


      Previously, a plugin's dependencies would be resolved after a plugin was downloaded and the dependencies were determined from the manifest. 

      Now, a plugin's dependences are resolved by getting the update center json from cfg.getJenkinsUc() + "/update-center.actual.json" and parsing this. 

      However, this may not always result in the correct dependencies for the requested/downloaded plugin. 


      Suppose the Jenkins Version is 2.121 and the requested plugin is artifact-manager-s3:latest. 

      The plugin would be downloaded from: 



      The correct dependencies could be found from the version specific update center json: 


      However, instead the code would get the dependencies from the update center listed in the configuration file, ignoring the version specific update center json: 



      See attached picture. 

      The same issue could occur when there is no Jenkins specific update center and the user specifies the version of the plugin directly.

      Suppose the user wants to download artifact-manager-s3, version 1.3 and they are directed to https://updates.jenkins.io/download/plugins/artifact-manager-s3/1.3/artifact-manager-s3.hpi

      The dependencies it appears this version is dependent on are: 


      Currently the code would find the dependencies from the current update center json (https://updates.jenkins.io/current/update-center.actual.json), which has the following dependencies: aws-global-configuration:1.3, jaxb:,workflow-api:2.33,apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api, 4.5.5-3.0, aws-credentials:1.26, structs:1.17









          [JENKINS-58452] Determining Dependencies from Update Center json

            stopalopa Natasha Stopa
            stopalopa Natasha Stopa
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