We are experiencing an issue when running Python Script via Jenkins, the browsers refuse to open up the URL, however, when we run them manually, then it works.

      Pre Requirement:
      Firstly, Need to create a project in Jenkins.
      Next, In the project configuration-> Build section need to add below details.
      For example:-
      cd <Python_Script_Folder_Path>
      python <Python_File_Name>.py

      My Python Sample Script:
      import webbrowser
      import subprocess
      mycmd = r'start chrome /new-tab {}'.format("https://outlook.office.com")
      n2 = subprocess.Popen(mycmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

      post-execution process:
      Firstly, go to the Jenkins project and click on Build Now option.

      Expected Result:
      Default browser should be open along with given URL.

      The script is running successfully but browser not opening.

      Note: If you run python script via cmd prompt or any IDE works perfectly.

          [JENKINS-58838] Browsers not launching through Jenkins

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            iamsharathgangadhar Sharathkumar K G
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