Jenkins LTS 2.176.3 incorporated commit ace596, which factors the Session ID into the computation of CSRF crumbs; since a new Session ID is generated if none is provided, previously issued crumbs are rendered useless in the absence of a reusable Session ID. This currently prevents Swarm clients from connecting to Jenkins masters secured with the DefaultCrumbIssuer, since the generated crumb is immediately rendered useless.
I think a fix would involve the Swarm plugin using a persistent session ID on the client-side. I labeled this issue as "minor", because an easy workaround exists (setting to true on the Jenkins master). It should be noted, however, that this reduces the efficacy of the fixes to SECURITY-626 and SECURITY-1491.
katzdm ohzaki Can you provide me with a list of steps to reproduce the issue? Bonus points if you can submit a PR with a failing unit test. I tried updated the unit tests to use Jenkins 2.176.3 and DefaultCrumbIssuer, but the tests still passed: