Please provide enough details so that someone other than the original submitter can duplicate the problem.
Ideally, provide a series of numbered steps describing what was done, what was observed, and the desired result that should have been seen instead of what was actually observed.
Some specific questions include:
- Is this a Freestyle job, a Pipeline job, a Multibranch Pipeline job, an Organization Folder Pipeline job, or some other type of job?
- What is the config.xml file that describes the job?
- Are the agents which perform the builds ephemeral or static agents?
- If the agents are static, were any of them recently deleted, damaged, or destroyed?
- Have you enabled fetching of tags in the job, in addition to configuring the refspec to retrieve tags?
- Are there other changes in the repository which might be associated with the rebuild of the tag?
- Was the history retention of the Jenkins job changed recently so that existing history which included those previously built tags might have been deleted? (Git tags do not in general have a concept of `date`. The git plugin as you've configured it probably attempts to build all tags detected in the remote repository which have not been previously built in this job. If history were deleted for the job, then that tag may longer be considered "already built" and may be built again)
Please provide enough details so that someone other than the original submitter can duplicate the problem.
Ideally, provide a series of numbered steps describing what was done, what was observed, and the desired result that should have been seen instead of what was actually observed.
Some specific questions include: