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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-60112

Slave Label defaults to "EC2 (*****) - Jenkins agent EC2 US west 2 (i-***********)"

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • ec2-plugin
    • None
    • ec2:1.45
      Jenkins: 2.190.2

      The ec2-Plugin label defaults to "EC2 (****) - Jenkins agent EC2 US west 2 (i-**********)" although a slave label was provided during configuration. This results in Role-Strategy plugin throwing an error message when rules are set on which user has access to which slave.


      Error Message: 

      pending—‘Jenkins’ doesn’t have label ‘nonprodslave’; ‘user2’ lacks permission to run on ‘EC2 (nonprodslave) - Jenkins agent EC2 US west 2 (i-***************)’)


      Slave Config:
      def SlaveTemplateUsEast1Parameters = [
        ami:                      'ami-**************',
        associatePublicIp:        false,
        connectBySSHProcess:      true,
        connectUsingPublicIp:     false,
        customDeviceMapping:      '',
        deleteRootOnTermination:  true,
        description:              'Jenkins agent EC2 US west 2',
        ebsOptimized:             false,
        iamInstanceProfile:       '',
        idleTerminationMinutes:   '59',
        initScript:               '',
        instanceCapStr:           '',
        jvmopts:                  '',
        labelString:              'nonprodslave',

          [JENKINS-60112] Slave Label defaults to "EC2 (*****) - Jenkins agent EC2 US west 2 (i-***********)"

          Arindom Sarkar created issue -

            thoulen FABRIZIO MANFREDI
            asarkar2 Arindom Sarkar
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