Thanks for offering an alternative plugin dedicated to Bitbucket Server; we gave it a try and like the webhooks-based approach and guidance; however PR builds are a critical part of our workflow.
So far we have been using the bitbucket-branch-source plugin, which suddenly stopped working with Bitbucket 7.
—internal PR refs are no longer reliably updated (well, they were never really guaranteed, more details at BSERV-12198); meanwhile, fixing PRs originating from forks in branch-source plugin is wildly uncertain, since that plugin is mostly ref-based. So far we're a bit helpless.
Hi khughes,
Can you please tell me when can we expect pull request event features in Bitbucket server integration plugin?
We have started using this plugin but unfortunately pull request events is not working.
Kindly check and revert back ASAP.
Thanks in advance