Resolution: Unresolved
Hudson version: 1.352
Hudson on JBOSS 4.2
Windows XP
One of our build axes contains server address values required for various QA and Prod environments. Some of these server address values contain a port number which contains the ":" character. Currently the Config Matrix uses the Axes values to create the workspace directory for the build however the ":" character is an invalid character in Windows for a directory name so the build fails.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a Config Matrix Product with at least one Axis
2. Set the Axis value to contain illegal Windows directory name characters e.g. /:*?<>|
3. Run build
Reproducibility: Always
Started by upstream project "blu_ray_release_test" build number 5
Failed to mkdirs: C:\Documents and Settings\thierry_henry_is_a_no_good_cheat\.hudson\jobs\blu_ray_release_test\workspace\server_name/
Archiving artifacts
Sending e-mails to: die.henry@worldcup.com
Finished: FAILURE
According to http://jenkins.361315.n4.nabble.com/Complex-matrix-builds-leeds-to-long-file-name-which-leeds-to-problems-with-some-windows-tools-td4030984.html this can be fixed by setting MatrixConfiguration.useShortWorkspaceName. I believe this issue can be closed.