We would like to request for an option to disable warning plugin's parsing and displaying of project source code (source code view feature); ideally having the ability to set it at instance/master level as well as project's parser level. 

      For very large project where we are more interest in tracking metric, we found this parse/displaying to be expensive on storage; in addition we notice view content permission is tied to job read permission (more open in our instance), instead workspace permission (limited to admin) - in our env with mix-ed repo with diff permission level but builds together, this can potentially exposes source code when we want intended to share build result/console output. 


          [JENKINS-61038] Add permissions for source code viewer

          Hang Dong created issue -
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Assignee Original: Ulli Hafner [ drulli ]
          Labels New: help-wanted
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Link New: This issue relates to JENKINS-62151 [ JENKINS-62151 ]
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Epic Link New: JENKINS-62153 [ 206075 ]
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Summary Original: Ability to disable source code view at master and/or project level New: Add option to disable source code persistence
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Summary Original: Add option to disable source code persistence New: Add permissions for source code viewer
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Link New: This issue relates to JENKINS-58167 [ JENKINS-58167 ]
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Epic Link Original: JENKINS-62153 [ 206075 ]
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Component/s New: prism-api-plugin [ 28824 ]
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Labels Original: help-wanted New: hacktoberfest help-wanted
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Link New: This issue is related to JENKINS-72544 [ JENKINS-72544 ]

            Unassigned Unassigned
            hangdong Hang Dong
            3 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
