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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-61184

Jira Trigger Plugin Issue


      Hi Team,
      We have integrated the jenkins with jira for auto deployment. but now we are facing the issue that its not triggering the auto deployment.

      After consulting with Jira cloud team they intimated us that its happening due to the deprecation of the use of specific keys that contain information to identify users, such as "name" and "userKey". 


      And we are using username and password in Jira trigger plugin. However, they temporarily disabled a feature flag that enables on our instance. Which causes the auto deployment issue for time being, But its just for 4-5 days. After that they permanently uses accountid option then again we will stuck in huge trouble. 


      The main concern to raise this issue with your team is that Jira trigger plugin and Jira ext plugin should be update according to Jira changes.  Or do you have any alternative way to get rid off this issue ?
      Please find attached jenkins log screenshots.

      Looking forward to hearing from you.

      Usama Tariq | Sr. Devops Engineer

            rlinux57 Usama Tariq
            rlinux57 Usama Tariq
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