Uploaded image for project: 'Jenkins'
  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-61252

Few methods of DownstreamTriggerContext not working

      We are using Job DSL version 1.76 and Parameterized Trigger plugin 2.36 and getting following error 

      No signature of method:
      javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.helpers.publisher.DownstreamTriggerContext.currentBuild() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
      No signature of method: javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.helpers.publisher.DownstreamTriggerContext.propertiesFile() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean) values: [build.properties, true]

      These methods used to work when we used job dsl version 1.42 and Parameterized Trigger 2.30


      We are using jenkins version 2.204.1

          [JENKINS-61252] Few methods of DownstreamTriggerContext not working

          Happy Nawani created issue -

          Please include a script that reproduces the problem.

          Daniel Spilker added a comment - Please include a script that reproduces the problem.
          Daniel Spilker made changes -
          Assignee Original: Daniel Spilker [ daspilker ] New: Happy Nawani [ happy_nawani ]

          Happy Nawani added a comment - - edited

          I'm not able to attach the file since it says could read stream , so adding the code if the below script is copied and if we search the word "problem" that is the line where the error occured for me. Thanks.

          import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
          file = "$WORKSPACE/$PIPELINE_CONFIG"
          println "Reading config file: " + file
          contents = new File(file).text
          def description = new JsonSlurper().parseText(contents)
          accessKey = null
          secretKey = null
          marathonUsername = null
          marathonPassword = null
          TEMPLATE_MAP = [
                  "mvn-build"       : 'M-template-common-ci-build',
                  "mvn-release"     : 'M-template-common-decp-maven-release',
                  "deploy-rtf"      : 'M-template-common-rtf-deploy',
                  "deploy-decp" : 'M-template-common-decp-deploy',
                  "app-verify"      : 'M-template-common-verify',
                  "config-checker"  : 'M-template-common-config-checker',
                  "resource-checker": 'M-template-common-resource-checker',
                  "gate"            : 'M-template-common-gate',
                  "rollback"        : 'M-template-common-decp-rollback',
                  "decp-docker-push" : 'M-template-common-decp-china-docker-push'
          //jobs = []
          description.jobs.each {
              def config = it
              config = injectKeysIntoConfig(config)
              config = injectBlockOnIntoConfig(config)
              if (!TEMPLATE_MAP.containsKey(config.type)) {
                  throw new Exception("Unknown job type: $config.type")
              template = TEMPLATE_MAP.get(config.type)
              if (config.type.toLowerCase().contains('mvn-')) {
                  job = MavenJobBuilder(config, template)
              } else {
                  job = JobBuilder(config, template)
          description.views.each {
              def config = it
              switch (config.type) {
                  case "view-build-pipeline":
                      throw new Exception("Unknown view type: $config.type")
              Configuration setup
          def injectKeysIntoConfig(config) {
              if (config.injectJobKeys) {
                  switch (config.environment) {
                      case "dev":
                          accessKey = "$jenkins_dev_access_key"
                          secretKey = "$jenkins_dev_secret_key"
                      case "dev2":
                          if (binding.variables.containsKey("jenkins_dev2_access_key")) {
                              accessKey = "$jenkins_dev2_access_key"
                              secretKey = "$jenkins_dev2_secret_key"
                          } else {
                              accessKey = "$jenkins_dev_access_key"
                              secretKey = "$jenkins_dev_secret_key"
                      case "test":
                          accessKey = "$jenkins_test_access_key"
                          secretKey = "$jenkins_test_secret_key"
                      case "stage":
                          accessKey = "$jenkins_stage_access_key"
                          secretKey = "$jenkins_stage_secret_key"
                      case "cnstage":
                          accessKey = "$jenkins_cnstage_access_key"
                          secretKey = "$jenkins_cnstage_secret_key"
                      case "prod":
                          accessKey = "$jenkins_prod_access_key"
                          secretKey = "$jenkins_prod_secret_key"
                      case "cnprod":
                          accessKey = "$jenkins_cnprod_access_key"
                          secretKey = "$jenkins_cnprod_secret_key"
                          throw new Exception("Unknown environment type: $config.environment")
                  config.accessKey = accessKey
                  config.secretKey = secretKey
                  config.marathonUsername = marathonUsername
                  config.marathonPassword = marathonPassword
              return config
          def injectBlockOnIntoConfig(config) {
              blockOn = config.blockOn
              if (blockOn == null) {
                  config.blockOn = []
              return config
              Job creation
          def JobBuilder(config, template) {
              _job = job(config.name) {
              config._job = _job
              return new _JobBuilder(config)
          def MavenJobBuilder(config, template) {
              _job = mavenJob(config.name) {
              config._job = _job
              return new _JobBuilder(config)
          public class _JobBuilder {
              def job
              def config
              def envVars
              _JobBuilder(config) {
                  this.config = config
                  this.job = config._job
                  this.envVars = [:]
                  withEnvVar('app_env', this.config.environment)
              def build() {
                  def props = new Properties()
                  if (this.job.node?.properties[0]?.'EnvInjectJobProperty'[0]) {
                      def templateVars = this.job.node.properties[0].'EnvInjectJobProperty'[0].info[0].propertiesContent[0].value().get(0)
                      props.load(new StringReader(templateVars))
                  this.envVars.each { key, value ->
                      props.setProperty(key, value)
                  this.job.with {
                      environmentVariables {
              def withDownstreamJob() {
                  this.job.with {
                      publishers {
                          if (this.config.nextJob) {
                          } else if (this.config.nextParameterizedJob) {
                              downstreamParameterized {
                                  trigger(this.config.nextParameterizedJob.name) {
                                      currentBuild()  //the problem occurs on this line
                                      if (this.config.nextParameterizedJob.parameterFile) {
                                          propertiesFile(this.config.nextParameterizedJob.parameterFile, true)
                                      if (this.config.nextParameterizedJob.predefinedParameters) {
                                          this.config.nextParameterizedJob.predefinedParameters.each {
                                              key, value ->
                                                  predefinedProp(key, value)
                          } else if (this.config.nextManualJob) {
                              buildPipelineTrigger(this.config.nextManualJob) {
                                  parameters {
                  return this
              def withParameters() {
                  this.job.with {
                      if (this.config.parameters) {
                          parameters {
                              this.config.parameters.each { parameter ->
                                  switch (parameter.type) {
                                      case "string":
                                          stringParam(parameter.name, parameter.default ?: null, parameter.description ?: parameter.name)
                  return this
              def withMaxBuilds() {
                  this.job.with {
                      if (this.config.maxBuilds) {
                          logRotator(this.config.maxBuilds.days ?: -1, this.config.maxBuilds.number ?: -1,
                                  this.config.maxBuilds.artifactDays ?: -1, this.config.maxBuilds.artifactNumber ?: -1)
                      } else {
                          logRotator {
                  return this
              def withBlockOn() {
                  this.job.with {
                      if (!this.config.blockOn.empty) {
                  return this
              def withGitUrl() {
                  this.job.with {
                      if (this.config.git) {
                          scm {
                                      this.config.git.branch ?: '*/master',
                                      { node ->
                                          if (this.config.git.pollingExcludedUsers) {
                                              node / 'extensions' / 'hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.UserExclusion' {
                                          if (this.config.git.localBranch) {
                                              node / 'extensions' / 'hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.LocalBranch' {
                  return this
              def withBuildTrigger() {
                  this.job.with {
                      if (this.config.withTrigger) {
                          triggers {
                              scm("H/5 * * * *")
                  return this
              def withMaven() {
                  this.job.with {
                      if (this.config.maven) {
                          if (this.config.maven.version) {
                          if (this.config.maven.pom) {
                          if (this.config.maven.goals) {
                          if (this.config.maven.opts) {
                  return this
              def withDisabled() {
                  println "disabling job " + this.config.name
                  this.job.with {
                      if (config.withDisabled) {
                  return this
              def withEnabled() {
                  println "enabling job " + this.config.name
                  this.job.with {
                  return this
              def withEnvVar(name, value) {
                  this.envVars.put(name, value)
                  return this
              def withEnvVars() {
                  if (this.config.environmentVars) {
                      this.config.environmentVars.each {
                          key, value ->
                              withEnvVar(key, value)
                  return this
              def withEnvInjectPasswordWrapper() {
                  this.job.with {
                      if (this.config.withAwsKeys || this.config.withMarathonCredentials) {
                          configure { project ->
                              // EnvInject is a pain in the a$$ because it doesn't work out of the box
                              // First create the EnvInject body, with empty 'passwordEntries'
                              project / buildWrappers / 'EnvInjectPasswordWrapper' {
                                  injectGlobalPasswords false
                                  maskPasswordParameters true
                                  passwordEntries {
                  return this
              def withAwsKeys() {
                  this.job.with {
                      if (this.config.withAwsKeys) {
                          configure { project ->
                              // Inject AWS keys from this job
                              project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries / 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' {
                                  name 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY'
                                  value this.config.accessKey
                              project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries << 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' {
                                  name 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'
                                  value this.config.accessKey
                              // Inject AWS secret keys from this job by APPENDING
                              project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries << 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' {
                                  name 'AWS_SECRET_KEY'
                                  value this.config.secretKey
                              project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries << 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' {
                                  name 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'
                                  value this.config.secretKey
                  return this
              def withCodeDeploy() {
                  this.job.with {
                      if (this.config.codedeploy) {
                          this.envVars.put("healthcheckUrl", this.config.codedeploy.healthcheckUrl)
                          this.envVars.put("runAsUser", this.config.codedeploy.runAsUser)
                          configure { project ->
                              // AWS CodeDeploy config
                              project / 'publishers' / 'com.amazonaws.codedeploy.AWSCodeDeployPublisher' {
                                  // variable config
                                  s3prefix this.config.codedeploy.s3prefix
                                  s3bucket this.config.codedeploy.s3bucket
                                  applicationName this.config.codedeploy.applicationName
                                  deploymentGroupName this.config.codedeploy.deploymentGroupName
                                  deploymentConfig this.config.codedeploy.deploymentConfig
                                  region this.config.codedeploy.region
                                  includes this.config.codedeploy.includes
                                  excludes this.config.codedeploy.excludes
                                  awsAccessKey this.config.accessKey
                                  awsSecretKey this.config.secretKey
                                  // fix config
                                  pollingTimeoutSec 900
                                  pollingFreqSec 15
                                  waitForCompletion true
                                  proxyHost " "
                                  proxyPort 0
                                  credentials "awsAccessKey"
                                  iamRoleArn " "
                  return this
              def withCucumberTests() {
                  this.job.with {
                      if (config.cucumberTestResults) {
                          configure {
                              it / 'publishers' / 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.cucumber.jsontestsupport.CucumberTestResultArchiver'(plugin: 'cucumber-testresult-plugin') {
                                  testResults config.cucumberTestResults
                              it / 'publishers' / 'net.masterthought.jenkins.CucumberReportPublisher'(plugin: 'cucumber-reports') {
                                  jsonReportDirectory ''
                                  pluginUrlPath ''
                                  fileIncludePattern ''
                                  fileExcludePattern ''
                  return this
              def withPublishBuildInfo() {
                  this.job.with {
                      if (config.type == "join" && config.publishBuildInfo) {
                          config.publishBuildInfo.projects.each { project ->
                              steps {
                                  groovyScriptFile("nexus-scripts/nexus-version-with-timestamp.groovy") {
                                      prop("nexus_project_path", project.nexusProjectPath)
                                      prop("build_version_var_name", project.projectName + "_version")
                                      prop("build_timestamp_var_name", project.projectName + "_timestamp")
                                      prop("build_properties_file_name", config.publishBuildInfo.propertiesFileName)
                  return this
              def withAwsLambdas() {
                  this.job.with {
                      if (config.awsLambdas) {
                          configure { project ->
                              def lambdaDefaults = config.awsLambdas.defaults
                              config.awsLambdas.functions.each { function ->
                                  project / 'builders' << 'com.xti.jenkins.plugin.awslambda.upload.LambdaUploadBuildStep' {
                                      delegate.lambdaUploadBuildStepVariables {
                                          delegate.useInstanceCredentials function.useInstanceCredentials ?: lambdaDefaults.useInstanceCredentials ?: false
                                          delegate.awsSecretKey(new hudson.util.Secret(this.config.secretKey).getEncryptedValue())
                                          delegate.awsRegion(function.awsRegion ?: lambdaDefaults.awsRegion ?: '')
                                          delegate.artifactLocation(function.artifactLocation ?: lambdaDefaults.artifactLocation ?: '')
                                          delegate.description(function.description ?: '')
                                          delegate.functionName(function.functionName ?: '')
                                          delegate.handler(function.handler ?: '')
                                          delegate.memorySize(function.memorySize ?: lambdaDefaults.memorySize ?: '')
                                          delegate.role(function.role ?: lambdaDefaults.role ?: '')
                                          delegate.runtime(function.runtime ?: lambdaDefaults.runtime ?: '')
                                          delegate.timeout(function.timeout ?: lambdaDefaults.timeout ?: '')
                                          delegate.updateMode(function.updateMode ?: lambdaDefaults.updateMode ?: '')
                                          delegate.publish(function.publish ?: lambdaDefaults.publish ?: false)
                                          delegate.alias(function.alias ?: '')
                                          delegate.createAlias(function.createAlias ?: false)
                                          delegate.subnets(function.subnets ?: lambdaDefaults.subnets ?: '')
                                          delegate.securityGroups(function.securityGroups ?: lambdaDefaults.securityGroups ?: '')
                  return this
              def withMarathonCredentials() {
                  this.job.with {
                      if (config.withMarathonCredentials) {
                          configure { project ->
                              // Inject Marathon credentials from this job
                              project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries / 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' {
                                  name 'JENKINS_MARATHON_USERNAME'
                                  value this.config.marathonUsername
                              project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries << 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' {
                                  name 'JENKINS_MARATHON_PASSWORD'
                                  value this.config.marathonPassword
                  return this
              Specific View types
          def viewBuildPipeline(config) {
              buildPipelineView(config.name) {

          Happy Nawani added a comment - - edited I'm not able to attach the file since it says could read stream , so adding the code if the below script is copied and if we search the word "problem" that is the line where the error occured for me. Thanks. import groovy.json.JsonSlurper file = "$WORKSPACE/$PIPELINE_CONFIG" println "Reading config file: " + file contents = new File(file).text def description = new JsonSlurper().parseText(contents) accessKey = null secretKey = null marathonUsername = null marathonPassword = null TEMPLATE_MAP = [ "mvn-build" : 'M-template-common-ci-build' , "mvn-release" : 'M-template-common-decp-maven-release' , "deploy-rtf" : 'M-template-common-rtf-deploy' , "deploy-decp" : 'M-template-common-decp-deploy' , "app-verify" : 'M-template-common-verify' , "config-checker" : 'M-template-common-config-checker' , "resource-checker" : 'M-template-common-resource-checker' , "gate" : 'M-template-common-gate' , "rollback" : 'M-template-common-decp-rollback' , "decp-docker-push" : 'M-template-common-decp-china-docker-push' ] //jobs = [] description.jobs.each { def config = it config = injectKeysIntoConfig(config) config = injectBlockOnIntoConfig(config) if (!TEMPLATE_MAP.containsKey(config.type)) { throw new Exception( "Unknown job type: $config.type" ) } template = TEMPLATE_MAP.get(config.type) if (config.type.toLowerCase().contains( 'mvn-' )) { job = MavenJobBuilder(config, template) } else { job = JobBuilder(config, template) } job.withDownstreamJob() .withBlockOn() .withParameters() .withMaxBuilds() .withSvnUrl() .withGitUrl() .withBuildTrigger() .withMaven() .withEnabled() .withDisabled() .withEnvVars() .withAwsKeys() .withAwsLambdas() .withMarathonCredentials() .withCodeDeploy() .withCucumberTests() .withPublishBuildInfo() .build() } description.views.each { def config = it switch (config.type) { case "view-build-pipeline" : viewBuildPipeline(config) break default : throw new Exception( "Unknown view type: $config.type" ) } } /* Configuration setup */ def injectKeysIntoConfig(config) { if (config.injectJobKeys) { switch (config.environment) { case "dev" : accessKey = "$jenkins_dev_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_dev_secret_key" break case "dev2" : if (binding.variables.containsKey( "jenkins_dev2_access_key" )) { accessKey = "$jenkins_dev2_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_dev2_secret_key" } else { accessKey = "$jenkins_dev_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_dev_secret_key" } break case "test" : accessKey = "$jenkins_test_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_test_secret_key" break case "stage" : accessKey = "$jenkins_stage_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_stage_secret_key" break case "cnstage" : accessKey = "$jenkins_cnstage_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_cnstage_secret_key" break case "prod" : accessKey = "$jenkins_prod_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_prod_secret_key" break case "cnprod" : accessKey = "$jenkins_cnprod_access_key" secretKey = "$jenkins_cnprod_secret_key" break default : throw new Exception( "Unknown environment type: $config.environment" ) break } config.accessKey = accessKey config.secretKey = secretKey config.marathonUsername = marathonUsername config.marathonPassword = marathonPassword } return config } def injectBlockOnIntoConfig(config) { blockOn = config.blockOn if (blockOn == null ) { config.blockOn = [] } return config } /* Job creation */ def JobBuilder(config, template) { _job = job(config.name) { using(template) } config._job = _job return new _JobBuilder(config) } def MavenJobBuilder(config, template) { _job = mavenJob(config.name) { using(template) } config._job = _job return new _JobBuilder(config) } public class _JobBuilder { def job def config def envVars _JobBuilder(config) { this .config = config this .job = config._job this .envVars = [:] withEnvVar( 'app_env' , this .config.environment) } def build() { def props = new Properties() if ( this .job.node?.properties[0]?. 'EnvInjectJobProperty' [0]) { def templateVars = this .job.node.properties[0]. 'EnvInjectJobProperty' [0].info[0].propertiesContent[0].value().get(0) props.load( new StringReader(templateVars)) } this .envVars.each { key, value -> props.setProperty(key, value) } this .job.with { environmentVariables { envs(props) } } } def withDownstreamJob() { this .job.with { publishers { if ( this .config.nextJob) { downstream( this .config.nextJob) } else if ( this .config.nextParameterizedJob) { downstreamParameterized { trigger( this .config.nextParameterizedJob.name) { currentBuild() //the problem occurs on this line if ( this .config.nextParameterizedJob.parameterFile) { propertiesFile( this .config.nextParameterizedJob.parameterFile, true ) } if ( this .config.nextParameterizedJob.predefinedParameters) { this .config.nextParameterizedJob.predefinedParameters.each { key, value -> predefinedProp(key, value) } } } } } else if ( this .config.nextManualJob) { buildPipelineTrigger( this .config.nextManualJob) { parameters { currentBuild() } } } } } return this } def withParameters() { this .job.with { if ( this .config.parameters) { parameters { this .config.parameters.each { parameter -> switch (parameter.type) { case "string" : stringParam(parameter.name, parameter. default ?: null , parameter.description ?: parameter.name) break } } } } } return this } def withMaxBuilds() { this .job.with { if ( this .config.maxBuilds) { logRotator( this .config.maxBuilds.days ?: -1, this .config.maxBuilds.number ?: -1, this .config.maxBuilds.artifactDays ?: -1, this .config.maxBuilds.artifactNumber ?: -1) } else { logRotator { numToKeep(30) } } } return this } def withBlockOn() { this .job.with { if (! this .config.blockOn.empty) { blockOn( this .config.blockOn) } } return this } def withGitUrl() { this .job.with { if ( this .config.git) { scm { git( this .config.git.url, this .config.git.branch ?: '*/master' , { node -> if ( this .config.git.pollingExcludedUsers) { node / 'extensions' / 'hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.UserExclusion' { excludedUsers( this .config.git.pollingExcludedUsers) } } if ( this .config.git.localBranch) { node / 'extensions' / 'hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.LocalBranch' { localBranch( this .config.git.localBranch) } } } ) } } } return this } def withBuildTrigger() { this .job.with { if ( this .config.withTrigger) { triggers { scm( "H/5 * * * *" ) } } } return this } def withMaven() { this .job.with { if ( this .config.maven) { if ( this .config.maven.version) { mavenInstallation( this .config.maven.version) } if ( this .config.maven.pom) { rootPOM( this .config.maven.pom) } if ( this .config.maven.goals) { goals( this .config.maven.goals) } if ( this .config.maven.opts) { mavenOpts( this .config.maven.opts) } } } return this } def withDisabled() { println "disabling job " + this .config.name this .job.with { if (config.withDisabled) { disabled( true ) } } return this } def withEnabled() { println "enabling job " + this .config.name this .job.with { disabled( false ) } return this } def withEnvVar(name, value) { this .envVars.put(name, value) return this } def withEnvVars() { if ( this .config.environmentVars) { this .config.environmentVars.each { key, value -> withEnvVar(key, value) } } return this } def withEnvInjectPasswordWrapper() { this .job.with { if ( this .config.withAwsKeys || this .config.withMarathonCredentials) { configure { project -> // EnvInject is a pain in the a$$ because it doesn't work out of the box // First create the EnvInject body, with empty 'passwordEntries' project / buildWrappers / 'EnvInjectPasswordWrapper' { injectGlobalPasswords false maskPasswordParameters true passwordEntries { } } } } } return this } def withAwsKeys() { this .job.with { if ( this .config.withAwsKeys) { configure { project -> // Inject AWS keys from this job project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries / 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' { name 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY' value this .config.accessKey } project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries << 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' { name 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID' value this .config.accessKey } // Inject AWS secret keys from this job by APPENDING project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries << 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' { name 'AWS_SECRET_KEY' value this .config.secretKey } project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries << 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' { name 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY' value this .config.secretKey } } } } return this } def withCodeDeploy() { this .job.with { if ( this .config.codedeploy) { this .envVars.put( "healthcheckUrl" , this .config.codedeploy.healthcheckUrl) this .envVars.put( "runAsUser" , this .config.codedeploy.runAsUser) configure { project -> // AWS CodeDeploy config project / 'publishers' / 'com.amazonaws.codedeploy.AWSCodeDeployPublisher' { // variable config s3prefix this .config.codedeploy.s3prefix s3bucket this .config.codedeploy.s3bucket applicationName this .config.codedeploy.applicationName deploymentGroupName this .config.codedeploy.deploymentGroupName deploymentConfig this .config.codedeploy.deploymentConfig region this .config.codedeploy.region includes this .config.codedeploy.includes excludes this .config.codedeploy.excludes awsAccessKey this .config.accessKey awsSecretKey this .config.secretKey // fix config pollingTimeoutSec 900 pollingFreqSec 15 waitForCompletion true proxyHost " " proxyPort 0 credentials "awsAccessKey" iamRoleArn " " } } } } return this } def withCucumberTests() { this .job.with { if (config.cucumberTestResults) { configure { it / 'publishers' / 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.cucumber.jsontestsupport.CucumberTestResultArchiver' (plugin: 'cucumber-testresult-plugin' ) { testResults config.cucumberTestResults } it / 'publishers' / 'net.masterthought.jenkins.CucumberReportPublisher' (plugin: 'cucumber-reports' ) { jsonReportDirectory '' pluginUrlPath '' fileIncludePattern '' fileExcludePattern '' skippedFails( false ) undefinedFails( false ) noFlashCharts( false ) ignoreFailedTests( false ) parallelTesting( false ) } } } } return this } def withPublishBuildInfo() { this .job.with { if (config.type == "join" && config.publishBuildInfo) { config.publishBuildInfo.projects.each { project -> steps { groovyScriptFile( "nexus-scripts/nexus-version-with-timestamp.groovy" ) { groovyInstallation(config.publishBuildInfo.groovyVersion) prop( "nexus_project_path" , project.nexusProjectPath) prop( "build_version_var_name" , project.projectName + "_version" ) prop( "build_timestamp_var_name" , project.projectName + "_timestamp" ) prop( "build_properties_file_name" , config.publishBuildInfo.propertiesFileName) } } } } } return this } def withAwsLambdas() { this .job.with { if (config.awsLambdas) { configure { project -> def lambdaDefaults = config.awsLambdas.defaults config.awsLambdas.functions.each { function -> project / 'builders' << 'com.xti.jenkins.plugin.awslambda.upload.LambdaUploadBuildStep' { delegate.lambdaUploadBuildStepVariables { delegate.useInstanceCredentials function.useInstanceCredentials ?: lambdaDefaults.useInstanceCredentials ?: false delegate.awsAccessKeyId( this .config.accessKey) delegate.awsSecretKey( new hudson.util.Secret( this .config.secretKey).getEncryptedValue()) delegate.awsRegion(function.awsRegion ?: lambdaDefaults.awsRegion ?: '') delegate.artifactLocation(function.artifactLocation ?: lambdaDefaults.artifactLocation ?: '') delegate.description(function.description ?: '') delegate.functionName(function.functionName ?: '') delegate.handler(function.handler ?: '') delegate.memorySize(function.memorySize ?: lambdaDefaults.memorySize ?: '') delegate.role(function.role ?: lambdaDefaults.role ?: '') delegate.runtime(function.runtime ?: lambdaDefaults.runtime ?: '') delegate.timeout(function.timeout ?: lambdaDefaults.timeout ?: '') delegate.updateMode(function.updateMode ?: lambdaDefaults.updateMode ?: '') delegate.publish(function.publish ?: lambdaDefaults.publish ?: false ) delegate.alias(function.alias ?: '') delegate.createAlias(function.createAlias ?: false ) delegate.subnets(function.subnets ?: lambdaDefaults.subnets ?: '') delegate.securityGroups(function.securityGroups ?: lambdaDefaults.securityGroups ?: '') } } } } } } return this } def withMarathonCredentials() { this .job.with { if (config.withMarathonCredentials) { configure { project -> // Inject Marathon credentials from this job project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries / 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' { name 'JENKINS_MARATHON_USERNAME' value this .config.marathonUsername } project / buildWrappers / EnvInjectPasswordWrapper / passwordEntries << 'EnvInjectPasswordEntry' { name 'JENKINS_MARATHON_PASSWORD' value this .config.marathonPassword } } } } return this } } /* Specific View types */ def viewBuildPipeline(config) { buildPipelineView(config.name) { selectedJob(config.firstJob) alwaysAllowManualTrigger() showPipelineParameters() showPipelineParametersInHeaders() displayedBuilds(config.displayedJobs) showPipelineDefinitionHeader() } }
          Happy Nawani made changes -
          Assignee Original: Happy Nawani [ happy_nawani ] New: Daniel Spilker [ daspilker ]

          Provide the shortest script possible that reproduces the problem.

          Daniel Spilker added a comment - Provide the shortest script possible that reproduces the problem.
          Daniel Spilker made changes -
          Assignee Original: Daniel Spilker [ daspilker ] New: Jakub Bochenski [ jbochenski ]
          Daniel Spilker made changes -
          Assignee Original: Jakub Bochenski [ jbochenski ] New: Happy Nawani [ happy_nawani ]
          Happy Nawani made changes -
          Attachment New: snippet.groovy [ 52112 ]

          Happy Nawani added a comment -

          Hi daspilker , Please find below the script in which we are facing the issue.


          Happy Nawani added a comment - Hi daspilker , Please find below the script in which we are facing the issue. snippet.groovy

            jamietanna Jamie Tanna
            happy_nawani Happy Nawani
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            2 Start watching this issue
