Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 2.222.1
Durable Task Plugin 1.34
Pipeline: Nodes and Processes 2.35
The sh command are freezes during execution of pytest in tox environment.
The tox file content:
[tox] envlist = py36[testenv] install_command = pip install {opts} {packages} deps = pytest pytest-cov pytest-flask chardet commands = pytest --cov=sweep_tools --cov-report term-missing --cov-report xml:tests/results/coverage.xml --junitxml tests/results/results.xml
The Jenkinsfile content:
docker_img_version='0.17' launch_container_with_user='jenkins' parser_name='sweep_tools' github_cred_id='xxxxxx' github_url='git@github.com:xxx.git' pipeline { agent { docker { image 'xxxxx/analytics/ci_process:'+docker_img_version label 'slaves_host' args '-u jenkins -e POSTGRESQL_USER=xxxx -e POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=xxxx -e POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=xxxxx' customWorkspace "/home/jenkins/workspace/${env.JOB_NAME}" } } stages { stage('Delete tox cache') { steps { dir("${env.WORKSPACE}/.tox") { deleteDir() } } } stage('Test execution') { steps { sh 'tox' junit 'tests/results/results.xml' cobertura autoUpdateHealth: false, autoUpdateStability: false, coberturaReportFile: 'tests/results/coverage.xml', conditionalCoverageTargets: '70, 0, 0', failUnhealthy: false, failUnstable: false, lineCoverageTargets: '80, 0, 0', maxNumberOfBuilds: 0, methodCoverageTargets: '80, 0, 0', onlyStable: false, sourceEncoding: 'ASCII', zoomCoverageChart: false } } } }
The execution are freeze just after pytest execution.
I can see the complete log of pytest execution but the task is never end.
I can use the same configuration with durable task plugin 1.26 and it work
Best regards
[JENKINS-61793] Pytest execution freeze in docker node
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Attachment | Original: image-2023-11-16-15-19-59-408.png [ 61504 ] |