Basic auth can be an expensive process in Tower if you are using an external authenticator (such as LDAP). This is because your basic auth creds need to be checked with the source for every API call. Where as a token auth method is significantly faster because only Tower needs to validate that the token is valid within its own database.
Because of this the plugin is specifically written to seek out one of the token authentication methods. It will first look for the endpoint /api/o. If found your installation support oauth2 and that will be used. If that does not exist but instead the endpoint /api/v2/authtoken exists then then the older authtoken mechanism will be used. If neither of those work it will revert to basic auth for every request.
With either oauth or authtoken the plugin should work with either a direct token entered or via username/password. If you give the plugin a token it will craft a header with it directly. However, if you use username/password those credentials will be used to get an initial token of either type and then subsequent requests will utilize the generated token.
With the verbosity turned on you should see messages in your jenkins.log like you have above. Those messages will tell you what the plugin is attempting to do. Unfortunately, your snippet above ended just short of where the plugin attempts to get the token.
[Ansible-Tower] Checking if Tower can: ansible-tower-dev /api/o/
[Ansible-Tower] Forcing cert trust
[Ansible-Tower] Can Tower request completed with (200)
[Ansible-Tower] Tower supoorts /api/o/
This section says that your Tower instance does support the /api/o endpoint so the plugin is going to use the given username/password to attempt to get a token. The next two lines:
[Ansible-Tower] Getting an oAuth token for ID
[Ansible-Tower] Forcing cert trust
Are the plugin going to use the configured username/password combo to get a temporary oauth token to use.
There is currently no way within the plugin to force basic auth through tower. If you could figure out how to make Jenkins not be able to hit either of the two endpoints mentioned above it would, in theory, revert to using basic auth for everything. But again, that method can be significantly slower compared to using the username/password to get a token and then using the token.
Also, please do not get confused between an oauth authentication setting within Tower vs the oauth to the Tower API. They are two different things. You do not need to configure anything within Tower settings => Authentication for the oAuth connection to work. However, in settings => System there is an option for "Enable HTTP Basic Auth". If you are using username/password instead of a direct token you will likely need that enabled otherwise the initial call to get a token will be rejected.
The tower plugin has worked with api/v2 since at least 2018 and the new version of the plugin should work with a new version of Tower such as 3.6.4.
I am noticing that you are reporting using version 0.8.5 while the latest version is 0.14.1.
In 0.13.0 we did some work on the back end authentication. Please try upgrading to 0.14.1 and let me know if you are still having problems. If so, please send me whatever specific error message you are getting and what you are trying to have the plugin do.