New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Requesting a feature to allow the snippetizer to output in single line and/or multi line by some sort of check box. When using this code for cutting and pasting multi-line for large blocks is desired, it makes things much easier to read in groovy code of jobs.
eg: single line
recordIssues aggregatingResults: true, enabledForFailure: true, filters: [includeType('test')], qualityGates: [[threshold: 1, type: 'TOTAL', unstable: false], [threshold: 1, type: 'NEW_ERROR', unstable: false]], tools: [cpd(), checkStyle(), gendarme(pattern: '*.*')], trendChartType: 'TOOLS_ONLY'
recordIssues aggregatingResults: true, enabledForFailure: true, filters: [includeType('test')], qualityGates: [[threshold: 1, type: 'TOTAL', unstable: false ], [threshold: 1, type: 'NEW_ERROR', unstable: false ] ], tools: [cpd(), checkStyle(), gendarme(pattern: '*.*') ], trendChartType: 'TOOLS_ONLY'