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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-63512

Cannot disable the Rebuilder plugin in Multibranch Pipeline jobs


      Rebuilder 1.25 has introduced an option to disable the action on project (job) level. It works fine with Freestyle and Pipeline jobs. Unfortunately, it is impossible to disable the plugin for Multibranch jobs. I have the plugin installed and only the following options are available on my Jenkins:

      ansiColor, authorizationMatrix, buildDiscarder, catchError, checkoutToSubdirectory, disableConcurrentBuilds, disableResume, durabilityHint, lock, newContainerPerStage, overrideIndexTriggers, parallelsAlwaysFailFast, podTemplate, preserveStashes, quietPeriod, rateLimitBuilds, retry, script, skipDefaultCheckout, skipStagesAfterUnstable, timeout, timestamps, waitUntil, warnError, withContext, withCredentials, withEnv, ws

      We invest a lot of effort to make Restart from Stage working and efficient. Unfortunately, developers are used to use the Rebuild button, so we have to hide it or uninstall the plugin (problematic because some old workflows require it).

            ragesh_nair ragesh_nair
            agabrys Adam Gabryƛ
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