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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-63698

BlueOcean plugin stops being usable when number of nodes in a pipeline passes 20

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • blueocean-plugin
    • None
    • Jenkins 2.235.5
      BlueOcean 1.23.2

      Here's a pipeline I'm comfortable sharing. It cleans up the old folders in Jenkins workspace across all online nodes.

      When the number of nodes passes 15-20, the BlueOcean view gets stuck. Fans kick in. This quickly gets Safari/Chrome/Firefox to get stuck in our environment.

      The above is correct even for the jobs that have completely finished quite a while ago.

      def builders = [:].asSynchronized()
      node('master') {
          stage('Pre-flight') {
              String[] node_names = []
              for (Node node in Hudson.instance.nodes) {
                  if (node != null && node.toComputer() != null && node.toComputer().online) {
                    node_names += node.getNodeName() 
                  node = null
              for (node_name in node_names) {
                  def final_node_name = node_name
                  builders[final_node_name] = {
                      node(final_node_name) {
                          timeout(time:5, unit: "MINUTES") {
                              def usage = ''
                              usage = sh(script: "df -h / | tail -n 1 | awk '{print \$5}'", returnStdout: true).trim()
                              println "usage before: ${usage}"
                              sh """#!/bin/bash -x
                              touch ${WORKSPACE}/.dont_remove_workspace
                              sudo find ${WORKSPACE}/.. -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -mmin +180 -print -exec sudo rm -rf {} \\;
                              rm -f ${WORKSPACE}/.dont_remove_workspace
                              usage = sh(script: "df -h / | tail -n 1 | awk '{print \$5}'", returnStdout: true).trim()
                              println "usage after: ${usage}"
      pipeline {
          agent { node { label 'master'} }
          triggers { cron('H * * * *')} 
              stage ('Do the cleanup') {
                  steps {
                      script {
                          if (builders == [:]) {
                              println "No nodes found"
                              currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
                          parallel builders

          [JENKINS-63698] BlueOcean plugin stops being usable when number of nodes in a pipeline passes 20

          efo plo created issue -

          efo plo added a comment -

          Related: JENKINS-62449

          efo plo added a comment - Related: JENKINS-62449

          efo plo added a comment -

          The issue has been pinned down to `blueocean-executors-info` plugin.

          That plugin has been uninstalled, as it is completely unclear why it exists or what it brings to the table. The amount of pain that it caused over the years to 150+ developers on our site is hard to describe.

          Please consider deprecating it altogether, as I suspect there are other installations of it wrecking similar amounts of havoc elsewhere.

          efo plo added a comment - The issue has been pinned down to `blueocean-executors-info` plugin. That plugin has been uninstalled, as it is completely unclear why it exists or what it brings to the table. The amount of pain that it caused over the years to 150+ developers on our site is hard to describe. Please consider deprecating it altogether, as I suspect there are other installations of it wrecking similar amounts of havoc elsewhere.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            eplodn1 efo plo
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