I tested the v2.1 plugin with the normal jenkins pipeline and all works fine, when it comes to multi-branch pipeline job, i can see in Bitbucket server it push the webhook to jenkins successfully on any code push, and in jenkins multi branch project log i can see logs like below:
[Tue Sep 29 15:27:37 BST 2020] Received com.atlassian.bitbucket.jenkins.internal.trigger.BitbucketWebhookConsumer$BitbucketSCMHeadEvent UPDATED event from bitbucket-auto-trigger-test with timestamp Tue Sep 29 15:27:37 BST 2020
Found match against /folder1/job1
Found match against /folder1/job2
Found match against /folder2/job3
Found match against /folder2/job4
Found match against /folder3/jobN
but it is very slow, looks like it is searching the whole jenkins instance's multi-branch pipeline jobs to do broadcast on the branch event and it stuck at some jobs, when i remove the problematic job it goes further but stuck at some other jobs again. I am wonder whether this is something handled by the Bitbucket Server Integration plugin or it is with multi-branch pipeline plugin. If i put my test job into the folder it scans first, e.g. folder1, it works fine. Can you please advise?
I confirm the same behavior with
Clean, empty installations of Jenkins with the exact same plugins, credentials and Bitbucket configured do not face the issue.
Is there an upper limit in the number of matches that the Branch API looks for, for example for onSCMHeadEvent() (BitbucketSCMHeadEvent)?