Resolution: Unresolved
The /computer/api/json endpoint returns a null value for "currentExecutable" field for all KubernetesComputers defined in pipeline. For example:
kubernetes { label "openjdk1-8-0-265-openjdk1-11-0-8" cloud "k8s-cluster" namespace "build" yamlFile '.ci/k8s/build.yaml'}
The KubernetesComputers defined using UI and referenced by label are not affected.
Response for KubernetesComputer defined in pipeline:
"_class": "org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes.KubernetesComputer", "executors": [ { "currentExecutable": null, "idle": false } ], "offline": false, "offlineCause": null, "offlineCauseReason": "", "containers": []}
Repospone for KubernetesComputer defined in UI view:
{ "_class": "org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins.kubernetes.KubernetesComputer", "executors": [ { "currentExecutable": { "_class": "org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.support.steps.ExecutorStepExecution$PlaceholderTask$PlaceholderExecutable", "timestamp": 1603455886141, "url": "<build url>" }, "idle": false } ], "offline": false, "offlineCause": null, "offlineCauseReason": "", "containers": []}