Resolution: Unresolved
Debian 4.19.132-1 (2020-07-24) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Jenkins 2.249.2
workflow-multibranch-plugin 2.22
cloudbees-folder-plugin 6.14
When i'm creating a multibranch-pipeline job inside a folder, and next to it a freestyle project, i'd excpect that the file structure under linux would be the following
├── FolderName
└── Job1 <- multibranch
└── branch1
└── branch2
└── Job2 <- freestyle
but instead, it is
├── FolderName
└── Job2
├── FolderName_Job1_branch1
├── FolderName_Job1_branch2
and so on.
Is this the intended behavior of the plugin or is it a bug?
In any case I would like to know how it would be possible to exchange artifacts between the different jobs.
Please note:
I am aware of the behaviour with special characters in the branch name (for example "/") and already use the url-encoded names.
Possibly related issue:
[JENKINS-64132] Multibranch pipeline jobs in folders are being separated by underscores
Description |
When i'm creating a multibranch-pipeline job inside a folder, and next to it a freestyle project, i'd excpect that the file structure under linux would be the following {color:#505f79}├── FolderName{color} {color:#505f79} └── Job1 <- multibranch{color} {color:#505f79} └── branch1{color} {color:#505f79} └── branch2{color} {color:#505f79} └── Job2 <- freestyle{color} but instead, it is {color:#505f79}├── FolderName{color} {color:#505f79} └── Job2 {color} {color:#505f79}├── FolderName_Job1_branch1{color} {color:#505f79}├── FolderName_Job1_branch2{color} and so on. Is this the intended behavior of the plugin or is it a bug? In any case I would like to know how it would be possible to exchange artifacts between the different jobs. Please note: I am aware of the behaviour with special characters in the branch name (for example "/") and already use the url-encoded names. Possibly related issue: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-63258 |
When i'm creating a multibranch-pipeline job inside a folder, and next to it a freestyle project, i'd excpect that the file structure under linux would be the following {color:#505f79}├── FolderName{color} {color:#505f79} └── Job1 <- multibranch{color} {color:#505f79} └── branch1{color} {color:#505f79} └── branch2{color} {color:#505f79} └── Job2 <- freestyle{color} but instead, it is {color:#505f79}├── FolderName{color} {color:#505f79} └── Job2 {color} {color:#505f79}├── FolderName_Job1_branch1{color} {color:#505f79}├── FolderName_Job1_branch2{color} and so on. Is this the intended behavior of the plugin or is it a bug? In any case I would like to know how it would be possible to exchange artifacts between the different jobs. Please note: I am aware of the behaviour with special characters in the branch name (for example "/") and already use the url-encoded names. Possibly related issue: JENKINS-63258 |
Description |
When i'm creating a multibranch-pipeline job inside a folder, and next to it a freestyle project, i'd excpect that the file structure under linux would be the following {color:#505f79}├── FolderName{color} {color:#505f79} └── Job1 <- multibranch{color} {color:#505f79} └── branch1{color} {color:#505f79} └── branch2{color} {color:#505f79} └── Job2 <- freestyle{color} but instead, it is {color:#505f79}├── FolderName{color} {color:#505f79} └── Job2 {color} {color:#505f79}├── FolderName_Job1_branch1{color} {color:#505f79}├── FolderName_Job1_branch2{color} and so on. Is this the intended behavior of the plugin or is it a bug? In any case I would like to know how it would be possible to exchange artifacts between the different jobs. Please note: I am aware of the behaviour with special characters in the branch name (for example "/") and already use the url-encoded names. Possibly related issue: JENKINS-63258 |
When i'm creating a multibranch-pipeline job inside a folder, and next to it a freestyle project, i'd excpect that the file structure under linux would be the following {color:#505f79}├── FolderName{color} {color:#505f79} └── Job1 <- multibranch{color} {color:#505f79} └── branch1{color} {color:#505f79} └── branch2{color} {color:#505f79} └── Job2 <- freestyle{color} but instead, it is {color:#505f79}├── FolderName{color} {color:#505f79} └── Job2 {color} {color:#505f79}├── FolderName_Job1_branch1{color} {color:#505f79}├── FolderName_Job1_branch2{color} and so on. Is this the intended behavior of the plugin or is it a bug? In any case I would like to know how it would be possible to exchange artifacts between the different jobs. Please note: I am aware of the behaviour with special characters in the branch name (for example "/") and already use the url-encoded names. Possibly related issue: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-63258 |