Uploaded image for project: 'Jenkins'
  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-64142

rundeck plugin jenkins job configuration file can not save

    • 3.6.9

      Report all issues with a complete plugin list

      curl -sSL "http://$JENKINS_HOST/pluginManager/api/xml?depth=1&xpath=/*/*/shortName|/*/*/version&wrapper=plugins" | perl -pe 's/.*?<shortName>([\w-]+).*?<version>([^<]+)()(<\/\w+>)+/\1 \2\n/g'|sed 's/ /:/'

      Check if your plugin already has an issue reported https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-64184?filter=22840 (artifactory plugin is https://github.com/jfrog/jenkins-artifactory-plugin/issues/350

      If you know which plugin is causing the issue report a new issue, including steps to reproduce and screenshots and label it with 'tables-to-divs-regression'

      After updating jenkins war to 2.265
      When i manually visit through the UI and edit our build configuration files

      The html formatting of the configuration page is not correct

      And i can not even save the configuration file (without making any changes)

      There is nothing obvious log output from the /var/logs/jenkins log file.



          [JENKINS-64142] rundeck plugin jenkins job configuration file can not save

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment -

          I'd guess this is a non-obvious tabs-to-divs regression from Jenkins 2.264. CC timja fqueiruga

          Any chance there are warning messages in your browser's developer console?

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment - I'd guess this is a non-obvious tabs-to-divs regression from Jenkins 2.264. CC timja fqueiruga Any chance there are warning messages in your browser's developer console?

          Maybe the plugin that provides the Rundeck options is not tables-to-divs compatible.

          Félix Queiruga Balado added a comment - Maybe the plugin that provides the Rundeck options is not tables-to-divs compatible.

          Tim Jacomb added a comment -

          Can you supply a plugins list please,

          Use this script:

          curl -sSL "http://$JENKINS_HOST/pluginManager/api/xml?depth=1&xpath=/*/*/shortName|/*/*/version&wrapper=plugins" | perl -pe 's/.*?<shortName>([\w-]+).*?<version>([^<]+)()(<\/\w+>)+/\1 \2\n/g'|sed 's/ /:/'

          Tim Jacomb added a comment - Can you supply a plugins list please, Use this script: JENKINS_HOST=username:password@myhost.com:port curl -sSL "http: //$JENKINS_HOST/pluginManager/api/xml?depth=1&xpath= /*/*/ shortName| /*/*/ version&wrapper=plugins" | perl -pe 's/.*?<shortName>([\w-]+).*?<version>([^<]+)()(<\/\w+>)+/\1 \2\n/g' |sed 's/ /:/'

          Félix Queiruga Balado added a comment - Looking further into it, this line on the rundeck-plugin seems to be the issue: https://github.com/jenkinsci/rundeck-plugin/blob/ba392e9cfa1ffed8735866dd37f7a36aa35fd936/src/main/resources/org/jenkinsci/plugins/rundeck/RundeckTrigger/config.jelly#L13 Updating it following this recipe should fix the issue:  https://www.jenkins.io/doc/developer/views/table-to-div-migration/

          Tim Jacomb added a comment -

          oleg_nenashev the warnings in console aren't really helpful, we need to know what plugin caused it and which configuration page.

          Is it:
          1. the system configuration page?
          2. a freestyle job configuration page?
          3. something else?

          Tim Jacomb added a comment - oleg_nenashev the warnings in console aren't really helpful, we need to know what plugin caused it and which configuration page. Is it: 1. the system configuration page? 2. a freestyle job configuration page? 3. something else?

          Cobertura Plugin (cobertura): 1.16 OWASP ZAP Plugin (zapper): 1.0.7 Theme Manager (Incubating) (theme-manager): 0.5 Display URL API (display-url-api): 2.3.3 Run Condition Plugin (run-condition): 1.3 GIT server Plugin (git-server): 1.9 WMI Windows Agents Plugin (windows-slaves): 1.7 Clover PHP plugin (cloverphp): 0.5 Durable Task Plugin (durable-task): 1.35 HCL AppScan (appscan): 1.0.6 Authorize Project (authorize-project): 1.3.0 Build Timeout (build-timeout): 1.20 Configuration Slicing plugin (configurationslicing): 1.51 Simple Theme Plugin (simple-theme-plugin): 0.6 Slack Notification Plugin (slack): 2.43 Hudson Post build task (postbuild-task): 1.8 Branch API Plugin (branch-api): 2.6.1 Rich Text Publisher Plugin (rich-text-publisher-plugin): 1.4 Checks API plugin (checks-api): 1.1.0 JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin (momentjs): 1.1.1 Official OWASP ZAP Jenkins Plugin (zap): 1.1.0 Pipeline: Supporting APIs (workflow-support): 3.5 Command Agent Launcher Plugin (command-launcher): 1.5 Git client plugin (git-client): 3.5.1 Allure Jenkins Plugin (allure-jenkins-plugin): 2.28.1 Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin (matrix-auth): 2.6.4 Pipeline: Basic Steps (workflow-basic-steps): 2.22 jQuery plugin (jquery): 1.12.4-1 MapDB API Plugin (mapdb-api): Bootstrap 4 API Plugin (bootstrap4-api): 4.5.3-1 Parameterized Trigger plugin (parameterized-trigger): 2.39 Icon Shim Plugin (icon-shim): 2.0.3 Script Security Plugin (script-security): 1.75 Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API (pipeline-model-extensions): 1.7.2 Maven Integration plugin (maven-plugin): 3.8 SCM API Plugin (scm-api): 2.6.4 Javadoc Plugin (javadoc): 1.6 Email Extension Template Plugin (emailext-template): 1.2 Mail Watcher Plugin (mail-watcher-plugin): 1.16 View Job Filters (view-job-filters): 2.3 HTML Publisher plugin (htmlpublisher): 1.23 BrowserStack (browserstack-integration): 1.1.8 Maintenance Jobs Scheduler Plugin (maintenance-jobs-scheduler): 0.1.0 Jackson 2 API Plugin (jackson2-api): 2.11.3 JQuery3 API Plugin (jquery3-api): 3.5.1-2 Job DSL (job-dsl): 1.77 Hudson global-build-stats plugin (global-build-stats): 1.5 Docker Commons Plugin (docker-commons): 1.17 Folders Plugin (cloudbees-folder): 6.14 Pipeline: API (workflow-api): 2.40 Multijob plugin (jenkins-multijob-plugin): 1.33 Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata (pipeline-stage-tags-metadata): 1.7.2 Plugin Utilities API Plugin (plugin-util-api): 1.4.0 NodeJS Plugin (nodejs): 1.3.9 JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin (jquery-detached): 1.2.1 Throttle Concurrent Builds Plug-in (throttle-concurrents): 2.0.3 bouncycastle API Plugin (bouncycastle-api): 2.18 disk-usage plugin (disk-usage): 0.28 Backup plugin (backup): 1.6.1 Pipeline: Groovy (workflow-cps): 2.84 Credentials Plugin (credentials): 2.3.13 EnvInject API Plugin (envinject-api): 1.7 Popper.js API Plugin (popper-api): 1.16.0-7 Pipeline: SCM Step (workflow-scm-step): 2.11 Build Failure Analyzer (build-failure-analyzer): 1.27.1 Environment Injector Plugin (envinject): 2.3.0 Extended Read Permission Plugin (extended-read-permission): 3.2 Pipeline: Nodes and Processes (workflow-durable-task-step): 2.36 Pipeline: Job (workflow-job): 2.40 Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin (pipeline-graph-analysis): 1.10 Role-based Authorization Strategy (role-strategy): 3.1 ECharts API Plugin (echarts-api): 4.9.0-2 Subversion Plug-in (subversion): 2.13.2 Config File Provider Plugin (config-file-provider): 3.7.0 SSH Build Agents plugin (ssh-slaves): 1.31.2 External Monitor Job Type Plugin (external-monitor-job): 1.7 JUnit Plugin (junit): 1.43 Extended Choice Parameter Plug-In (extended-choice-parameter): 0.82 Pipeline: Step API (workflow-step-api): 2.23 Credentials Binding Plugin (credentials-binding): 1.24 Build Pipeline Plugin (build-pipeline-plugin): 1.5.8 Token Macro Plugin (token-macro): 2.12 Performance Plugin (performance): 3.18 Font Awesome API Plugin (font-awesome-api): 5.15.1-1 Text Finder (text-finder): 1.15 Heavy Job Plugin (heavy-job): 1.1 Conditional BuildStep (conditional-buildstep): 1.3.6 Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin (apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api): 4.5.10-2.0 ThinBackup (thinBackup): 1.10 Dark Theme (dark-theme): 0.0.10 Purge Build Queue Plugin (purge-build-queue-plugin): 1.0 PAM Authentication plugin (pam-auth): 1.6 Lockable Resources plugin (lockable-resources): 2.10 Pipeline (workflow-aggregator): 2.6 Gradle Plugin (gradle): 1.36 java.io.tmpdir cleaner plugin (tmpcleaner): 1.3 DTKit 2 API. (dtkit-api): 2.2.1 LDAP Plugin (ldap): 1.26 Bulk Builder (bulk-builder): 1.5 Audit Trail (audit-trail): 3.7 OWASP Dependency-Check Plugin (dependency-check-jenkins-plugin): 5.1.1 Docker Pipeline (docker-workflow): 1.24 Plain Credentials Plugin (plain-credentials): 1.7 VAddy Jenkins Plugin (vaddy-plugin): 1.2.8 Pipeline: REST API Plugin (pipeline-rest-api): 2.18 Email Extension Plugin (email-ext): 2.79 Dashboard View (dashboard-view): 2.14 Rundeck plugin (rundeck): 3.6.7 OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin (antisamy-markup-formatter): 2.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin (ace-editor): 1.1 Authentication Tokens API Plugin (authentication-tokens): 1.4 Ant Plugin (ant): 1.11 Pipeline: Build Step (pipeline-build-step): 2.13 Sidebar Link (sidebar-link): 1.11.0 SSH Credentials Plugin (ssh-credentials): 1.18.1 Pipeline: Input Step (pipeline-input-step): 2.12 Schedule Build Plugin (schedule-build): 0.5.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin (handlebars): 1.1.1 Resource Disposer Plugin (resource-disposer): 0.14 Pipeline: Stage Step (pipeline-stage-step): 2.5 JSch dependency plugin (jsch): Test Results Analyzer Plugin (test-results-analyzer): 0.3.5 Mailer Plugin (mailer): 1.32.1 SSH plugin (ssh): 2.6.1 Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries (workflow-cps-global-lib): 2.17 Job Configuration History Plugin (jobConfigHistory): 2.26 Structs Plugin (structs): 1.20 BuildResultTrigger Plug-in (buildresult-trigger): 0.17 Trilead API Plugin (trilead-api): 1.0.12 Pipeline: Milestone Step (pipeline-milestone-step): 1.3.1 Workspace Cleanup Plugin (ws-cleanup): 0.38 Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin (jdk-tool): 1.4 Pipeline: Multibranch (workflow-multibranch): 2.22 Active Directory plugin (active-directory): 2.20 SSH Agent Plugin (ssh-agent): 1.20 OWASP Dependency-Track Plugin (dependency-track): 2.3.0 xUnit plugin (xunit): 2.4.0 Pipeline: Stage View Plugin (pipeline-stage-view): 2.18 Pipeline: Model API (pipeline-model-api): 1.7.2 Pipeline: Declarative (pipeline-model-definition): 1.7.2 Snakeyaml API Plugin (snakeyaml-api): 1.27.0 Code Coverage API Plugin (code-coverage-api): 1.2.0 built-on-column (built-on-column): 1.1 Matrix Project Plugin (matrix-project): 1.18 Timestamper (timestamper): 1.11.8 Performance Publisher plugin (perfpublisher): 8.09 Custom Tools Plugin (custom-tools-plugin): 0.7 Result: [Plugin:cobertura, Plugin:zapper, Plugin:theme-manager, Plugin:display-url-api, Plugin:run-condition, Plugin:git-server, Plugin:windows-slaves, Plugin:cloverphp, Plugin:durable-task, Plugin:appscan, Plugin:authorize-project, Plugin:build-timeout, Plugin:configurationslicing, Plugin:simple-theme-plugin, Plugin:slack, Plugin:postbuild-task, Plugin:branch-api, Plugin:rich-text-publisher-plugin, Plugin:checks-api, Plugin:momentjs, Plugin:zap, Plugin:workflow-support, Plugin:command-launcher, Plugin:git-client, Plugin:allure-jenkins-plugin, Plugin:matrix-auth, Plugin:workflow-basic-steps, Plugin:jquery, Plugin:mapdb-api, Plugin:bootstrap4-api, Plugin:parameterized-trigger, Plugin:icon-shim, Plugin:script-security, Plugin:pipeline-model-extensions, Plugin:maven-plugin, Plugin:scm-api, Plugin:javadoc, Plugin:emailext-template, Plugin:mail-watcher-plugin, Plugin:view-job-filters, Plugin:htmlpublisher, Plugin:browserstack-integration, Plugin:maintenance-jobs-scheduler, Plugin:jackson2-api, Plugin:jquery3-api, Plugin:job-dsl, Plugin:global-build-stats, Plugin:docker-commons, Plugin:cloudbees-folder, Plugin:workflow-api, Plugin:jenkins-multijob-plugin, Plugin:pipeline-stage-tags-metadata, Plugin:plugin-util-api, Plugin:nodejs, Plugin:jquery-detached, Plugin:throttle-concurrents, Plugin:bouncycastle-api, Plugin:disk-usage, Plugin:backup, Plugin:workflow-cps, Plugin:credentials, Plugin:envinject-api, Plugin:popper-api, Plugin:workflow-scm-step, Plugin:build-failure-analyzer, Plugin:envinject, Plugin:extended-read-permission, Plugin:workflow-durable-task-step, Plugin:workflow-job, Plugin:pipeline-graph-analysis, Plugin:role-strategy, Plugin:echarts-api, Plugin:subversion, Plugin:config-file-provider, Plugin:ssh-slaves, Plugin:external-monitor-job, Plugin:junit, Plugin:extended-choice-parameter, Plugin:workflow-step-api, Plugin:credentials-binding, Plugin:build-pipeline-plugin, Plugin:token-macro, Plugin:performance, Plugin:font-awesome-api, Plugin:text-finder, Plugin:heavy-job, Plugin:conditional-buildstep, Plugin:apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api, Plugin:thinBackup, Plugin:dark-theme, Plugin:purge-build-queue-plugin, Plugin:pam-auth, Plugin:lockable-resources, Plugin:workflow-aggregator, Plugin:gradle, Plugin:tmpcleaner, Plugin:dtkit-api, Plugin:ldap, Plugin:bulk-builder, Plugin:audit-trail, Plugin:dependency-check-jenkins-plugin, Plugin:docker-workflow, Plugin:plain-credentials, Plugin:vaddy-plugin, Plugin:pipeline-rest-api, Plugin:email-ext, Plugin:dashboard-view, Plugin:rundeck, Plugin:antisamy-markup-formatter, Plugin:ace-editor, Plugin:authentication-tokens, Plugin:ant, Plugin:pipeline-build-step, Plugin:sidebar-link, Plugin:ssh-credentials, Plugin:pipeline-input-step, Plugin:schedule-build, Plugin:handlebars, Plugin:resource-disposer, Plugin:pipeline-stage-step, Plugin:jsch, Plugin:test-results-analyzer, Plugin:mailer, Plugin:ssh, Plugin:workflow-cps-global-lib, Plugin:jobConfigHistory, Plugin:structs, Plugin:buildresult-trigger, Plugin:trilead-api, Plugin:pipeline-milestone-step, Plugin:ws-cleanup, Plugin:jdk-tool, Plugin:workflow-multibranch, Plugin:active-directory, Plugin:ssh-agent, Plugin:dependency-track, Plugin:xunit, Plugin:pipeline-stage-view, Plugin:pipeline-model-api, Plugin:pipeline-model-definition, Plugin:snakeyaml-api, Plugin:code-coverage-api, Plugin:built-on-column, Plugin:matrix-project, Plugin:timestamper, Plugin:perfpublisher, Plugin:custom-tools-plugin]

          michael fortinbrass added a comment - Cobertura Plugin (cobertura): 1.16 OWASP ZAP Plugin (zapper): 1.0.7 Theme Manager (Incubating) (theme-manager): 0.5 Display URL API (display-url-api): 2.3.3 Run Condition Plugin (run-condition): 1.3 GIT server Plugin (git-server): 1.9 WMI Windows Agents Plugin (windows-slaves): 1.7 Clover PHP plugin (cloverphp): 0.5 Durable Task Plugin (durable-task): 1.35 HCL AppScan (appscan): 1.0.6 Authorize Project (authorize-project): 1.3.0 Build Timeout (build-timeout): 1.20 Configuration Slicing plugin (configurationslicing): 1.51 Simple Theme Plugin (simple-theme-plugin): 0.6 Slack Notification Plugin (slack): 2.43 Hudson Post build task (postbuild-task): 1.8 Branch API Plugin (branch-api): 2.6.1 Rich Text Publisher Plugin (rich-text-publisher-plugin): 1.4 Checks API plugin (checks-api): 1.1.0 JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin (momentjs): 1.1.1 Official OWASP ZAP Jenkins Plugin (zap): 1.1.0 Pipeline: Supporting APIs (workflow-support): 3.5 Command Agent Launcher Plugin (command-launcher): 1.5 Git client plugin (git-client): 3.5.1 Allure Jenkins Plugin (allure-jenkins-plugin): 2.28.1 Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin (matrix-auth): 2.6.4 Pipeline: Basic Steps (workflow-basic-steps): 2.22 jQuery plugin (jquery): 1.12.4-1 MapDB API Plugin (mapdb-api): Bootstrap 4 API Plugin (bootstrap4-api): 4.5.3-1 Parameterized Trigger plugin (parameterized-trigger): 2.39 Icon Shim Plugin (icon-shim): 2.0.3 Script Security Plugin (script-security): 1.75 Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API (pipeline-model-extensions): 1.7.2 Maven Integration plugin (maven-plugin): 3.8 SCM API Plugin (scm-api): 2.6.4 Javadoc Plugin (javadoc): 1.6 Email Extension Template Plugin (emailext-template): 1.2 Mail Watcher Plugin (mail-watcher-plugin): 1.16 View Job Filters (view-job-filters): 2.3 HTML Publisher plugin (htmlpublisher): 1.23 BrowserStack (browserstack-integration): 1.1.8 Maintenance Jobs Scheduler Plugin (maintenance-jobs-scheduler): 0.1.0 Jackson 2 API Plugin (jackson2-api): 2.11.3 JQuery3 API Plugin (jquery3-api): 3.5.1-2 Job DSL (job-dsl): 1.77 Hudson global-build-stats plugin (global-build-stats): 1.5 Docker Commons Plugin (docker-commons): 1.17 Folders Plugin (cloudbees-folder): 6.14 Pipeline: API (workflow-api): 2.40 Multijob plugin (jenkins-multijob-plugin): 1.33 Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata (pipeline-stage-tags-metadata): 1.7.2 Plugin Utilities API Plugin (plugin-util-api): 1.4.0 NodeJS Plugin (nodejs): 1.3.9 JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin (jquery-detached): 1.2.1 Throttle Concurrent Builds Plug-in (throttle-concurrents): 2.0.3 bouncycastle API Plugin (bouncycastle-api): 2.18 disk-usage plugin (disk-usage): 0.28 Backup plugin (backup): 1.6.1 Pipeline: Groovy (workflow-cps): 2.84 Credentials Plugin (credentials): 2.3.13 EnvInject API Plugin (envinject-api): 1.7 Popper.js API Plugin (popper-api): 1.16.0-7 Pipeline: SCM Step (workflow-scm-step): 2.11 Build Failure Analyzer (build-failure-analyzer): 1.27.1 Environment Injector Plugin (envinject): 2.3.0 Extended Read Permission Plugin (extended-read-permission): 3.2 Pipeline: Nodes and Processes (workflow-durable-task-step): 2.36 Pipeline: Job (workflow-job): 2.40 Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin (pipeline-graph-analysis): 1.10 Role-based Authorization Strategy (role-strategy): 3.1 ECharts API Plugin (echarts-api): 4.9.0-2 Subversion Plug-in (subversion): 2.13.2 Config File Provider Plugin (config-file-provider): 3.7.0 SSH Build Agents plugin (ssh-slaves): 1.31.2 External Monitor Job Type Plugin (external-monitor-job): 1.7 JUnit Plugin (junit): 1.43 Extended Choice Parameter Plug-In (extended-choice-parameter): 0.82 Pipeline: Step API (workflow-step-api): 2.23 Credentials Binding Plugin (credentials-binding): 1.24 Build Pipeline Plugin (build-pipeline-plugin): 1.5.8 Token Macro Plugin (token-macro): 2.12 Performance Plugin (performance): 3.18 Font Awesome API Plugin (font-awesome-api): 5.15.1-1 Text Finder (text-finder): 1.15 Heavy Job Plugin (heavy-job): 1.1 Conditional BuildStep (conditional-buildstep): 1.3.6 Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin (apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api): 4.5.10-2.0 ThinBackup (thinBackup): 1.10 Dark Theme (dark-theme): 0.0.10 Purge Build Queue Plugin (purge-build-queue-plugin): 1.0 PAM Authentication plugin (pam-auth): 1.6 Lockable Resources plugin (lockable-resources): 2.10 Pipeline (workflow-aggregator): 2.6 Gradle Plugin (gradle): 1.36 java.io.tmpdir cleaner plugin (tmpcleaner): 1.3 DTKit 2 API. (dtkit-api): 2.2.1 LDAP Plugin (ldap): 1.26 Bulk Builder (bulk-builder): 1.5 Audit Trail (audit-trail): 3.7 OWASP Dependency-Check Plugin (dependency-check-jenkins-plugin): 5.1.1 Docker Pipeline (docker-workflow): 1.24 Plain Credentials Plugin (plain-credentials): 1.7 VAddy Jenkins Plugin (vaddy-plugin): 1.2.8 Pipeline: REST API Plugin (pipeline-rest-api): 2.18 Email Extension Plugin (email-ext): 2.79 Dashboard View (dashboard-view): 2.14 Rundeck plugin (rundeck): 3.6.7 OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin (antisamy-markup-formatter): 2.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin (ace-editor): 1.1 Authentication Tokens API Plugin (authentication-tokens): 1.4 Ant Plugin (ant): 1.11 Pipeline: Build Step (pipeline-build-step): 2.13 Sidebar Link (sidebar-link): 1.11.0 SSH Credentials Plugin (ssh-credentials): 1.18.1 Pipeline: Input Step (pipeline-input-step): 2.12 Schedule Build Plugin (schedule-build): 0.5.1 JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin (handlebars): 1.1.1 Resource Disposer Plugin (resource-disposer): 0.14 Pipeline: Stage Step (pipeline-stage-step): 2.5 JSch dependency plugin (jsch): Test Results Analyzer Plugin (test-results-analyzer): 0.3.5 Mailer Plugin (mailer): 1.32.1 SSH plugin (ssh): 2.6.1 Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries (workflow-cps-global-lib): 2.17 Job Configuration History Plugin (jobConfigHistory): 2.26 Structs Plugin (structs): 1.20 BuildResultTrigger Plug-in (buildresult-trigger): 0.17 Trilead API Plugin (trilead-api): 1.0.12 Pipeline: Milestone Step (pipeline-milestone-step): 1.3.1 Workspace Cleanup Plugin (ws-cleanup): 0.38 Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin (jdk-tool): 1.4 Pipeline: Multibranch (workflow-multibranch): 2.22 Active Directory plugin (active-directory): 2.20 SSH Agent Plugin (ssh-agent): 1.20 OWASP Dependency-Track Plugin (dependency-track): 2.3.0 xUnit plugin (xunit): 2.4.0 Pipeline: Stage View Plugin (pipeline-stage-view): 2.18 Pipeline: Model API (pipeline-model-api): 1.7.2 Pipeline: Declarative (pipeline-model-definition): 1.7.2 Snakeyaml API Plugin (snakeyaml-api): 1.27.0 Code Coverage API Plugin (code-coverage-api): 1.2.0 built-on-column (built-on-column): 1.1 Matrix Project Plugin (matrix-project): 1.18 Timestamper (timestamper): 1.11.8 Performance Publisher plugin (perfpublisher): 8.09 Custom Tools Plugin (custom-tools-plugin): 0.7 Result: [Plugin:cobertura, Plugin:zapper, Plugin:theme-manager, Plugin:display-url-api, Plugin:run-condition, Plugin:git-server, Plugin:windows-slaves, Plugin:cloverphp, Plugin:durable-task, Plugin:appscan, Plugin:authorize-project, Plugin:build-timeout, Plugin:configurationslicing, Plugin:simple-theme-plugin, Plugin:slack, Plugin:postbuild-task, Plugin:branch-api, Plugin:rich-text-publisher-plugin, Plugin:checks-api, Plugin:momentjs, Plugin:zap, Plugin:workflow-support, Plugin:command-launcher, Plugin:git-client, Plugin:allure-jenkins-plugin, Plugin:matrix-auth, Plugin:workflow-basic-steps, Plugin:jquery, Plugin:mapdb-api, Plugin:bootstrap4-api, Plugin:parameterized-trigger, Plugin:icon-shim, Plugin:script-security, Plugin:pipeline-model-extensions, Plugin:maven-plugin, Plugin:scm-api, Plugin:javadoc, Plugin:emailext-template, Plugin:mail-watcher-plugin, Plugin:view-job-filters, Plugin:htmlpublisher, Plugin:browserstack-integration, Plugin:maintenance-jobs-scheduler, Plugin:jackson2-api, Plugin:jquery3-api, Plugin:job-dsl, Plugin:global-build-stats, Plugin:docker-commons, Plugin:cloudbees-folder, Plugin:workflow-api, Plugin:jenkins-multijob-plugin, Plugin:pipeline-stage-tags-metadata, Plugin:plugin-util-api, Plugin:nodejs, Plugin:jquery-detached, Plugin:throttle-concurrents, Plugin:bouncycastle-api, Plugin:disk-usage, Plugin:backup, Plugin:workflow-cps, Plugin:credentials, Plugin:envinject-api, Plugin:popper-api, Plugin:workflow-scm-step, Plugin:build-failure-analyzer, Plugin:envinject, Plugin:extended-read-permission, Plugin:workflow-durable-task-step, Plugin:workflow-job, Plugin:pipeline-graph-analysis, Plugin:role-strategy, Plugin:echarts-api, Plugin:subversion, Plugin:config-file-provider, Plugin:ssh-slaves, Plugin:external-monitor-job, Plugin:junit, Plugin:extended-choice-parameter, Plugin:workflow-step-api, Plugin:credentials-binding, Plugin:build-pipeline-plugin, Plugin:token-macro, Plugin:performance, Plugin:font-awesome-api, Plugin:text-finder, Plugin:heavy-job, Plugin:conditional-buildstep, Plugin:apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api, Plugin:thinBackup, Plugin:dark-theme, Plugin:purge-build-queue-plugin, Plugin:pam-auth, Plugin:lockable-resources, Plugin:workflow-aggregator, Plugin:gradle, Plugin:tmpcleaner, Plugin:dtkit-api, Plugin:ldap, Plugin:bulk-builder, Plugin:audit-trail, Plugin:dependency-check-jenkins-plugin, Plugin:docker-workflow, Plugin:plain-credentials, Plugin:vaddy-plugin, Plugin:pipeline-rest-api, Plugin:email-ext, Plugin:dashboard-view, Plugin:rundeck, Plugin:antisamy-markup-formatter, Plugin:ace-editor, Plugin:authentication-tokens, Plugin:ant, Plugin:pipeline-build-step, Plugin:sidebar-link, Plugin:ssh-credentials, Plugin:pipeline-input-step, Plugin:schedule-build, Plugin:handlebars, Plugin:resource-disposer, Plugin:pipeline-stage-step, Plugin:jsch, Plugin:test-results-analyzer, Plugin:mailer, Plugin:ssh, Plugin:workflow-cps-global-lib, Plugin:jobConfigHistory, Plugin:structs, Plugin:buildresult-trigger, Plugin:trilead-api, Plugin:pipeline-milestone-step, Plugin:ws-cleanup, Plugin:jdk-tool, Plugin:workflow-multibranch, Plugin:active-directory, Plugin:ssh-agent, Plugin:dependency-track, Plugin:xunit, Plugin:pipeline-stage-view, Plugin:pipeline-model-api, Plugin:pipeline-model-definition, Plugin:snakeyaml-api, Plugin:code-coverage-api, Plugin:built-on-column, Plugin:matrix-project, Plugin:timestamper, Plugin:perfpublisher, Plugin:custom-tools-plugin]

          Can anyone help ?


          michael fortinbrass added a comment - Can anyone help ?  

          Tim Jacomb added a comment -

          Can you try disabling the run deck plugin and restarting to see if it fixes it

          Otherwise use the script provided so it can be used to build an environment for reproducing this

          Tim Jacomb added a comment - Can you try disabling the run deck plugin and restarting to see if it fixes it Otherwise use the script provided so it can be used to build an environment for reproducing this

          Andy H added a comment -

          Results of script, experiencing same issue in 2.266


          Andy H added a comment - Results of script, experiencing same issue in 2.266 PrioritySorter:3.6.0 ace-editor:1.1 ansicolor:0.7.3 ant:1.11 antisamy-markup-formatter:2.1 apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api:4.5.10-2.0 authentication-tokens:1.4 bootstrap4-api:4.5.3-1 bouncycastle-api:2.18 branch-api:2.6.2 build-blocker-plugin:1.7.3 build-monitor-plugin:1.12+build.201809061734 build-name-setter:2.1.0 build-timeout:1.20 build-user-vars-plugin:1.6 built-on-column:1.1 checks-api:1.1.0 cloudbees-folder:6.15 command-launcher:1.5 conditional-buildstep:1.3.6 config-file-provider:3.7.0 credentials-binding:1.24 credentials:2.3.13 cvs:2.16 display-url-api:2.3.3 docker-commons:1.17 durable-task:1.35 echarts-api:4.9.0-2 email-ext:2.79 envinject-api:1.7 envinject:2.3.0 extended-read-permission:3.2 external-monitor-job:1.7 ez-templates:1.3.3 font-awesome-api:5.15.1-1 git-client:3.5.1 git-server:1.9 git:4.4.5 github-api:1.116 github-branch-source:2.9.1 github:1.32.0 handlebars:1.1.1 htmlpublisher:1.23 icon-shim:2.0.3 jackson2-api:2.11.3 javadoc:1.6 jaxb: jdk-tool:1.4 jenkins-multijob-plugin:1.33 jira:3.1.3 jquery-detached:1.2.1 jquery-ui:1.0.2 jquery3-api:3.5.1-2 jquery:1.12.4-1 jsch: junit:1.43 ldap:1.26 leastload:3.0.0 lockable-resources:2.10 log-parser:2.1 mailer:1.32.1 managed-scripts:1.4 mapdb-api: matrix-auth:2.6.4 matrix-project:1.18 maven-plugin:3.8 momentjs:1.1.1 monitoring:1.86.0 multiple-scms:0.6 okhttp-api:3.14.9 p4:1.11.1 pam-auth:1.6 parameterized-trigger:2.39 perforce:1.3.36 plain-credentials:1.7 plugin-usage-plugin:1.1 plugin-util-api:1.4.0 popper-api:1.16.0-7 postbuild-task:1.8 rebuild:1.31 resource-disposer:0.14 role-strategy:3.1 run-condition:1.3 scm-api:2.6.4 scm-sync-configuration:0.0.10 scoring-load-balancer:1.0.1 script-security:1.75 shelve-project-plugin:3.0 slack:2.43 snakeyaml-api:1.27.0 ssh-credentials:1.18.1 ssh-slaves:1.31.2 strict-crumb-issuer:2.1.0 structs:1.20 subversion:2.13.2 thinBackup:1.10 token-macro:2.12 translation:1.16 trilead-api:1.0.12 unity3d-plugin:1.3 windows-slaves:1.7 workflow-api:2.40 workflow-cps:2.85 workflow-durable-task-step:2.36 workflow-job:2.40 workflow-multibranch:2.22 workflow-scm-step:2.11 workflow-step-api:2.23 workflow-support:3.6 ws-cleanup:0.38

          Tim Jacomb added a comment -

          Can you add a screenshot andy so we can see what's breaking?

          Tim Jacomb added a comment - Can you add a screenshot andy so we can see what's breaking?

          Christian Einarsson added a comment - - edited

          andyh200 in our case it was the old Perforce Plugin (perforce:1.3.36) the broke the configuration page. Try disabling that.


          We ended up downgrading to 2.263 and are looking to replace the Perforce plugin with the newer P4 plugin.

          Christian Einarsson added a comment - - edited andyh200  in our case it was the old Perforce Plugin (perforce:1.3.36) the broke the configuration page. Try disabling that.   We ended up downgrading to 2.263 and are looking to replace the Perforce plugin with the newer P4 plugin.

          Tim Jacomb added a comment -

          I highly recommend both of you migrate off the perforce plugin, it's suspended and not available to new installations

          Tim Jacomb added a comment - I highly recommend both of you migrate off the perforce plugin, it's suspended and not available to new installations https://wiki.jenkins.io/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=66847546

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment -

          As a former Performance plugin maintainer, I second migration from this plugin. It was depublished years ago, and I do not think somebody would be willing to take ownership and cleanup the technical debt there

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment - As a former Performance plugin maintainer, I second migration from this plugin. It was depublished years ago, and I do not think somebody would be willing to take ownership and cleanup the technical debt there

          Andy H added a comment -

          Thanks for the advice on the perforce plugin, I'll look to perform a test with the newer p4 plugin.

          Andy H added a comment - Thanks for the advice on the perforce plugin, I'll look to perform a test with the newer p4 plugin.

          Andre Crespo added a comment -

          In a maven project (maybe freestyle too) when I have jabber notification plugin on post actions, job can't be saved.

          Andre Crespo added a comment - In a maven project (maybe freestyle too) when I have jabber notification plugin on post actions, job can't be saved.

          Tim Jacomb added a comment -

          acrespo can you report that as a new issue please

          Tim Jacomb added a comment - acrespo can you report that as a new issue please

          Tim Jacomb added a comment -

          there's quite a few watchers on this, the main issue is at https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-64072 and the dashboard for tracking fixes is https://issues.jenkins.io/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=20741

          Tim Jacomb added a comment - there's quite a few watchers on this, the main issue is at https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-64072 and the dashboard for tracking fixes is https://issues.jenkins.io/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=20741

          Have attempted installation of 2.269. 
          Problem still exists.

          michael fortinbrass added a comment - Have attempted installation of 2.269.  Problem still exists.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ojerryb michael fortinbrass
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            9 Start watching this issue
