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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-64184

Starting in Jenkins 2.264, my configure pages and save buttons stopped working

      My configure pages stopped working. The formatting is broken and the save buttons do not work. This sort of strands the administrator from being able to use the UI to manage Jenkins.

      I am on 2.263 now but I was able to confirm this same problem happens in 2.264 and 2.265.

      Healthy: jenkins/jenkins:2.263
      Broken: jenkins/jenkins:2.264
      Broken: jenkins/jenkins:2.265

      This was likely broken by https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-56109

      I have also reported this via CloudBees CBJE internal ticket number 193134.

      I attached screenshots of my plugins page as well as screen captures of what the broken pages look like and the javascript errors seen.


        1. configurepage.png
          152 kB
        2. consoleerrors.png
          456 kB
        3. plugins.png
          2.48 MB

          [JENKINS-64184] Starting in Jenkins 2.264, my configure pages and save buttons stopped working

          Jon B created issue -
          Jon B made changes -
          Attachment Original: configure.png [ 53310 ]

          Alex Earl added a comment -

          timja Is this another table to divs issue?

          Alex Earl added a comment - timja Is this another table to divs issue?
          Jon B made changes -
          Attachment New: configurepage.png [ 53312 ]
          Tim Jacomb made changes -
          Labels New: tables-to-divs-regression

          Tim Jacomb added a comment -

          Yes could you please provide a full plugin list, use this script to get it in a format we can use to reproduce it:

          curl -sSL "http://$JENKINS_HOST/pluginManager/api/xml?depth=1&xpath=/*/*/shortName|/*/*/version&wrapper=plugins" | perl -pe 's/.*?<shortName>([\w-]+).*?<version>([^<]+)()(<\/\w+>)+/\1 \2\n/g'|sed 's/ /:/'

          Note the artifactory plugin has a known issue: https://github.com/jfrog/jenkins-artifactory-plugin/issues/350

          But that should only be on the job page and not the system configuration page

          Tim Jacomb added a comment - Yes could you please provide a full plugin list, use this script to get it in a format we can use to reproduce it: JENKINS_HOST=username:password@myhost.com:port curl -sSL "http: //$JENKINS_HOST/pluginManager/api/xml?depth=1&xpath= /*/*/ shortName| /*/*/ version&wrapper=plugins" | perl -pe 's/.*?<shortName>([\w-]+).*?<version>([^<]+)()(<\/\w+>)+/\1 \2\n/g' |sed 's/ /:/' Note the artifactory plugin has a known issue: https://github.com/jfrog/jenkins-artifactory-plugin/issues/350 But that should only be on the job page and not the system configuration page
          Tim Jacomb made changes -
          Component/s New: _unsorted [ 19622 ]
          Component/s Original: core [ 15593 ]

          Tim Jacomb added a comment -

          Hi without the requested details this isn't possible to reproduce

          Please open a ticket with a full list of plugins (ensuring you've updated all your plugins first as many have been fixed) and screenshots showing the error

          Tim Jacomb added a comment - Hi without the requested details this isn't possible to reproduce Please open a ticket with a full list of plugins (ensuring you've updated all your plugins first as many have been fixed) and screenshots showing the error
          Tim Jacomb made changes -
          Resolution New: Cannot Reproduce [ 5 ]
          Status Original: Open [ 1 ] New: Fixed but Unreleased [ 10203 ]

          Julio Morimoto added a comment - - edited

          I'm having the exact same issue. This is a complete list of installed plugins:

          rebuild Rebuilder 1.31
          structs Structs Plugin 1.20
          favorite Favorite 2.3.2
          jira Jira plugin 3.1.3
          script-security Script Security Plugin 1.75
          external-monitor-job External Monitor Job Type Plugin 1.7
          dashboard-view Dashboard View 2.14
          matrix-project Matrix Project Plugin 1.18
          mailer Mailer Plugin 1.32.1
          forensics-api Forensics API Plugin 0.7.0
          apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin 4.5.10-2.0
          workflow-multibranch Pipeline: Multibranch 2.22
          blueocean-git-pipeline Git Pipeline for Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          remote-file Remote Jenkinsfile Provider 1.11
          pubsub-light Pub-Sub "light" Bus 1.13
          blueocean-pipeline-scm-api Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          echarts-api ECharts API Plugin 4.9.0-2
          blueocean-config Config API for Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          durable-task Durable Task Plugin 1.35
          docker-build-step docker-build-step 2.6
          github-api GitHub API Plugin 1.116
          mask-passwords Mask Passwords Plugin 2.13
          jquery jQuery plugin 1.12.4-1
          pipeline-graph-analysis Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin 1.10
          workflow-support Pipeline: Supporting APIs 3.6
          handlebars JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin 1.1.1
          job-dsl Job DSL 1.77
          blueocean-web Web for Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          workflow-api Pipeline: API 2.40
          momentjs JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin 1.1.1
          credentials Credentials Plugin 2.3.14
          pipeline-stage-tags-metadata Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata 1.7.2
          config-file-provider Config File Provider Plugin 3.7.0
          greenballs Green Balls 1.15
          blueocean-pipeline-editor Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor 1.24.3
          workflow-step-api Pipeline: Step API 2.23
          jquery3-api JQuery3 API Plugin 3.5.1-2
          matrix-auth Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin 2.6.4
          plugin-util-api Plugin Utilities API Plugin 1.4.0
          ansible Ansible plugin 1.1
          translation Translation Assistance plugin 1.16
          snakeyaml-api Snakeyaml API Plugin 1.27.0
          javadoc Javadoc Plugin 1.6
          workflow-cps-global-lib Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries 2.17
          branch-api Branch API Plugin 2.6.2
          deployer-plugin TJPR Deployer Plugin 2.3.2
          subversion Subversion Plug-in 2.13.2
          data-tables-api DataTables.net API Plugin 1.10.21-3
          jdk-tool Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin 1.4
          description-setter description setter plugin 1.10
          blueocean-display-url Display URL for Blue Ocean 2.4.0
          docker-java-api Docker API Plugin
          blueocean-jwt JWT for Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          extra-columns Extra Columns Plugin 1.22
          simple-theme-plugin Simple Theme Plugin 0.6
          variant Variant Plugin 1.3
          pipeline-github-lib Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries 1.0
          bouncycastle-api bouncycastle API Plugin 2.18
          template-project Template Project plugin 1.5.2
          workflow-cps Pipeline: Groovy 2.86
          authentication-tokens Authentication Tokens API Plugin 1.4
          text-finder Text Finder 1.15
          pipeline-input-step Pipeline: Input Step 2.12
          docker-commons Docker Commons Plugin 1.17
          blueocean-i18n i18n for Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          okhttp-api OkHttp Plugin 3.14.9
          blueocean-jira JIRA Integration for Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          pipeline-milestone-step Pipeline: Milestone Step 1.3.1
          pipeline-stage-step Pipeline: Stage Step 2.5
          pam-auth PAM Authentication plugin 1.6
          jackson2-api Jackson 2 API Plugin 2.11.3
          git Git plugin 4.4.5
          files-found-trigger Files Found Trigger 1.5
          random-string-parameter Random String Parameter Plugin 1.0
          ssh-credentials SSH Credentials Plugin 1.18.1
          blueocean-autofavorite Autofavorite for Blue Ocean 1.2.4
          readonly-parameters Readonly Parameter plugin 1.0.0
          ws-cleanup Workspace Cleanup Plugin 0.38
          icon-shim Icon Shim Plugin 2.0.3
          checks-api Checks API plugin 1.1.1
          project-build-times Project Build Times 1.2.1
          ldap LDAP Plugin 1.26
          popper-api Popper.js API Plugin 1.16.0-7
          blueocean-rest REST API for Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          github GitHub plugin 1.32.0
          cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin 2.9.4
          docker-plugin Docker plugin 1.2.1
          run-condition Run Condition Plugin 1.3
          workflow-job Pipeline: Job 2.40
          warnings-ng Warnings Next Generation Plugin 8.4.4
          jenkins-design-language Design Language 1.24.3
          plain-credentials Plain Credentials Plugin 1.7
          mercurial Mercurial plugin 2.12
          pipeline-model-extensions Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API 1.7.2
          docker-workflow Docker Pipeline 1.25
          uno-choice Active Choices Plug-in 2.5.1
          pipeline-build-step Pipeline: Build Step 2.13
          workflow-basic-steps Pipeline: Basic Steps 2.23
          keycloak Keycloak Authentication Plugin 2.3.0
          blueocean-personalization Personalization for Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          email-ext Email Extension Plugin 2.79
          github-branch-source GitHub Branch Source Plugin 2.9.1
          bootstrap4-api Bootstrap 4 API Plugin 4.5.3-1
          workflow-aggregator Pipeline 2.6
          conditional-buildstep Conditional BuildStep 1.4.0
          gitlab-plugin GitLab Plugin 1.5.13
          resource-disposer Resource Disposer Plugin 0.14
          blueocean-core-js Blue Ocean Core JS 1.24.3
          managed-scripts Managed Scripts 1.4
          blueocean Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          blueocean-events Events API for Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          git-server GIT server Plugin 1.9
          windows-slaves WMI Windows Agents Plugin 1.7
          pipeline-model-definition Pipeline: Declarative 1.7.2
          trilead-api Trilead API Plugin 1.0.12
          dynamicparameter Dynamic Parameter Plug-in 0.2.0
          report-info Report Info Plugin 1.0
          blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline Bitbucket Pipeline for Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          antisamy-markup-formatter OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin 2.1
          scm-api SCM API Plugin 2.6.4
          parameterized-trigger Parameterized Trigger plugin 2.39
          jquery-detached JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin 1.2.1
          port-allocator Port Allocator Plug-in 1.8
          blueocean-pipeline-api-impl Pipeline implementation for Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          scriptler Scriptler 3.1
          display-url-api Display URL API 2.3.4
          dynamic-search-view Dynamic Search View Plugin 0.3.0
          token-macro Token Macro Plugin 2.12
          sse-gateway Server Sent Events (SSE) Gateway Plugin 1.24
          maven-plugin Maven Integration plugin 3.8
          workflow-scm-step Pipeline: SCM Step 2.11
          schedule-build Schedule Build Plugin 0.5.1
          urltrigger URLTrigger Plug-in 0.48
          naginator Naginator 1.18.1
          ant Ant Plugin 1.11
          cloudbees-folder Folders Plugin 6.15
          parameterized-scheduler Parameterized Scheduler 0.8
          templating-engine Templating Engine 1.7.1
          font-awesome-api Font Awesome API Plugin 5.15.1-1
          blueocean-github-pipeline GitHub Pipeline for Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          handy-uri-templates-2-api Handy Uri Templates 2.x API Plugin 2.1.8-1.0
          credentials-binding Credentials Binding Plugin 1.24
          ansicolor AnsiColor 0.7.3
          pipeline-rest-api Pipeline: REST API Plugin 2.18
          workflow-durable-task-step Pipeline: Nodes and Processes 2.37
          pipeline-stage-view Pipeline: Stage View Plugin 2.18
          command-launcher Command Agent Launcher Plugin 1.5
          pipeline-model-api Pipeline: Model API 1.7.2
          jsch JSch dependency plugin
          ssh-slaves SSH Build Agents plugin 1.31.2
          buildtriggerbadge Build Trigger Badge Plugin 2.10
          ez-templates EZ Templates 1.3.3
          ace-editor JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin 1.1
          git-client Git client plugin 3.5.1
          analysis-model-api Analysis Model API Plugin 9.3.2
          htmlpublisher HTML Publisher plugin 1.23
          junit JUnit Plugin 1.44
          blueocean-commons Common API for Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          lockable-resources Lockable Resources plugin 2.10
          blueocean-rest-impl REST Implementation for Blue Ocean 1.24.3
          postbuild-task Post build task 1.9
          mapdb-api MapDB API Plugin
          blueocean-dashboard Dashboard for Blue Ocean 1.24.3

          Julio Morimoto added a comment - - edited I'm having the exact same issue. This is a complete list of installed plugins: rebuild Rebuilder 1.31 structs Structs Plugin 1.20 favorite Favorite 2.3.2 jira Jira plugin 3.1.3 script-security Script Security Plugin 1.75 external-monitor-job External Monitor Job Type Plugin 1.7 dashboard-view Dashboard View 2.14 matrix-project Matrix Project Plugin 1.18 mailer Mailer Plugin 1.32.1 forensics-api Forensics API Plugin 0.7.0 apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin 4.5.10-2.0 workflow-multibranch Pipeline: Multibranch 2.22 blueocean-git-pipeline Git Pipeline for Blue Ocean 1.24.3 remote-file Remote Jenkinsfile Provider 1.11 pubsub-light Pub-Sub "light" Bus 1.13 blueocean-pipeline-scm-api Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean 1.24.3 echarts-api ECharts API Plugin 4.9.0-2 blueocean-config Config API for Blue Ocean 1.24.3 durable-task Durable Task Plugin 1.35 docker-build-step docker-build-step 2.6 github-api GitHub API Plugin 1.116 mask-passwords Mask Passwords Plugin 2.13 jquery jQuery plugin 1.12.4-1 pipeline-graph-analysis Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin 1.10 workflow-support Pipeline: Supporting APIs 3.6 handlebars JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin 1.1.1 job-dsl Job DSL 1.77 blueocean-web Web for Blue Ocean 1.24.3 workflow-api Pipeline: API 2.40 momentjs JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin 1.1.1 credentials Credentials Plugin 2.3.14 pipeline-stage-tags-metadata Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata 1.7.2 config-file-provider Config File Provider Plugin 3.7.0 greenballs Green Balls 1.15 blueocean-pipeline-editor Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor 1.24.3 workflow-step-api Pipeline: Step API 2.23 jquery3-api JQuery3 API Plugin 3.5.1-2 matrix-auth Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin 2.6.4 plugin-util-api Plugin Utilities API Plugin 1.4.0 ansible Ansible plugin 1.1 translation Translation Assistance plugin 1.16 snakeyaml-api Snakeyaml API Plugin 1.27.0 javadoc Javadoc Plugin 1.6 workflow-cps-global-lib Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries 2.17 branch-api Branch API Plugin 2.6.2 deployer-plugin TJPR Deployer Plugin 2.3.2 subversion Subversion Plug-in 2.13.2 data-tables-api DataTables.net API Plugin 1.10.21-3 jdk-tool Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin 1.4 description-setter description setter plugin 1.10 blueocean-display-url Display URL for Blue Ocean 2.4.0 docker-java-api Docker API Plugin blueocean-jwt JWT for Blue Ocean 1.24.3 extra-columns Extra Columns Plugin 1.22 simple-theme-plugin Simple Theme Plugin 0.6 variant Variant Plugin 1.3 pipeline-github-lib Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries 1.0 bouncycastle-api bouncycastle API Plugin 2.18 template-project Template Project plugin 1.5.2 workflow-cps Pipeline: Groovy 2.86 authentication-tokens Authentication Tokens API Plugin 1.4 text-finder Text Finder 1.15 pipeline-input-step Pipeline: Input Step 2.12 docker-commons Docker Commons Plugin 1.17 blueocean-i18n i18n for Blue Ocean 1.24.3 okhttp-api OkHttp Plugin 3.14.9 blueocean-jira JIRA Integration for Blue Ocean 1.24.3 pipeline-milestone-step Pipeline: Milestone Step 1.3.1 pipeline-stage-step Pipeline: Stage Step 2.5 pam-auth PAM Authentication plugin 1.6 jackson2-api Jackson 2 API Plugin 2.11.3 git Git plugin 4.4.5 files-found-trigger Files Found Trigger 1.5 random-string-parameter Random String Parameter Plugin 1.0 ssh-credentials SSH Credentials Plugin 1.18.1 blueocean-autofavorite Autofavorite for Blue Ocean 1.2.4 readonly-parameters Readonly Parameter plugin 1.0.0 ws-cleanup Workspace Cleanup Plugin 0.38 icon-shim Icon Shim Plugin 2.0.3 checks-api Checks API plugin 1.1.1 project-build-times Project Build Times 1.2.1 ldap LDAP Plugin 1.26 popper-api Popper.js API Plugin 1.16.0-7 blueocean-rest REST API for Blue Ocean 1.24.3 github GitHub plugin 1.32.0 cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin 2.9.4 docker-plugin Docker plugin 1.2.1 run-condition Run Condition Plugin 1.3 workflow-job Pipeline: Job 2.40 warnings-ng Warnings Next Generation Plugin 8.4.4 jenkins-design-language Design Language 1.24.3 plain-credentials Plain Credentials Plugin 1.7 mercurial Mercurial plugin 2.12 pipeline-model-extensions Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API 1.7.2 docker-workflow Docker Pipeline 1.25 uno-choice Active Choices Plug-in 2.5.1 pipeline-build-step Pipeline: Build Step 2.13 workflow-basic-steps Pipeline: Basic Steps 2.23 keycloak Keycloak Authentication Plugin 2.3.0 blueocean-personalization Personalization for Blue Ocean 1.24.3 email-ext Email Extension Plugin 2.79 github-branch-source GitHub Branch Source Plugin 2.9.1 bootstrap4-api Bootstrap 4 API Plugin 4.5.3-1 workflow-aggregator Pipeline 2.6 conditional-buildstep Conditional BuildStep 1.4.0 gitlab-plugin GitLab Plugin 1.5.13 resource-disposer Resource Disposer Plugin 0.14 blueocean-core-js Blue Ocean Core JS 1.24.3 managed-scripts Managed Scripts 1.4 blueocean Blue Ocean 1.24.3 blueocean-events Events API for Blue Ocean 1.24.3 git-server GIT server Plugin 1.9 windows-slaves WMI Windows Agents Plugin 1.7 pipeline-model-definition Pipeline: Declarative 1.7.2 trilead-api Trilead API Plugin 1.0.12 dynamicparameter Dynamic Parameter Plug-in 0.2.0 report-info Report Info Plugin 1.0 blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline Bitbucket Pipeline for Blue Ocean 1.24.3 antisamy-markup-formatter OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin 2.1 scm-api SCM API Plugin 2.6.4 parameterized-trigger Parameterized Trigger plugin 2.39 jquery-detached JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin 1.2.1 port-allocator Port Allocator Plug-in 1.8 blueocean-pipeline-api-impl Pipeline implementation for Blue Ocean 1.24.3 scriptler Scriptler 3.1 display-url-api Display URL API 2.3.4 dynamic-search-view Dynamic Search View Plugin 0.3.0 token-macro Token Macro Plugin 2.12 sse-gateway Server Sent Events (SSE) Gateway Plugin 1.24 maven-plugin Maven Integration plugin 3.8 workflow-scm-step Pipeline: SCM Step 2.11 schedule-build Schedule Build Plugin 0.5.1 urltrigger URLTrigger Plug-in 0.48 naginator Naginator 1.18.1 ant Ant Plugin 1.11 cloudbees-folder Folders Plugin 6.15 parameterized-scheduler Parameterized Scheduler 0.8 templating-engine Templating Engine 1.7.1 font-awesome-api Font Awesome API Plugin 5.15.1-1 blueocean-github-pipeline GitHub Pipeline for Blue Ocean 1.24.3 handy-uri-templates-2-api Handy Uri Templates 2.x API Plugin 2.1.8-1.0 credentials-binding Credentials Binding Plugin 1.24 ansicolor AnsiColor 0.7.3 pipeline-rest-api Pipeline: REST API Plugin 2.18 workflow-durable-task-step Pipeline: Nodes and Processes 2.37 pipeline-stage-view Pipeline: Stage View Plugin 2.18 command-launcher Command Agent Launcher Plugin 1.5 pipeline-model-api Pipeline: Model API 1.7.2 jsch JSch dependency plugin ssh-slaves SSH Build Agents plugin 1.31.2 buildtriggerbadge Build Trigger Badge Plugin 2.10 ez-templates EZ Templates 1.3.3 ace-editor JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin 1.1 git-client Git client plugin 3.5.1 analysis-model-api Analysis Model API Plugin 9.3.2 htmlpublisher HTML Publisher plugin 1.23 junit JUnit Plugin 1.44 blueocean-commons Common API for Blue Ocean 1.24.3 lockable-resources Lockable Resources plugin 2.10 blueocean-rest-impl REST Implementation for Blue Ocean 1.24.3 postbuild-task Post build task 1.9 mapdb-api MapDB API Plugin blueocean-dashboard Dashboard for Blue Ocean 1.24.3

            Unassigned Unassigned
            piratejohnny Jon B
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            7 Start watching this issue
