Resolution: Fixed
Hudson 1.355
Powered by SuggestiMate
It seems to me that the graphical representation of the build time trend is not in the place it should be (see attached screenshot).
- ScreenShotWithTwoDataPoints.jpg
- 61 kB
- D Soa
- TimelineMissingDataWrongHour.jpg
- 120 kB
- D Soa
- JENKINS-6439-2.patch
- 0.7 kB
- Matthias Kraft
- JENKINS-6439.patch
- 2 kB
- Matthias Kraft
- Timeline_NewBuilds.jpg
- 210 kB
- starfury
- BuildTimeTrend.jpg
- 373 kB
- starfury
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-7206 Timeline not displaying on Windows 7
- Resolved
JENKINS-5826 Hudson not displaying timeline on build trend page
- Closed
- is related to
JENKINS-7403 Build history timeline doesn't display in IE8
- Resolved
[JENKINS-6439] Timeline on BuildTimeTrend page does not work
Well, as you can see on my screenshot, I see just one image: the trend graph. The area below the title "Timeline" is always empty on all of our jobs trend pages. So I assumed the trend graph was supposed to be in that empty space.
From your comment I assume now that there should be another image in that area. As mentioned above: this one was never seen on any of our Hudson(s) jobs. What's that graph thought to display?
So, maybe I've to write an issue for that missing graph and close this one ... ?
Oh! We're (still) on 1.355.
I noticed this problem for some time (multiple Hudson versions) and just now found the time to write this issue. (And this fix isn't mentioned on the changelog: http://jenkins-ci.org/changelog.html ).
Sorry for bothering you.
Code changed in hudson
User: : mindless
[FIXED JENKINS-6439] add item in changelog for fixing timeline display in 1.356
After upgrading to 1.356 the timeline area now shows (at least on firefox but not ie) a 'grid' for time and date (which could be moved around) but no other data.
What data's supposed to show there?
in the upper portion (with dates), look for blue marks.. scroll that upper portion left/right to bring the blue marks into the white shaded portion in the middle. the lower portion now shows some builds and bars for their durations.
Hi. And what if there aren't any blue marks? (on jobs which ran once or more per day)
Looks like the timeline isn't working properly on our hudson/jobs ... ?
Any settings or other requirements to consider?
there are no related settings.
make sure browser cache is cleared so all latest javascript is used.. not sure what else could be wrong.
Hi again. I'm afraid it's still not working.
I tried it using Firefox 3.6.3 and Opera 10.53 with empty caches (Hudson 1.356).
In both cases I just got the date and time "grids" (which are both scrollable and limited to the time of the last build) but I can't see no blue (or any other) marks of build durations.
We also have another Hudson instance (1.357) which runs in a Apache Tomcat (6.x, 64bit) server (the instance mentioned above runs "stand alone") where the time line shows exactly the same behaviour.
Same here hudson 1.358, no blue marks in neither Firefox 3.5.9 nor Chrome 5.0 beta.
Does the builds count matters a lot? I have around 700 builds history in my case, which are shown just fine in the build time trend chart
In IE8 it's even worse, I have the Javascript error below, and so no timeline at all:
Webpage error details
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)
Timestamp: Sat, 22 May 2010 09:54:42 UTC
Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
Line: 101
Char: 1
Code: 0
URI: http://xxx:8080/job/yyy/buildTimeTrend
starfury, how many builds in the job where you tested?
Can either/both of you try a job with 5-10 builds? What is the behavior on various browsers?
I'll comment on that
Hudson version is 1.360. The job used in the test had 25 builds from May 13th to today, with build numbers in the 900's. I didn't think to clear the browser caches, but did use Ctrl-F5 to refresh (which usually is just as good?).
On Windows XP with Internet Explorer 8 I get no timeline, but a script error ala "Object doesn't support this property or method" in line 66, char 1. It's unclear to me which line 66 it means, as there are many scripts being imported/run, but line 66 of the page itself is something like "timeline.urlPrefix ='/adjuncts/etc';"
On a Ubuntu Linux with Firefox 3.5.7 I get a timeline. It's scrollable within the date range, but there's apparently no data in it; no blue marks.
I think it is clear now that it does not work for any of us except mindless
So I reopen to be sure it is not forgotten.
Unassigning myself.. I fixed the original problem to make it possible for this to work at all, but there's not enough info to fix whatever else is going wrong, and this feature (that was not added by me, btw) is not useful enough for me to dig further, sorry.
I did confirm it doesn't work in IE7.. but one last test in 1.358 for a job with 18 builds worked in FF 3.6.3 and Opera 10.53.
I wonder then if there's a way to disable the timeline altogether?
We have very few non-IE browsers at work, so as long as the timeline doesn't work it's just a waste of screen space ...
A late reply to mindless:
I've upgraded to 1.360 in the meantime and I have one older job with 10 builds (all before 1.360) where the timeline does not show any builds and I've created a new test job which has now 6 builds (all 1.360) which also does not show any builds (on both FF and Opera as mentioned above).
One other thing I noticed with the time line when running those test job builds:
The latest build I ran about half an hour (2010-06-04 15:17 MEST) ago but the time line starts showing and being limited to tomorrow ("Jun 5") about 13:30.
Maybe this is a hint for tracking down the problem or it probably means nothing.
(See Screenshot #2)
Hudson 1.365
All on windows
IE shows an empty white timeline rectangle
Chrome shows a scrollable timeline with no ticks
Firefox shows a scrollable timeline with no ticks then diverts to a 404 error page and gives numerous (about 20 or 30) firefox/windows popups - The page at <hudson server> says "Syntax error:syntax error"
Result : I can no longer use Hudson from Firefox.
my timeline also shows tomorrow as current selected view
also strange is that it does not show any events
nellty, I still don't see any problems in timeline view in firefox. Example: http://ci.hudson-labs.org/job/hudson_main_trunk/buildTimeTrend
On which container is that one running?
I, like many others, have tried to getting the Build Time Trend to work in any way possible.
I have tried Firefox (Linux/Win), Chrome (Linux/Win), IE 8 with a all sorts of various browser locale settings (Just incase it was a date formatting issue).
I have tried these browsers in combinations with various Hudson-versions, including latest trunk.
I have tried with winstone and tomcat. I cannot get the trend to work. It is scrollable, but ticks is never visible. I have tried various lengths of build, still no results.
So know I'm thinking, maybe it only works on JBoss or some other specific container?
The timeline works for me with the URL provided by mindless, on both Chrome & FF. But it still does not work on my own hudson install.
The only thing that is different is the timezone: I have "var tz=1", whereas the hudsonlabbs one has "var tz=-5".
mindless, any idea if it could be the cause?
Running 1.377 on both WinXP and Solaris10, with default container Winstone:
Timeline remains the same
- Completely Blank on IE8
- Scrollable timeline on Firefox and Chrome, but no events shown
Running 1.374-1.377, timeline is exactly as shown on the first screenshot on IE8.
I get the following JScript error:
Object doesn't support this property or method
buildTimeTrend, line 103, character 5:
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
var tl_el = document.getElementById("tl");
var eventSource1 = new Timeline.DefaultEventSource();
eventSource1.loaded = {};
var interval = 24*60*60*1000;
eventSource1.ensureVisible = function(band) {
// make sure all data are loaded for the portion visible in the band
// ('status').innerHTML = "min="band.getMinDate()" max="+band.getMaxDate();
var min = Math.floor(band.getMinDate().getTime()/interval);
var max = Math.ceil(band.getMaxDate().getTime()/interval);
for (var i=min; i<=max; i++) {
if (!this.loaded[i]) {
this.loaded[i] = true;
new Ajax.Request("timeline/data",{
onSuccess: function(t) {
catch (e)
{ alert(e); } }
It seems that the timeline is basing on the process of the url http://server/prefix/timeline/data to get the events to show that is returning empty.
in my case, http://localhost:8080/hudson/timeline/data is returning:
{"events":[]}Running 1.379 on apache tomcat 6.0.29 on ubuntu with jre-1.6.0_20
Timeline is shown, but does not contain any markers (as in Timeline_NewBuilds.jpg above).
There seems to be something weird with the date range, the timeline should display.
In the page source of the build trend, I can see the following variable definitons:
theme1.timeline_start = new Date(1282950098000);
theme1.timeline_stop = new Date(1287010890084);
This indicates, the timeline should show all events in the range from 06/Jul/10 to 04/Sep/10. But today is 13/Oct/10 and the timeline focuses this date (although it seems to be 4 hours in the future)
@iosesa: did you just point your browser to the timeline/data url? hudson sends an ajax request to this URL.
I caputerd all HTTP requests when loading the build trend page, and there is one request that should load the event data to display in the timeline. This is the request to the .../timeline/data. It has the parameters
This is 5/Sep/10 for min and 6/Sep/10 for max (this is not part of the range of the timeline (see above)).
When replaying this request (using firefox' live HTTP headers plugin), I get the same response as josesa:
{"events":[]}But if I set the parameters to
I get back a list of all build events that are recorded in hudson (we keep only the last 50 builds):
{"classname":"event-blue ","color":"#4F6F90","description":"","durationEvent":false,"end":"Wed Oct 13 01:01:35 CEST 2010","link":"/hudson/job/project/117/","start":"Wed Oct 13 01:01:30 CEST 2010","title":"project #117"},
I assume, there is something really wrong, when calculating date offsets for the
Our hudson runs in timezone UTC+2 (central european summer time), my brwoser (firefox 3.6 runs on a WinXP client, which is in the same timezone).
So where can the parameters min & max be set?
Is there any configuration file I can use to override this ?
Any news? With its JavaScript exceptions (see comment by vtintillier at 22/May/10 03:06 AM) this bug is really annoying.
I also see in our hudson installation the timeline without the builds.
I've workaround the problem setting the server timezone configuration to GMT.
The exact version that I've tested is the 1.377 (the current one in http://ci.hudson-labs.org).
I hope this info will help to fix this issue, or at least it will be useful to know what are the supported timezones.
Nice catch.
I already noticed that when I ran hudson in a Windows server (with GMT Timezone) that I could see the timeline correctly in my Windows Laptop.
My Solaris Server is running in WET timezone and I never saw anything in my laptop. I forced in the hudson start script to have "export TZ=GMT" and now timeline finally shows something in my laptop.
Still the timeline centers day in advance by default, but at least now shows something if I scroll a day to the left.
It seems that I've found a workaround to fix this issue. When Hudson starts with option -Duser.timezone=GMT+N, all works fine, and on Windows 2k3 timeline shows builds correctly.
A part of my hudson.xml is below :
<arguments>-Xrs -Xmx256m -Dhudson.lifecycle=hudson.lifecycle.WindowsServiceLifecycle -Duser.timezone=GMT+6 -jar "%BASE%\hudson.war" --httpPort=8080</arguments>
Yes, works for me too with GMT+1.
But still by default it is one day in the future.
I stared into the sources for quite a while and may have found the culprit. Unfortunately I don't have a working build environment to build Jenkins and verify my findings...
If I understand this code correctly it looks to me as if in org.koshuke.stapler.simile.timeline.TimelineEventList a JsonValueProcessor takes care that the toString()-method gets called for every Date field in org.koshuke.stapler.simile.timeline.Event.
This is in so far problematic as this may produce output like "Mon Mar 07 15:24:05 CET 2011", while the SIMILE Timeline accepts either one of "May 10 1961 00:00:00 GMT-0600", "Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200", and a few others which they do not exactly recommend. All of them have in common that they specify the timezone as offset from GMT.
This might be the reason why the workarounds people documented earlier work. These workarounds change the output to "Mon Mar 07 15:25:14 GMT+01:00 2011". Which is still different from what is documented for the Timeline widget, though. (http://code.google.com/p/simile-widgets/wiki/Timeline_EventSources)
Can someone verify this?
– Matthias
Attached a patch against org.koshuke.stapler.simile.timeline.TimelineEventList which fixes the issue that no events are displayed. This makes the workarounds unnecessary.
It does not address the "default is off by one day" issue. But I have an idea here, too.
Here is a fix for the second issue. This is against core/src/main/resources/hudson/model/BuildTimelineWidget/control.jelly. It moves the focus to the last event of the time line.
How can I attach the patch against org.koshuke.stapler.simile.timeline.TimelineEventList?
Hi the GMT+1 "trick" fixed it for me too, (there was Europe/Zuerich) as timezone given as provided by the underlying debian.
So i changed the /etc/default/jenkins JAGA_ARGS accordingly and added -Duser.timezone=GMT+1
And now I got have some other problems:
we have so may builds and jobs that there are several issues now:
- too many jobs are shown in timeline
- so chrome sometimes locks up (firefox or ie even worse)
- page loading speed decreased extremely (~ 1 minute)
- build timeline graph isnt high enough to show all jobs vertically, it just cuts off after showing 10 (i see there is at least an 11th one but its hard to idntify you only see parts of the letters, so i assume there are a lot more)
so would you propose to add single issues for every of these?
cheers philipp
@Martin: Kohsuke recently moved the stapler repository to github. I forked it today, applied the patch for the timezone issue, and opened a pull request.
@Philipp: For the new issues open up a new bug report, please.
Also forked the jenkins repo, applied the patch for the off-by-one-day issue, and opened a pull request.
Code changed in jenkins
User: Matthias Kraft
[FIXED JENKINS-6439] Fixed Timeline widget's default view off by one day.
Second part of the JENKINS-6439 fix.
Signed-off-by: Matthias Kraft <Matthias.Kraft@softwareag.com>
Integrated in jenkins_main_trunk #660
[FIXED JENKINS-6439] Fixed Timeline widget's default view off by one day.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi : f5e29cbca52cdfb75a86cefe7f5dbb9f696c4160
Files :
- core/src/main/resources/hudson/model/BuildTimelineWidget/control.jelly
- changelog.html
The issue is not fixed for me in Jenkins ver. 1.411. There are still no entries at all in the timeline. Only the second part of this issue is fixed (the "Timeline widget's default view off by one day" part).
Running Jenkins ver. 1.411 on Windows 2003 Server as a service, tested on Firefox 3.6.13 and Safari 5.0.5.
In which version is this issue supposed to be fixed? Should I reopen this bug or fill in another bug report?
Same for me. No entries in the timeline in 1.411 - as in all previous versions.
Could this still be dependent of the locale resulting in a different time/date format as discussed above?
Maybe only one of both fixes from Matthias Kraft were integrated?
And same for me: For all jenkins versions so far I never saw any builds in the timeline (current version(s) 1.410 on Windows, 1.409 on Debian - checked with Firefox, Chrome and Opera, IE9 doesn't show the timeline at all).
Trying to find the reason for this I had a look at what happens (Firefox 4.0 via firebug).
Several ajax request are fired to get the data for the timeline. Some of them return JSON data, some of them don't.
But only ONE - the last - request runs into the "onSuccess" function which in my case never contains any data.
So I think the question is: why does only one request run into the onSuccess function and not all of them?
Issue only fixed partly. Still, no entries are shown in the timeline for several users as of Jenkins ver. 1.411
I double checked. The fixes were both committed to the repos, but the stapler-adjunct-timeline framework has not yet been updated in Jenkins, as it seems (stapler-adjunct-timeline-1.2.jar is still included).
– Matthias
This has been working for me since last month, not sure which version. It works with 1.408 now at least, not tried 1.411. Please note that I have '-Duser.timezone=GMT+1' in the java arguments.
Tested with firefox 4 (and I think I tested with 3.6 and it worked), chrome 11.
It does not work with ie 8 however, still javascript error:
Webpage error details
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.2; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
Timestamp: Fri, 13 May 2011 11:27:17 UTC
Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
Line: 16
Char: 5
Code: 0
URI: http://dewdfth04154p:8080/builds
Code changed in jenkins
User: Ulli Hafner
[FIXED JENKINS-6439] Upgrade to stapler-adjunct-timeline 1.3.
Integrated in jenkins_main_trunk #868
[FIXED JENKINS-6439] Upgrade to stapler-adjunct-timeline 1.3.
Ulli Hafner : 6aa47505897a1f5b04336fbfc0cff65938417cae
Files :
- changelog.html
- core/pom.xml
Not sure were the fix went actually into, but can verify that Jenkins 1.424 has the complete fix.
can you be more specific? while I agree the trend graph is usually what I'm looking for when I visit that page, if the 2 images are swapped, the wider timeline thing would go off the side of the page, and the time data is no longer listed right next to the time graph. if the timeline is pushed below the trend graph+data, it becomes hard to find or even notice (I did consider moving it down when the timeline thing was broken, but instead I fixed it and left it where it was)