Resolution: Fixed
2.306 includes fixes for 3 of the link issues
Adding this as Major because of part of main About jenkins guide
Link to be changed
- Jenkins war
- Google Guice - Core Library
- Symbol annotation
- JavaBeans Activation Framework
- jnr-a64asm
- Java binding for libpam.so
- winp
- HttpCommons Client library
- Pure Java - COM bridge
- Stapler Jelly module
- Stapler
- Upstart slave installer
More to be added as they are found
[JENKINS-64666] Link in About jenkins pointing towards wrong URL
Description | Original: Adding this as Major because of part of main About jenkins guide |
Adding this as Major because of part of main About jenkins guide
Link to be changed * [Jenkins war|https://github.com/jenkinsci/pom/jenkins-parent/jenkins-war] * [Google Guice - Core Library|https://github.com/google/guice/guice] More to be added as they are found |
Description |
Adding this as Major because of part of main About jenkins guide
Link to be changed * [Jenkins war|https://github.com/jenkinsci/pom/jenkins-parent/jenkins-war] * [Google Guice - Core Library|https://github.com/google/guice/guice] More to be added as they are found |
Adding this as Major because of part of main About jenkins guide
Link to be changed * [Jenkins war|https://github.com/jenkinsci/pom/jenkins-parent/jenkins-war] * [Google Guice - Core Library|https://github.com/google/guice/guice] * [Symbol annotation|http://jenkins-ci.org/symbol-annotation/] * [JavaBeans Activation Framework|https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jaf/jakarta.activation] * [jnr-a64asm|http://nexus.sonatype.org/oss-repository-hosting.html/jnr-a64asm] More to be added as they are found |
Assignee | New: Vishal [ vishalghyv ] |
Assignee | Original: Vishal [ vishalghyv ] |
Thanks for reporting the issue.
I believe that the links in that page are generated from the <url> value that is in the pom.xml of the jar file or war file that is used by Jenkins. Fixing the link in that page will need a fix to the value of the <url> tag in the matching component, then a new release of that component and the inclusion of that new release in Jenkins.
The first case seems feasible to fix by a change to add the <url> entry into war/pom.xml. I'm not clear on the side effects of adding that tag, but it seems reasonable at first glance.
Other cases may be more complicated to solve. In some cases (like Google Guice), it may be infeasible to solve until Jenkins is no longer dependent on an old version of Guice. See the discussions of a possible Guava upgrade to get some understanding of the dependency on the old version of Guice.
The HttpCommons Client Library appears to be trying to use a jenkins.io redirect to point the user to the correct repository for Apache HTTP Commons. You can read about jenkins.io redirects in the jenkins.io CONTRIBUTING doc.