Uploaded image for project: 'Jenkins'
  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-64727

Jenkins 2.263.3 not triggering jobs or pipelines.

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • kubernetes-plugin
    • None

      We just upgraded our jenkins server to the `jenkins/jenkins:2.263.3-lts-jdk11` docker image.

      The upgrade went well and we upgraded to the latest compatible plugins.

      Unfortunately none of the jobs or pipelines are triggering, even on a schedule. If we click 'Build Now' a tooltip shows that it got triggered but nothing happens.

      If we click on a build with parameters then click Build we get redirected to `/build?delay=0sec` and the page get stuck.

      There is nothing in the logs showing the the jobs were triggered.

      This is our list of plugins:

        - ace-editor:1.1
        - ansicolor:0.7.4
        - ant:1.11
        - antisamy-markup-formatter:2.1
        - anything-goes-formatter:1.0
        - apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api:4.5.13-1.0
        - artifact-manager-s3:1.12
        - audit-trail:3.8
        - authentication-tokens:1.4
        - aws-credentials:1.28
        - aws-global-configuration:1.6
        - aws-java-sdk:1.11.930
        - basic-branch-build-strategies:1.3.2
        - blueocean:1.24.4
        - blueocean-autofavorite:1.2.4
        - blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline:1.24.4
        - blueocean-commons:1.24.4
        - blueocean-config:1.24.4
        - blueocean-core-js:1.24.4
        - blueocean-dashboard:1.24.4
        - blueocean-display-url:2.4.0
        - blueocean-events:1.24.4
        - blueocean-git-pipeline:1.24.4
        - blueocean-github-pipeline:1.24.4
        - blueocean-i18n:1.24.4
        - blueocean-jira:1.24.4
        - blueocean-jwt:1.24.4
        - blueocean-personalization:1.24.4
        - blueocean-pipeline-api-impl:1.24.4
        - blueocean-pipeline-editor:1.24.4
        - blueocean-pipeline-scm-api:1.24.4
        - blueocean-rest:1.24.4
        - blueocean-rest-impl:1.24.4
        - blueocean-web:1.24.4
        - bootstrap4-api:4.5.3-2
        - bouncycastle-api:2.18
        - branch-api:2.6.2
        - build-monitor-plugin:1.12+build.201809061734
        - build-time-blame:2.0.3
        - build-timeout:1.20
        - build-timestamp:1.0.3
        - build-user-vars-plugin:1.6
        - build-with-parameters:1.5
        - cctray-xml:1.0
        - checks-api:1.2.0
        - chucknorris:1.4
        - cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source:2.9.7
        - cloudbees-folder:6.15
        - cobertura:1.16
        - code-coverage-api:1.2.0
        - command-launcher:1.5
        - conditional-buildstep:1.4.1
        - config-file-provider:3.7.0
        - configuration-as-code:1.46
        - configurationslicing:1.51
        - copyartifact:1.46
        - credentials:2.3.14
        - credentials-binding:1.24
        - datadog:2.8.0
        - display-url-api:2.3.4
        - docker-commons:1.17
        - docker-java-api:
        - docker-workflow:1.25
        - durable-task:1.35
        - ec2:1.56
        - ec2-fleet:2.3.2
        - echarts-api:4.9.0-3
        - email-ext:2.81
        - embeddable-build-status:2.0.3
        - envinject:2.3.0
        - envinject-api:1.7
        - environment-script:1.2.5
        - extended-choice-parameter:0.82
        - extensible-choice-parameter:1.7.0
        - external-monitor-job:1.7
        - favorite:2.3.2
        - folder-auth:1.3
        - font-awesome-api:5.15.1-1
        - ghprb:1.42.1
        - git:4.5.2
        - git-client:3.6.0
        - git-parameter:0.9.13
        - git-server:1.9
        - github:1.32.0
        - github-api:1.122
        - github-branch-source:2.9.3
        - google-oauth-plugin:1.0.2
        - gradle:1.36
        - gravatar:2.1
        - groovy:2.3
        - handlebars:1.1.1
        - handy-uri-templates-2-api:2.1.8-1.0
        - hashicorp-vault-plugin:3.7.0
        - htmlpublisher:1.25
        - ivy:2.1
        - jackson2-api:2.12.1
        - javadoc:1.6
        - jaxb:
        - jdk-tool:1.4
        - jenkins-design-language:1.24.4
        - jira:3.1.3
        - job-import-plugin:3.4
        - jobConfigHistory:2.26
        - jobcacher:1.0
        - jquery:1.12.4-1
        - jquery-detached:1.2.1
        - jquery3-api:3.5.1-2
        - jsch:
        - junit:1.48
        - kubernetes:1.28.7
        - kubernetes-client-api:4.11.1
        - kubernetes-credentials:0.8.0
        - kubernetes-pipeline-steps:1.6
        - ldap:1.22
        - lockable-resources:2.10
        - mailer:1.32.1
        - mapdb-api:
        - mask-passwords:2.13
        - matrix-auth:2.6.5
        - matrix-project:1.18
        - maven-plugin:3.8
        - mercurial:2.12
        - metrics:
        - momentjs:1.1.1
        - monitoring:1.86.0
        - multi-branch-project-plugin:0.7
        - next-build-number:1.6
        - node-iterator-api:1.5.0
        - oauth-credentials:0.4
        - okhttp-api:3.14.9
        - pam-auth:1.6
        - parameterized-trigger:2.39
        - pipeline-build-step:2.13
        - pipeline-cloudwatch-logs:0.1
        - pipeline-github-lib:1.0
        - pipeline-graph-analysis:1.10
        - pipeline-input-step:2.12
        - pipeline-milestone-step:1.3.1
        - pipeline-model-api:1.7.2
        - pipeline-model-definition:1.7.2
        - pipeline-model-extensions:1.7.2
        - pipeline-rest-api:2.19
        - pipeline-stage-step:2.5
        - pipeline-stage-tags-metadata:1.7.2
        - pipeline-stage-view:2.19
        - pipeline-utility-steps:2.6.1
        - plain-credentials:1.7
        - plugin-util-api:1.6.1
        - popper-api:1.16.0-7
        - publish-to-bitbucket:0.4
        - pubsub-light:1.13
        - rebuild:1.31
        - resource-disposer:0.14
        - run-condition:1.5
        - saferestart:0.3
        - saml:1.1.7
        - scm-api:2.6.4
        - script-security:1.75
        - simple-theme-plugin:0.6
        - skip-notifications-trait:1.0.5
        - snakeyaml-api:1.27.0
        - sse-gateway:1.24
        - ssh-credentials:1.18.1
        - ssh-slaves:1.31.5
        - startup-trigger-plugin:2.9.3
        - structs:1.20
        - subversion:2.14.0
        - test-results-analyzer:0.3.5
        - timestamper:1.11.8
        - token-macro:2.13
        - trilead-api:1.0.13
        - variant:1.4
        - violation-comments-to-stash:1.126
        - windows-slaves:1.7
        - workflow-aggregator:2.6
        - workflow-api:2.41
        - workflow-basic-steps:2.23
        - workflow-cps:2.87
        - workflow-cps-global-lib:2.17
        - workflow-durable-task-step:2.37
        - workflow-job:2.40
        - workflow-multibranch:2.22
        - workflow-scm-step:2.11
        - workflow-step-api:2.23
        - workflow-support:3.7
        - ws-cleanup:0.38 

          [JENKINS-64727] Jenkins 2.263.3 not triggering jobs or pipelines.

          Stephane Odul created issue -
          Stephane Odul made changes -
          Priority Original: Minor [ 4 ] New: Blocker [ 1 ]
          Stephane Odul made changes -
          Description Original: We just upgraded our jenkins server to the `jenkins/jenkins:2.263.3-lts-jdk11` docker image.

          The upgrade went well and we upgraded to the latest compatible plugins.

          Unfortunately none of the jobs or pipelines are triggering, even on a schedule. If we click 'Build Now' a tooltip shows that it got triggered but nothing happens.

          If we click on a build with parameters then click Build we get redirected to `/build?delay=0sec` and the page get stuck.

          This is our list of plugins:
            - ace-editor:1.1
            - ansicolor:0.7.4
            - ant:1.11
            - antisamy-markup-formatter:2.1
            - anything-goes-formatter:1.0
            - apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api:4.5.13-1.0
            - artifact-manager-s3:1.12
            - audit-trail:3.8
            - authentication-tokens:1.4
            - aws-credentials:1.28
            - aws-global-configuration:1.6
            - aws-java-sdk:1.11.930
            - basic-branch-build-strategies:1.3.2
            - blueocean:1.24.4
            - blueocean-autofavorite:1.2.4
            - blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline:1.24.4
            - blueocean-commons:1.24.4
            - blueocean-config:1.24.4
            - blueocean-core-js:1.24.4
            - blueocean-dashboard:1.24.4
            - blueocean-display-url:2.4.0
            - blueocean-events:1.24.4
            - blueocean-git-pipeline:1.24.4
            - blueocean-github-pipeline:1.24.4
            - blueocean-i18n:1.24.4
            - blueocean-jira:1.24.4
            - blueocean-jwt:1.24.4
            - blueocean-personalization:1.24.4
            - blueocean-pipeline-api-impl:1.24.4
            - blueocean-pipeline-editor:1.24.4
            - blueocean-pipeline-scm-api:1.24.4
            - blueocean-rest:1.24.4
            - blueocean-rest-impl:1.24.4
            - blueocean-web:1.24.4
            - bootstrap4-api:4.5.3-2
            - bouncycastle-api:2.18
            - branch-api:2.6.2
            - build-monitor-plugin:1.12+build.201809061734
            - build-time-blame:2.0.3
            - build-timeout:1.20
            - build-timestamp:1.0.3
            - build-user-vars-plugin:1.6
            - build-with-parameters:1.5
            - cctray-xml:1.0
            - checks-api:1.2.0
            - chucknorris:1.4
            - cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source:2.9.7
            - cloudbees-folder:6.15
            - cobertura:1.16
            - code-coverage-api:1.2.0
            - command-launcher:1.5
            - conditional-buildstep:1.4.1
            - config-file-provider:3.7.0
            - configuration-as-code:1.46
            - configurationslicing:1.51
            - copyartifact:1.46
            - credentials:2.3.14
            - credentials-binding:1.24
            - datadog:2.8.0
            - display-url-api:2.3.4
            - docker-commons:1.17
            - docker-java-api:
            - docker-workflow:1.25
            - durable-task:1.35
            - ec2:1.56
            - ec2-fleet:2.3.2
            - echarts-api:4.9.0-3
            - email-ext:2.81
            - embeddable-build-status:2.0.3
            - envinject:2.3.0
            - envinject-api:1.7
            - environment-script:1.2.5
            - extended-choice-parameter:0.82
            - extensible-choice-parameter:1.7.0
            - external-monitor-job:1.7
            - favorite:2.3.2
            - folder-auth:1.3
            - font-awesome-api:5.15.1-1
            - ghprb:1.42.1
            - git:4.5.2
            - git-client:3.6.0
            - git-parameter:0.9.13
            - git-server:1.9
            - github:1.32.0
            - github-api:1.122
            - github-branch-source:2.9.3
            - google-oauth-plugin:1.0.2
            - gradle:1.36
            - gravatar:2.1
            - groovy:2.3
            - handlebars:1.1.1
            - handy-uri-templates-2-api:2.1.8-1.0
            - hashicorp-vault-plugin:3.7.0
            - htmlpublisher:1.25
            - ivy:2.1
            - jackson2-api:2.12.1
            - javadoc:1.6
            - jaxb:
            - jdk-tool:1.4
            - jenkins-design-language:1.24.4
            - jira:3.1.3
            - job-import-plugin:3.4
            - jobConfigHistory:2.26
            - jobcacher:1.0
            - jquery:1.12.4-1
            - jquery-detached:1.2.1
            - jquery3-api:3.5.1-2
            - jsch:
            - junit:1.48
            - kubernetes:1.28.7
            - kubernetes-client-api:4.11.1
            - kubernetes-credentials:0.8.0
            - kubernetes-pipeline-steps:1.6
            - ldap:1.22
            - lockable-resources:2.10
            - mailer:1.32.1
            - mapdb-api:
            - mask-passwords:2.13
            - matrix-auth:2.6.5
            - matrix-project:1.18
            - maven-plugin:3.8
            - mercurial:2.12
            - metrics:
            - momentjs:1.1.1
            - monitoring:1.86.0
            - multi-branch-project-plugin:0.7
            - next-build-number:1.6
            - node-iterator-api:1.5.0
            - oauth-credentials:0.4
            - okhttp-api:3.14.9
            - pam-auth:1.6
            - parameterized-trigger:2.39
            - pipeline-build-step:2.13
            - pipeline-cloudwatch-logs:0.1
            - pipeline-github-lib:1.0
            - pipeline-graph-analysis:1.10
            - pipeline-input-step:2.12
            - pipeline-milestone-step:1.3.1
            - pipeline-model-api:1.7.2
            - pipeline-model-definition:1.7.2
            - pipeline-model-extensions:1.7.2
            - pipeline-rest-api:2.19
            - pipeline-stage-step:2.5
            - pipeline-stage-tags-metadata:1.7.2
            - pipeline-stage-view:2.19
            - pipeline-utility-steps:2.6.1
            - plain-credentials:1.7
            - plugin-util-api:1.6.1
            - popper-api:1.16.0-7
            - publish-to-bitbucket:0.4
            - pubsub-light:1.13
            - rebuild:1.31
            - resource-disposer:0.14
            - run-condition:1.5
            - saferestart:0.3
            - saml:1.1.7
            - scm-api:2.6.4
            - script-security:1.75
            - simple-theme-plugin:0.6
            - skip-notifications-trait:1.0.5
            - snakeyaml-api:1.27.0
            - sse-gateway:1.24
            - ssh-credentials:1.18.1
            - ssh-slaves:1.31.5
            - startup-trigger-plugin:2.9.3
            - structs:1.20
            - subversion:2.14.0
            - test-results-analyzer:0.3.5
            - timestamper:1.11.8
            - token-macro:2.13
            - trilead-api:1.0.13
            - variant:1.4
            - violation-comments-to-stash:1.126
            - windows-slaves:1.7
            - workflow-aggregator:2.6
            - workflow-api:2.41
            - workflow-basic-steps:2.23
            - workflow-cps:2.87
            - workflow-cps-global-lib:2.17
            - workflow-durable-task-step:2.37
            - workflow-job:2.40
            - workflow-multibranch:2.22
            - workflow-scm-step:2.11
            - workflow-step-api:2.23
            - workflow-support:3.7
            - ws-cleanup:0.38 {noformat}
          New: We just upgraded our jenkins server to the `jenkins/jenkins:2.263.3-lts-jdk11` docker image.

          The upgrade went well and we upgraded to the latest compatible plugins.

          Unfortunately none of the jobs or pipelines are triggering, even on a schedule. If we click 'Build Now' a tooltip shows that it got triggered but nothing happens.

          If we click on a build with parameters then click Build we get redirected to `/build?delay=0sec` and the page get stuck.

          There is nothing in the logs showing the the jobs were triggered.

          This is our list of plugins:
            - ace-editor:1.1
            - ansicolor:0.7.4
            - ant:1.11
            - antisamy-markup-formatter:2.1
            - anything-goes-formatter:1.0
            - apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api:4.5.13-1.0
            - artifact-manager-s3:1.12
            - audit-trail:3.8
            - authentication-tokens:1.4
            - aws-credentials:1.28
            - aws-global-configuration:1.6
            - aws-java-sdk:1.11.930
            - basic-branch-build-strategies:1.3.2
            - blueocean:1.24.4
            - blueocean-autofavorite:1.2.4
            - blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline:1.24.4
            - blueocean-commons:1.24.4
            - blueocean-config:1.24.4
            - blueocean-core-js:1.24.4
            - blueocean-dashboard:1.24.4
            - blueocean-display-url:2.4.0
            - blueocean-events:1.24.4
            - blueocean-git-pipeline:1.24.4
            - blueocean-github-pipeline:1.24.4
            - blueocean-i18n:1.24.4
            - blueocean-jira:1.24.4
            - blueocean-jwt:1.24.4
            - blueocean-personalization:1.24.4
            - blueocean-pipeline-api-impl:1.24.4
            - blueocean-pipeline-editor:1.24.4
            - blueocean-pipeline-scm-api:1.24.4
            - blueocean-rest:1.24.4
            - blueocean-rest-impl:1.24.4
            - blueocean-web:1.24.4
            - bootstrap4-api:4.5.3-2
            - bouncycastle-api:2.18
            - branch-api:2.6.2
            - build-monitor-plugin:1.12+build.201809061734
            - build-time-blame:2.0.3
            - build-timeout:1.20
            - build-timestamp:1.0.3
            - build-user-vars-plugin:1.6
            - build-with-parameters:1.5
            - cctray-xml:1.0
            - checks-api:1.2.0
            - chucknorris:1.4
            - cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source:2.9.7
            - cloudbees-folder:6.15
            - cobertura:1.16
            - code-coverage-api:1.2.0
            - command-launcher:1.5
            - conditional-buildstep:1.4.1
            - config-file-provider:3.7.0
            - configuration-as-code:1.46
            - configurationslicing:1.51
            - copyartifact:1.46
            - credentials:2.3.14
            - credentials-binding:1.24
            - datadog:2.8.0
            - display-url-api:2.3.4
            - docker-commons:1.17
            - docker-java-api:
            - docker-workflow:1.25
            - durable-task:1.35
            - ec2:1.56
            - ec2-fleet:2.3.2
            - echarts-api:4.9.0-3
            - email-ext:2.81
            - embeddable-build-status:2.0.3
            - envinject:2.3.0
            - envinject-api:1.7
            - environment-script:1.2.5
            - extended-choice-parameter:0.82
            - extensible-choice-parameter:1.7.0
            - external-monitor-job:1.7
            - favorite:2.3.2
            - folder-auth:1.3
            - font-awesome-api:5.15.1-1
            - ghprb:1.42.1
            - git:4.5.2
            - git-client:3.6.0
            - git-parameter:0.9.13
            - git-server:1.9
            - github:1.32.0
            - github-api:1.122
            - github-branch-source:2.9.3
            - google-oauth-plugin:1.0.2
            - gradle:1.36
            - gravatar:2.1
            - groovy:2.3
            - handlebars:1.1.1
            - handy-uri-templates-2-api:2.1.8-1.0
            - hashicorp-vault-plugin:3.7.0
            - htmlpublisher:1.25
            - ivy:2.1
            - jackson2-api:2.12.1
            - javadoc:1.6
            - jaxb:
            - jdk-tool:1.4
            - jenkins-design-language:1.24.4
            - jira:3.1.3
            - job-import-plugin:3.4
            - jobConfigHistory:2.26
            - jobcacher:1.0
            - jquery:1.12.4-1
            - jquery-detached:1.2.1
            - jquery3-api:3.5.1-2
            - jsch:
            - junit:1.48
            - kubernetes:1.28.7
            - kubernetes-client-api:4.11.1
            - kubernetes-credentials:0.8.0
            - kubernetes-pipeline-steps:1.6
            - ldap:1.22
            - lockable-resources:2.10
            - mailer:1.32.1
            - mapdb-api:
            - mask-passwords:2.13
            - matrix-auth:2.6.5
            - matrix-project:1.18
            - maven-plugin:3.8
            - mercurial:2.12
            - metrics:
            - momentjs:1.1.1
            - monitoring:1.86.0
            - multi-branch-project-plugin:0.7
            - next-build-number:1.6
            - node-iterator-api:1.5.0
            - oauth-credentials:0.4
            - okhttp-api:3.14.9
            - pam-auth:1.6
            - parameterized-trigger:2.39
            - pipeline-build-step:2.13
            - pipeline-cloudwatch-logs:0.1
            - pipeline-github-lib:1.0
            - pipeline-graph-analysis:1.10
            - pipeline-input-step:2.12
            - pipeline-milestone-step:1.3.1
            - pipeline-model-api:1.7.2
            - pipeline-model-definition:1.7.2
            - pipeline-model-extensions:1.7.2
            - pipeline-rest-api:2.19
            - pipeline-stage-step:2.5
            - pipeline-stage-tags-metadata:1.7.2
            - pipeline-stage-view:2.19
            - pipeline-utility-steps:2.6.1
            - plain-credentials:1.7
            - plugin-util-api:1.6.1
            - popper-api:1.16.0-7
            - publish-to-bitbucket:0.4
            - pubsub-light:1.13
            - rebuild:1.31
            - resource-disposer:0.14
            - run-condition:1.5
            - saferestart:0.3
            - saml:1.1.7
            - scm-api:2.6.4
            - script-security:1.75
            - simple-theme-plugin:0.6
            - skip-notifications-trait:1.0.5
            - snakeyaml-api:1.27.0
            - sse-gateway:1.24
            - ssh-credentials:1.18.1
            - ssh-slaves:1.31.5
            - startup-trigger-plugin:2.9.3
            - structs:1.20
            - subversion:2.14.0
            - test-results-analyzer:0.3.5
            - timestamper:1.11.8
            - token-macro:2.13
            - trilead-api:1.0.13
            - variant:1.4
            - violation-comments-to-stash:1.126
            - windows-slaves:1.7
            - workflow-aggregator:2.6
            - workflow-api:2.41
            - workflow-basic-steps:2.23
            - workflow-cps:2.87
            - workflow-cps-global-lib:2.17
            - workflow-durable-task-step:2.37
            - workflow-job:2.40
            - workflow-multibranch:2.22
            - workflow-scm-step:2.11
            - workflow-step-api:2.23
            - workflow-support:3.7
            - ws-cleanup:0.38 {noformat}
          Stephane Odul made changes -
          Component/s New: kubernetes-plugin [ 20639 ]
          Component/s Original: core [ 15593 ]
          Stephane Odul made changes -
          Resolution New: Fixed [ 1 ]
          Status Original: Open [ 1 ] New: Closed [ 6 ]

            Unassigned Unassigned
            sodul Stephane Odul
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
