Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 2.280
Xcode-Plugin 2.0.14
Xcode 12.4, Build version 12D4e
macOS 10.15.7 Catalina
java openjdk version "11.0.9" 2020-10-20
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When I execute unit test in Xcode job, the test runs correctly, but the report generator fails to create the xml:
Test Case '-[FooTests testBundle]' passed (0.001 seconds). Test Suite 'FooTests' passed at 2021-02-22 11:07:56.161.FATAL: Implementation of JAXB-API has not been found on module path or classpath.
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-62038 xcode-integration plugin not compatible with jdk11, complains about jaxb missing
- Closed
- links to
[JENKINS-64917] Xcode Plugin fails to generate unit test report on macOS Catalina: JAXB-API issue
It's still not updated and blocking us from using Jenkins with the recommended version of Java 11.
Simply adding the dependency for jaxb leads to an error while compiling:
"[WARNING] Rule 2: org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.EnforceBytecodeVersion failed with message:
Found Banned Dependency: javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:jar:2.3.0"
We still have this issue using Jenkins 2.321, Xcode 13.1 and Xcode plugin 2.0.15 on macOS 11.6.1.
This is a blocker, can it be fixed quickly, please? Thanks!
flabrie as far as I can tell, there is no active development being done on the xcode plugin. I used the instructions from the DevOps World 2021 "Contributing to Open Source" workshop and made a few modernization improvements to the plugin in PR-112. I confirmed that the automated tests in the plugin repository all pass after my changes. I confirmed that I can build and test with Java 11.
I do not have access to a macOS machine or an XCode development environment, so I have no way of knowing if the updates work when installed by a user.
If you would like to try my changes, you could download the build from https://ci.jenkins.io/job/Plugins/job/xcode-plugin/job/PR-112/ and install it on your system. If it works, please provide feedback on PR-112.
If the plugin is crucial to your work, you may want to ask your employer to support your work efforts by allowing you to adopt the plugin.
Thank you very much, markewaite, to work on this issue. It's very appreciated.
Unfortunately, unit testing still fails with this PR-112: it seems the JAXB-API is not found.
Test Case '-[CGIAccessManagerTests testServiceWithValidCredential]' passed (1.003 seconds). Test Case '-[CGIAccessManagerTests testURL]' started. Test Case '-[CGIAccessManagerTests testURL]' passed (0.001 seconds). Test Suite 'CGIAccessManagerTests' passed at 2021-11-23 08:42:02.415.FATAL: Implementation of JAXB-API has not been found on module path or classpath.
I also tried PR-112 and the JAXB-API issue is still there:
Test Suite 'ADeviceSettingsTest' passed at 2022-04-25 13:31:35.892.FATAL: Implementation of JAXB-API has not been found on module path or classpath.
For info, we still have this issue with:
- Jenkins 2.346
- Xcode 13.3.1
- Java Runtime 11.0.15+0
- Xcode plugin 2.0.16-SNAPSHOT
- macOS Monterey 12.3.1
I made further modernization attempts on the plugin and those changes have been merged in https://github.com/jenkinsci/xcode-plugin/pull/112 . The CI job on the master branch provides a plugin build that could be downloaded and tested again. https://ci.jenkins.io/job/Plugins/job/xcode-plugin/job/master/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/org/jenkins-ci/plugins/xcode-plugin/2.0.16-rc560.83ccd19f8f49/xcode-plugin-2.0.16-rc560.83ccd19f8f49.hpi
If that latest build still isn't working, please provide steps to reproduce the issue from scratch on a clean installation.
Thank you for the latest attempt. I tried the updated plugin build from yesterday, but we are still seeing the same JAX-B fatal error after all the test cases of the first Test Suite in a XCTest target are run:
Test Suite 'All tests' started at 2022-05-10 10:40:42.280
Test Suite 'SNAPTests.xctest' started at 2022-05-10 10:40:42.282
Test Suite 'ADeviceSettingsTest' started at 2022-05-10 10:40:42.282
Test Case '-[SNAPTests.ADeviceSettingsTest test1SetDeviceSettings]' started.
2022-05-10 10:40:42.288688-0500 SNAP[56311:5905556] deviceID: R4BC351FAD0E
Test Case '-[SNAPTests.ADeviceSettingsTest test1SetDeviceSettings]' passed (0.010 seconds).
Test Case '-[SNAPTests.ADeviceSettingsTest test2GetDeviceSettings]' started.
2022-05-10 10:40:42.294595-0500 SNAP[56311:5905556] deviceID: R4BC351FAD0E
2022-05-10 10:40:42.295051-0500 SNAP[56311:5905556] deviceID: R4BC351FAD0E
Test Case '-[SNAPTests.ADeviceSettingsTest test2GetDeviceSettings]' passed (0.002 seconds).
Test Suite 'ADeviceSettingsTest' passed at 2022-05-10 10:40:42.296.FATAL: Implementation of JAXB-API has not been found on module path or classpath.
This is a new installation of Jenkins on a new M1 Mac Mini
- macOs Monterrey 12.2.1
- java.runtime.version 11.0.12+0
- Jenkins 2.332.2
- Xcode 13.31
This is a Jenkins project building a Xcode UITest Target that has multiple XCTestCases defined
pjacobsfdx You might consider encouraging others to help you by providing steps to reproduce the issue from scratch on a clean installation.
As inferred above, a Jenkins project needs to be configured to build an Xcode project. The Xcode General build settings for the Jenkins project, the Target (to build) must be a Xcode UITest Target with XCTestCases defined. My Xcode test target has multiple XCTestCase classes defined.
The JAXB-API fatal error occurs after the first set of test cases have finished running.
This issue is only occurring for me when the Jenkins project is configured to run a Test target. I have not run into this issue configuring a Jenkins project with a Xcode app target (i.e. no issue building a project and creating an IPA file).
pjacobsfdx I don't know anything about this plugin or XCode, but I am a Jenkins core maintainer working on JAXB related issues and I could probably fix this. Unfortunately, what you have described above is largely gibberish to me. Please provide a step-by-step list of instructions for how to reproduce the problem for someone who has never used this plugin or XCode before. I have a macOS system that I can use for testing.
You need to install Xcode from Apple App Store, and the Xcode Command Line Tools (normally, Xcode will ask for them when starting: you just need to confirm). Below is a Jenkins job example using this zipped plain iOS app project including unit tests: Xcode-PlugIn-Test-App.zip
- New Item: Freestyle project
- ✓ This project is parameterized
- File Parameter
- File Location: Xcode-PlugIn-Test-App.zip
- Description: Xcode Project Zip file.
- File Parameter
- Add build step: Execute shell
BASE_NAME="Xcode-PlugIn-Test-App" if [ -e "${BASE_NAME}" -a -e "${BASE_NAME}.zip"] then rm -rf "${BASE_NAME}" fi if [ -e "${BASE_NAME}.zip" ] then unzip "${BASE_NAME}.zip" rm -f "${BASE_NAME}.zip" fi if [ ! -e "${BASE_NAME}" ] then echo "Error: Xcode project folder missing." exit 1 fiBASE_NAME="Xcode-PlugIn-Test-App"if [ -e "${BASE_NAME}" -a -e "${BASE_NAME}.zip"] then rm -rf "${BASE_NAME}" fiif [ -e "${BASE_NAME}.zip" ] then unzip "${BASE_NAME}.zip" rm -f "${BASE_NAME}.zip" fiif [ ! -e "${BASE_NAME}" ] then echo "Error: Xcode project folder missing." exit 1 fi
- Add build step: Xcode
- Settings
- Clean ResultBundlePath? Yes
- Configuration: Debug
- Xcode Schema File: Xcode-PlugIn-Test-App
- Advanced build settings
- SDK: iphonesimulator
- Custom xcodebuild arguments: test -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 13,OS=latest"
- Xcode Project Directory: Xcode-PlugIn-Test-App
- Build output directory: ${WORKSPACE}/build
- Settings
- Add post-build action: Publish JUnit test result report
Test report XMLs: **/test-reports/*.xml
After several hours in which I was effectively unable to use my Internet connection while downloading a 12.7 GiB Xcode installer, I fixed the bug in 15 minutes.
It worked for me also. I can't think you enough for fixing the issue!!!
kazuhidet are you able to review the proposed change, merge it, and release it, or would you rather that someone else adopts the plugin, merges it, and releases it?
markewaite I'm sorry, I'm busy with work now and I couldn't maintain it in time.
We will work to release this fix as soon as possible.
Maybe we can release it on the weekends.
kazuhidet Thank you for your reply. I highly appreciate your diligence in maintaining this plugin. As a gentle reminder, we are planning on requiring Java 11 in the Jenkins weekly release line as of June 21, 2022. Ideally, we would be able to release this plugin prior to that date to ensure a smooth experience for users of the weekly release line.
To be clear, it looks like an attempt to perform a release was made in https://github.com/jenkinsci/xcode-plugin/releases/tag/xcode-plugin-2.0.16 but there is no 2.0.16 release visible on the Plugin Site or on Artifactory:
- https://plugins.jenkins.io/xcode-plugin/
- https://repo.jenkins-ci.org/artifactory/releases/org/jenkins-ci/plugins/xcode-plugin/
Kazuhide, let us know if you need assistance with resetting your credentials to perform a release.
Hi kazuhidet, 2.0.16 has still not been released to the Update Center. Were you able to reset your credentials and perform a release? Let us know if we can help. To reset your credentials: https://accounts.jenkins.io/ For documentation: https://www.jenkins.io/doc/developer/publishing/releasing-manually/
basil Thank you for your advice.
The plugin release system still had the old manual release mechanism, and there was an error in credential authentication, so I updated this to the new automatic release mechanism.
From now on, if someone approves the PR, the immediate release should be triggered.
https://github.com/jenkins-infra/repository-permissions-updater/pull/2560 has been merged to enable continuous delivery and https://github.com/jenkinsci/xcode-plugin/releases/tag/2.0.17-565.v1c48051d46ef has been released.
Thanks very much!
Maybe the Xcode PlugIn just need to add the JAXB PlugIn dependancy, like described here: https://plugins.jenkins.io/jaxb/