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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-65142

Jenkins doesn't save newly created jobs or changes to previously created jobs when clicking Save/Apply buttons

      When I try to save a newly created job by clicking either the Save or Apply buttons, I do not
      receive a green message saying that the job configuration has been saved. It just leaves me in the job and doesn't retain any changes. Normally when the Apply button is clicked it presents a green message saying that it is saved. And normally when clicking the Save button it exits from the created job and back to the main job window. None of which is happening at this moment and not sure why.

      This is also happening when we attempt to clone prior existing jobs. We cannot make any new changes to jobs as they're not being saved. We just updated our Jenkins release from v2.263.4-1.1 to 2.277.1-1.1. I have attached the jenkins log file and screenshots of how it should normally work when clicking these buttons on job creation and/or configuration. I've also attached screenshots of what is actually happening when we click the Save/Apply buttons during job creation and/or editing a previously created job. This is a major blocker as we cannot create, clone, modify, new and existing jobs currently in Jenkins.

      Just FYI - I scoured and parsed through all the current Jenkins issues to date and could not find any issue related to what we're currently experiencing.

      The deprecated coding-webhook plugin was the root cause of the issue..

      As noted in the 2.277.1 upgrade guide and changelog, please remove deprecated plugins. Please remove plugins with known security issues. Please remove plugins that are unused.

        1. Installed Plugins. SJ.docx
          362 kB
        2. Jenkins.png
          22 kB
        3. image-2021-05-24-10-17-07-903.png
          32 kB
        4. 2021-04-21_13-47.png
          24 kB
        5. plugins-working.txt
          6 kB
        6. Jenkins not working with Binding section on Job.PNG
          Jenkins not working with Binding section on Job.PNG
          20 kB
        7. Jenkins job not working.PNG
          Jenkins job not working.PNG
          19 kB
        8. Jenkins job working.PNG
          Jenkins job working.PNG
          29 kB
        9. Folders Plugin.PNG
          Folders Plugin.PNG
          14 kB
        10. plugins.txt
          6 kB
        11. plugin updates tab.PNG
          plugin updates tab.PNG
          81 kB
        12. jenkins-log.zip
          757 kB
        13. Not working when clicking Apply button.PNG
          Not working when clicking Apply button.PNG
          89 kB
        14. Not working when clicking Save button.PNG
          Not working when clicking Save button.PNG
          89 kB
        15. Working when clicking Apply button.PNG
          Working when clicking Apply button.PNG
          81 kB
        16. Working when clicking Save button.PNG
          Working when clicking Save button.PNG
          105 kB

          [JENKINS-65142] Jenkins doesn't save newly created jobs or changes to previously created jobs when clicking Save/Apply buttons

          Charles Smith created issue -
          Charles Smith made changes -
          Attachment New: Working when clicking Apply button.PNG [ 54246 ]
          Attachment New: Working when clicking Save button.PNG [ 54247 ]
          Attachment New: Not working when clicking Apply button.PNG [ 54248 ]
          Attachment New: Not working when clicking Save button.PNG [ 54249 ]
          Charles Smith made changes -
          Attachment New: jenkins-log.zip [ 54250 ]
          Charles Smith made changes -
          Labels New: job-configuration jobs
          Mark Waite made changes -
          Labels Original: job-configuration jobs New: job-configuration jobs tables-to-divs-regression

          Mark Waite added a comment - - edited

          Please provide the list of plugins installed on your system as suggested at "How to report a bug".
          Please confirm that you followed the instructions in the Jenkins 2.277.1 upgrade guide, especially that you updated your plugins after installing Jenkins 2.277.1. If you did not upgrade your plugins, please do so, then report if the issue remains.

          I thought that the issue might be in the job configuration history plugin, but we have the job configuration history plugin installed on ci.jenkins.io and it is behaving as expected with Jenkins 2.277.1

          Mark Waite added a comment - - edited Please provide the list of plugins installed on your system as suggested at "How to report a bug" . Please confirm that you followed the instructions in the Jenkins 2.277.1 upgrade guide , especially that you updated your plugins after installing Jenkins 2.277.1. If you did not upgrade your plugins, please do so, then report if the issue remains. I thought that the issue might be in the job configuration history plugin, but we have the job configuration history plugin installed on ci.jenkins.io and it is behaving as expected with Jenkins 2.277.1

          Charles Smith added a comment -

          markewaite - Thank you. I reviewed the 2.277.1 upgrade guide and confirmed that all steps were followed and that all plugins have been updated after the 2.277.1 upgrade, however, we're still seeing this issue with the job configuration and with previously created jobs. Below is a list of installed plugins with their version. I've also attached a screenshot of the Update Plugins tab for confirmation.

          BlazeMeter plugin (BlazeMeterJenkinsPlugin): 4.7
          JiraTestResultReporter plugin (JiraTestResultReporter): 2.0.7
          Office 365 Connector (Office-365-Connector): 4.14.0
          Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin (Parameterized-Remote-Trigger):
          JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin (ace-editor): 1.1
          Additional Metrics Plugin (additional-metrics): 1.3
          All changes plugin (all-changes): 1.5
          Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) / Fargate plugin (amazon-ecs): 1.37
          Ansible plugin (ansible): 1.1
          Ant Plugin (ant): 1.11
          OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin (antisamy-markup-formatter): 2.1
          Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin (apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api): 4.5.13-1.0
          AppDynamics Dashboard Plugin for Jenkins (appdynamics-dashboard): 1.0.15
          Associated Files Plugin (associated-files): 0.2.1
          Async Http Client (async-http-client):
          Audit Trail (audit-trail): 3.8
          Authentication Tokens API Plugin (authentication-tokens): 1.4
          Amazon S3 Bucket Credentials Plugin (aws-bucket-credentials): 1.0.0
          CloudBees AWS Credentials Plugin (aws-credentials): 1.28
          AWS Global Configuration Plugin (aws-global-configuration): 1.6
          Amazon Web Services SDK (aws-java-sdk): 1.11.973
          AWS Lambda Plugin (aws-lambda): 0.5.10
          AWS Parameter Store Build Wrapper (aws-parameter-store): 1.2.2
          AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider (aws-secrets-manager-credentials-provider): 0.5.3
          S3 Yum repo parameter plugin (aws-yum-parameter): 1.5
          Azure Commons Plugin (azure-commons): 1.1.1
          Badge (badge): 1.8
          Common API for Blue Ocean (blueocean-commons): 1.24.5
          REST API for Blue Ocean (blueocean-rest): 1.24.5
          Bootstrap 4 API Plugin (bootstrap4-api): 4.6.0-2
          bouncycastle API Plugin (bouncycastle-api): 2.20
          Build Environment Plugin (build-environment): 1.7
          Build History Metrics plugin (build-history-metrics-plugin): 1.2
          Build Monitor View (build-monitor-plugin): 1.12+build.201809061734
          Build Name and Description Setter (build-name-setter): 2.1.0
          Build Notifications Plugin (build-notifications): 1.5.0
          Build Pipeline Plugin (build-pipeline-plugin): 1.5.8
          Build-Publisher plugin (build-publisher): 1.22
          Build Timeout (build-timeout): 1.20
          build user vars plugin (build-user-vars-plugin): 1.7
          Build With Parameters (build-with-parameters): 1.5
          buildgraph-view (buildgraph-view): 1.8
          built-on-column (built-on-column): 1.1
          Calendar View Plugin (calendar-view): 0.3.1
          categorized-view (categorized-view): 1.11
          Checks API plugin (checks-api): 1.6.0
          Claim Plugin (claim): 2.18.2
          Cloud Statistics Plugin (cloud-stats): 0.26
          Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin (cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source): 2.9.7
          CloudBees Credentials Plugin (cloudbees-credentials): 3.3
          Folders Plugin (cloudbees-folder): 6.15
          Coding Webhook Plugin (coding-webhook): 1.4.3
          Command Agent Launcher Plugin (command-launcher): 1.5
          Compact Columns (compact-columns): 1.12
          Concurrent Step (concurrent-step): 1.0.0
          Conditional BuildStep (conditional-buildstep): 1.4.1
          Config File Provider Plugin (config-file-provider): 3.7.0
          Configuration as Code Plugin (configuration-as-code): 1.47
          Configuration as Code Plugin - Groovy Scripting Extension (configuration-as-code-groovy): 1.1
          Configure Job Column Plugin (configure-job-column-plugin): 1.0
          Confluence Publisher (confluence-publisher): 2.0.6
          Console Badge (console-badge): 1.1
          Console Column Plugin (console-column-plugin): 1.5
          Copy Artifact Plugin (copyartifact): 1.46
          Create Job Advanced (createjobadvanced): 1.9.0
          Credentials Plugin (credentials): 2.3.15
          Credentials Binding Plugin (credentials-binding): 1.24
          cron-shelve (cron-shelve): 1.3
          Cron Column Plugin (cron_column): 1.4
          Crowd 2 Integration (crowd2): 2.0.2
          Custom Job Icon plugin (custom-job-icon): 0.2
          Custom View Tabs Plugin (custom-view-tabs): 1.3
          Customized Build Message Plugin (customized-build-message): 1.1
          Dark Theme (dark-theme): 0.0.12
          Dashboard View (dashboard-view): 2.15
          database (database): 1.7
          MySQL Database Plugin (database-mysql): 1.4
          PostgreSQL Database Plugin (database-postgresql): 1.2
          Dependency Graph Viewer Plugin (depgraph-view): 1.0.5
          DeployDB Plugin (deploydb): 0.1
          Description Column Plugin (description-column-plugin): 1.3
          Display URL API (display-url-api): 2.3.4
          docker-build-step (docker-build-step): 2.6
          Docker Commons Plugin (docker-commons): 1.17
          Docker API Plugin (docker-java-api):
          Doktor (doktor): 0.4.1
          Downstream Build Cache Plugin (downstream-build-cache): 1.6
          Downstream build view (downstream-buildview): 1.9
          Durable Task Plugin (durable-task): 1.35
          Dynamic Search View Plugin (dynamic-search-view): 0.3.0
          Dynamic Extended Choice Parameter Plug-In (dynamic_extended_choice_parameter): 1.0.1
          Amazon EC2 plugin (ec2): 1.56
          ECharts API Plugin (echarts-api): 5.0.1-1
          Email Extension Plugin (email-ext): 2.82
          Email Extension Template Plugin (emailext-template): 1.2
          Embeddable Build Status Plugin (embeddable-build-status): 2.0.3
          Environment Injector Plugin (envinject): 2.4.0
          EnvInject API Plugin (envinject-api): 1.7
          Extended Choice Parameter Plug-In (extended-choice-parameter): 0.82
          Extended Read Permission Plugin (extended-read-permission): 3.2
          Extensible Choice Parameter plugin (extensible-choice-parameter): 1.7.0
          External Monitor Job Type Plugin (external-monitor-job): 1.7
          Extra Columns Plugin (extra-columns): 1.22
          Favorite (favorite): 2.3.3
          Favorite View Plugin (favorite-view): 1.0
          File System SCM Plugin (filesystem_scm): 2.1
          Font Awesome API Plugin (font-awesome-api): 5.15.2-2
          Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin (generic-webhook-trigger): 1.72
          Git plugin (git): 4.6.0
          Git Changelog (git-changelog): 3.1
          Alternative build chooser (git-chooser-alternative): 1.1
          Git client plugin (git-client): 3.6.0
          Git Parameter Plug-In (git-parameter): 0.9.13
          GIT server Plugin (git-server): 1.9
          Git Tag Message Plugin (git-tag-message): 1.7.1
          GitHub plugin (github): 1.33.1
          GitHub API Plugin (github-api): 1.123
          GitHub Branch Source Plugin (github-branch-source): 2.10.2
          GitHub Issues Plugin (github-issues): 1.2.4
          Global Post Script Plugin (global-post-script): 1.1.4
          Global Slack Notifier Plugin (global-slack-notifier): 1.5
          Global Variable String Parameter (global-variable-string-parameter): 1.2
          Google OAuth Credentials plugin (google-oauth-plugin): 1.0.4
          Gradle Plugin (gradle): 1.36
          Groovy (groovy): 2.3
          Groovy Label Assignment plugin (groovy-label-assignment): 1.2.0
          Groovy Postbuild (groovy-postbuild): 2.5
          JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin (handlebars): 1.1.1
          Handy Uri Templates 2.x API Plugin (handy-uri-templates-2-api): 2.1.8-1.0
          housekeeper (housekeeper): 1.1
          HTML Publisher plugin (htmlpublisher): 1.25
          Hudson Personal View (hudson-pview-plugin): 1.8
          Icon Shim (icon-shim): 3.0.0
          Ivy Plugin (ivy): 2.1
          Jackson 2 API Plugin (jackson2-api): 2.12.1
          Javadoc Plugin (javadoc): 1.6
          JAXB plugin (jaxb):
          Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin (jdk-tool): 1.5
          Design Language (jenkins-design-language): 1.24.5
          Jira Issue Updater (jenkins-jira-issue-updater): 1.18
          Multijob plugin (jenkins-multijob-plugin): 1.36
          jira-ext Plugin (jira-ext): 0.9
          JIRA Trigger Plugin (jira-trigger): 1.0.1
          Java JSON Web Token (JJWT) Plugin (jjwt-api): 0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173
          Job Direct Mail Plugin (job-direct-mail): 1.5
          Job Configuration History Plugin (jobConfigHistory): 2.26
          Job/Queue/Slaves Monitoring Plugin (jqs-monitoring): 1.4
          jQuery plugin (jquery): 1.12.4-1
          JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin (jquery-detached): 1.2.1
          jQuery UI plugin (jquery-ui): 1.0.2
          JQuery3 API Plugin (jquery3-api): 3.5.1-3
          JSch dependency plugin (jsch):
          JUnit Plugin (junit): 1.49
          Kafka Logs Plugin (kafkalogs): 0.1.6
          Kanboard Plugin (kanboard): 1.5.11
          Kubernetes Client API Plugin (kubernetes-client-api): 4.13.2-1
          Kubernetes Credentials Plugin (kubernetes-credentials): 0.8.0
          Kubernetes Credentials Provider (kubernetes-credentials-provider): 0.16
          AWS Lambda Test Runner (lambda-test-runner): 0.1.0
          LDAP Plugin (ldap): 2.4
          Live Screenshot (livescreenshot): 1.4.5
          Lockable Resources plugin (lockable-resources): 2.10
          Mail Watcher Plugin (mail-watcher-plugin): 1.16
          Mailer Plugin (mailer): 1.33
          Managed Scripts (managed-scripts): 1.5.4
          MapDB API Plugin (mapdb-api):
          Mask Passwords Plugin (mask-passwords): 3.0
          Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin (matrix-auth): 2.6.5
          Matrix Combinations Plugin (matrix-combinations-parameter): 1.3.1
          Matrix Groovy Execution Strategy Plugin (matrix-groovy-execution-strategy): 1.0.7
          Matrix Project Plugin (matrix-project): 1.18
          Maven Integration plugin (maven-plugin): 3.10
          Mercurial plugin (mercurial): 2.14
          Metrics Plugin (metrics):
          Mission Control Plugin (mission-control-view): 0.9.16
          Modern Status (modernstatus): 1.3
          JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin (momentjs): 1.1.1
          mean time to repair plugin (mttr): 1.1
          Multiple SCMs plugin (multiple-scms): 0.6
          myst-plugin (myst-plugin):
          Naginator (naginator): 1.18.1
          Nested View Plugin (nested-view): 1.17
          next-executions (next-executions): 1.0.15
          Node Iterator API Plugin (node-iterator-api): 1.5.0
          NodeJS Plugin (nodejs): 1.4.0
          Node and Label parameter plugin (nodelabelparameter): 1.7.2
          Notify.Events (notify-events): 1.3.0
          OAuth Credentials plugin (oauth-credentials): 0.4
          OkHttp Plugin (okhttp-api): 3.14.9
          OpenShift Client Jenkins Plugin (openshift-client): 1.0.34
          OpenShift Login Plugin (openshift-login): 1.0.26
          OpenShift Sync (openshift-sync): 1.0.46
          PAM Authentication plugin (pam-auth): 1.6
          Parallel Test Executor Plugin (parallel-test-executor): 1.13
          Parameter Pool Plugin (parameter-pool): 1.0.3
          Parameterized Scheduler (parameterized-scheduler): 0.9.2
          Parameterized Trigger plugin (parameterized-trigger): 2.40
          Pending Changes plugin (pending-changes): 0.3.0
          Performance Plugin (performance): 3.19
          Persistent Parameter Plugin (persistent-parameter): 1.2
          Pipeline Aggregator View (pipeline-aggregator-view): 1.11
          Pipeline: AWS Steps (pipeline-aws): 1.43
          Pipeline: Build Step (pipeline-build-step): 2.13
          Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin (pipeline-graph-analysis): 1.10
          Pipeline: Input Step (pipeline-input-step): 2.12
          Pipeline: Milestone Step (pipeline-milestone-step): 1.3.2
          Pipeline: Model API (pipeline-model-api): 1.8.4
          Pipeline: Declarative Agent API (pipeline-model-declarative-agent): 1.1.1
          Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API (pipeline-model-extensions): 1.8.4
          Pipeline: REST API Plugin (pipeline-rest-api): 2.19
          Pipeline: Stage Step (pipeline-stage-step): 2.5
          Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata (pipeline-stage-tags-metadata): 1.8.4
          Pipeline: Stage View Plugin (pipeline-stage-view): 2.19
          Plain Credentials Plugin (plain-credentials): 1.7
          Plot plugin (plot): 2.1.9
          Plugin Utilities API Plugin (plugin-util-api): 2.0.0
          Popper.js API Plugin (popper-api): 1.16.1-2
          Post build task (postbuild-task): 1.9
          PostBuildScript Plugin (postbuildscript): 2.11.0
          PowerShell plugin (powershell): 1.4
          Prerequisite build step plugin (prereq-buildstep): 1.1
          Project Description Setter (project-description-setter): 1.2
          Project statistics Plugin (project-stats-plugin): 0.4
          promoted builds plugin (promoted-builds): 3.9
          Infrastructure plugin for Publish Over X (publish-over): 0.22
          Publish Over SSH (publish-over-ssh): 1.22
          Pub-Sub "light" Bus (pubsub-light): 1.13
          Python Plugin (python): 1.3
          Python Wrapper Plugin (python-wrapper): 1.0.3
          R Plugin (r): 0.6
          Release Helper Plugin (release-helper): 1.3.3
          Remoting Kafka Plugin (remoting-kafka): 2.0.1
          Resource Disposer Plugin (resource-disposer): 0.15
          Role-based Authorization Strategy (role-strategy): 3.1
          ruby-runtime (ruby-runtime): 0.12
          Run Condition Plugin (run-condition): 1.5
          Rundeck plugin (rundeck): 3.6.9
          S3 publisher plugin (s3): 0.11.6
          SAML Plugin (saml): 2.0.2
          SASUnit Plugin (sasunit-plugin): 1.024
          Amazon EC2 Container Service plugin with autoscaling capabilities (scalable-amazon-ecs): 1.0
          SCM API Plugin (scm-api): 2.6.4
          Script Security Plugin (script-security): 1.76
          scripted Cloud Plugin (scripted-cloud-plugin): 0.12
          Selection tasks plugin (selection-tasks-plugin): 1.0
          Selenium Auto Exec Server(AES) plugin (selenium-aes): 0.5
          Selenium Builder plugin (selenium-builder): 1.14
          Shared Workspace (shared-workspace): 1.0.2
          Shelve Project Plugin (shelve-project-plugin): 3.1
          ShiningPanda Plugin (shiningpanda): 0.24
          Show Build Parameters plugin (show-build-parameters): 1.0
          Simple Parameterized Builds Report Plugin (simple-parameterized-builds-report): 1.5
          Slack Notification Plugin (slack): 2.46
          Slack Upload Plugin (slack-uploader): 1.7
          Slave SetupPlugin (slave-setup): 1.10
          slave-status (slave-status): 1.6
          Snakeyaml API Plugin (snakeyaml-api): 1.27.0
          Amazon SNS Build Notifier (snsnotify): 1.13
          SQLPlus Script Runner (sqlplus-script-runner): 2.0.15
          Server Sent Events (SSE) Gateway Plugin (sse-gateway): 1.24
          SSH plugin (ssh): 2.6.1
          SSH Agent Plugin (ssh-agent): 1.21
          SSH Credentials Plugin (ssh-credentials): 1.18.1
          SSH Build Agents plugin (ssh-slaves): 1.31.5
          SSH2 Easy Plugin (ssh2easy): 1.4
          Statistics Gatherer Plugin (statistics-gatherer): 2.0.3
          Status Monitor Plugin (statusmonitor): 1.3
          Structs Plugin (structs): 1.22
          Subversion Plug-in (subversion): 2.14.0
          Support Core Plugin (support-core): 2.72.1
          Team Views (team-views): 0.9.0
          Theme Manager (Incubating) (theme-manager): 0.6
          Timestamper (timestamper): 1.12
          Token Macro Plugin (token-macro): 2.15
          Tool Environment plugin (toolenv): 1.2
          Trilead API Plugin (trilead-api): 1.0.13
          Active Choices Plug-in (uno-choice): 2.5.5
          Variables Replace (variables-replace-plugin): 1.0.0
          Variant Plugin (variant): 1.4
          View Job Filters (view-job-filters): 2.3
          Webhook Step Plugin (webhook-step): 1.4
          WMI Windows Agents Plugin (windows-slaves): 1.7
          Pipeline: API (workflow-api): 2.41
          Pipeline: Basic Steps (workflow-basic-steps): 2.23
          Pipeline: Groovy (workflow-cps): 2.90
          Pipeline: Nodes and Processes (workflow-durable-task-step): 2.38
          Pipeline: Job (workflow-job): 2.40
          Pipeline: SCM Step (workflow-scm-step): 2.12
          Pipeline: Step API (workflow-step-api): 2.23
          Pipeline: Supporting APIs (workflow-support): 3.8
          Workspace Cleanup Plugin (ws-cleanup): 0.39
          cross-platform shell plugin (xshell): 0.10
          Yet Another Build Visualizer (yet-another-build-visualizer): 1.14

          Charles Smith added a comment - markewaite  - Thank you. I reviewed the 2.277.1 upgrade guide and confirmed that all steps were followed and that all plugins have been updated after the 2.277.1 upgrade, however, we're still seeing this issue with the job configuration and with previously created jobs. Below is a list of installed plugins with their version. I've also attached a screenshot of the Update Plugins tab for confirmation. BlazeMeter plugin (BlazeMeterJenkinsPlugin): 4.7 JiraTestResultReporter plugin (JiraTestResultReporter): 2.0.7 Office 365 Connector (Office-365-Connector): 4.14.0 Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin (Parameterized-Remote-Trigger): JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin (ace-editor): 1.1 Additional Metrics Plugin (additional-metrics): 1.3 All changes plugin (all-changes): 1.5 Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) / Fargate plugin (amazon-ecs): 1.37 Ansible plugin (ansible): 1.1 Ant Plugin (ant): 1.11 OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin (antisamy-markup-formatter): 2.1 Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin (apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api): 4.5.13-1.0 AppDynamics Dashboard Plugin for Jenkins (appdynamics-dashboard): 1.0.15 Associated Files Plugin (associated-files): 0.2.1 Async Http Client (async-http-client): Audit Trail (audit-trail): 3.8 Authentication Tokens API Plugin (authentication-tokens): 1.4 Amazon S3 Bucket Credentials Plugin (aws-bucket-credentials): 1.0.0 CloudBees AWS Credentials Plugin (aws-credentials): 1.28 AWS Global Configuration Plugin (aws-global-configuration): 1.6 Amazon Web Services SDK (aws-java-sdk): 1.11.973 AWS Lambda Plugin (aws-lambda): 0.5.10 AWS Parameter Store Build Wrapper (aws-parameter-store): 1.2.2 AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider (aws-secrets-manager-credentials-provider): 0.5.3 S3 Yum repo parameter plugin (aws-yum-parameter): 1.5 Azure Commons Plugin (azure-commons): 1.1.1 Badge (badge): 1.8 Common API for Blue Ocean (blueocean-commons): 1.24.5 REST API for Blue Ocean (blueocean- rest ): 1.24.5 Bootstrap 4 API Plugin (bootstrap4-api): 4.6.0-2 bouncycastle API Plugin (bouncycastle-api): 2.20 Build Environment Plugin (build-environment): 1.7 Build History Metrics plugin (build-history-metrics-plugin): 1.2 Build Monitor View (build-monitor-plugin): 1.12+build.201809061734 Build Name and Description Setter (build-name-setter): 2.1.0 Build Notifications Plugin (build-notifications): 1.5.0 Build Pipeline Plugin (build-pipeline-plugin): 1.5.8 Build-Publisher plugin (build-publisher): 1.22 Build Timeout (build-timeout): 1.20 build user vars plugin (build-user-vars-plugin): 1.7 Build With Parameters (build-with-parameters): 1.5 buildgraph-view (buildgraph-view): 1.8 built-on-column (built-on-column): 1.1 Calendar View Plugin (calendar-view): 0.3.1 categorized-view (categorized-view): 1.11 Checks API plugin (checks-api): 1.6.0 Claim Plugin (claim): 2.18.2 Cloud Statistics Plugin (cloud-stats): 0.26 Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin (cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source): 2.9.7 CloudBees Credentials Plugin (cloudbees-credentials): 3.3 Folders Plugin (cloudbees-folder): 6.15 Coding Webhook Plugin (coding-webhook): 1.4.3 Command Agent Launcher Plugin (command-launcher): 1.5 Compact Columns (compact-columns): 1.12 Concurrent Step (concurrent-step): 1.0.0 Conditional BuildStep (conditional-buildstep): 1.4.1 Config File Provider Plugin (config-file-provider): 3.7.0 Configuration as Code Plugin (configuration-as-code): 1.47 Configuration as Code Plugin - Groovy Scripting Extension (configuration-as-code-groovy): 1.1 Configure Job Column Plugin (configure-job-column-plugin): 1.0 Confluence Publisher (confluence-publisher): 2.0.6 Console Badge (console-badge): 1.1 Console Column Plugin (console-column-plugin): 1.5 Copy Artifact Plugin (copyartifact): 1.46 Create Job Advanced (createjobadvanced): 1.9.0 Credentials Plugin (credentials): 2.3.15 Credentials Binding Plugin (credentials-binding): 1.24 cron-shelve (cron-shelve): 1.3 Cron Column Plugin (cron_column): 1.4 Crowd 2 Integration (crowd2): 2.0.2 Custom Job Icon plugin (custom-job-icon): 0.2 Custom View Tabs Plugin (custom-view-tabs): 1.3 Customized Build Message Plugin (customized-build-message): 1.1 Dark Theme (dark-theme): 0.0.12 Dashboard View (dashboard-view): 2.15 database (database): 1.7 MySQL Database Plugin (database-mysql): 1.4 PostgreSQL Database Plugin (database-postgresql): 1.2 Dependency Graph Viewer Plugin (depgraph-view): 1.0.5 DeployDB Plugin (deploydb): 0.1 Description Column Plugin (description-column-plugin): 1.3 Display URL API (display-url-api): 2.3.4 docker-build-step (docker-build-step): 2.6 Docker Commons Plugin (docker-commons): 1.17 Docker API Plugin (docker-java-api): Doktor (doktor): 0.4.1 Downstream Build Cache Plugin (downstream-build-cache): 1.6 Downstream build view (downstream-buildview): 1.9 Durable Task Plugin (durable-task): 1.35 Dynamic Search View Plugin (dynamic-search-view): 0.3.0 Dynamic Extended Choice Parameter Plug-In (dynamic_extended_choice_parameter): 1.0.1 Amazon EC2 plugin (ec2): 1.56 ECharts API Plugin (echarts-api): 5.0.1-1 Email Extension Plugin (email-ext): 2.82 Email Extension Template Plugin (emailext-template): 1.2 Embeddable Build Status Plugin (embeddable-build-status): 2.0.3 Environment Injector Plugin (envinject): 2.4.0 EnvInject API Plugin (envinject-api): 1.7 Extended Choice Parameter Plug-In (extended-choice-parameter): 0.82 Extended Read Permission Plugin (extended-read-permission): 3.2 Extensible Choice Parameter plugin (extensible-choice-parameter): 1.7.0 External Monitor Job Type Plugin (external-monitor-job): 1.7 Extra Columns Plugin (extra-columns): 1.22 Favorite (favorite): 2.3.3 Favorite View Plugin (favorite-view): 1.0 File System SCM Plugin (filesystem_scm): 2.1 Font Awesome API Plugin (font-awesome-api): 5.15.2-2 Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin ( generic -webhook-trigger): 1.72 Git plugin (git): 4.6.0 Git Changelog (git-changelog): 3.1 Alternative build chooser (git-chooser-alternative): 1.1 Git client plugin (git-client): 3.6.0 Git Parameter Plug-In (git-parameter): 0.9.13 GIT server Plugin (git-server): 1.9 Git Tag Message Plugin (git-tag-message): 1.7.1 GitHub plugin (github): 1.33.1 GitHub API Plugin (github-api): 1.123 GitHub Branch Source Plugin (github-branch-source): 2.10.2 GitHub Issues Plugin (github-issues): 1.2.4 Global Post Script Plugin (global-post-script): 1.1.4 Global Slack Notifier Plugin (global-slack-notifier): 1.5 Global Variable String Parameter (global-variable-string-parameter): 1.2 Google OAuth Credentials plugin (google-oauth-plugin): 1.0.4 Gradle Plugin (gradle): 1.36 Groovy (groovy): 2.3 Groovy Label Assignment plugin (groovy-label-assignment): 1.2.0 Groovy Postbuild (groovy-postbuild): 2.5 JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin (handlebars): 1.1.1 Handy Uri Templates 2.x API Plugin (handy-uri-templates-2-api): 2.1.8-1.0 housekeeper (housekeeper): 1.1 HTML Publisher plugin (htmlpublisher): 1.25 Hudson Personal View (hudson-pview-plugin): 1.8 Icon Shim (icon-shim): 3.0.0 Ivy Plugin (ivy): 2.1 Jackson 2 API Plugin (jackson2-api): 2.12.1 Javadoc Plugin (javadoc): 1.6 JAXB plugin (jaxb): Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin (jdk-tool): 1.5 Design Language (jenkins-design-language): 1.24.5 Jira Issue Updater (jenkins-jira-issue-updater): 1.18 Multijob plugin (jenkins-multijob-plugin): 1.36 jira-ext Plugin (jira-ext): 0.9 JIRA Trigger Plugin (jira-trigger): 1.0.1 Java JSON Web Token (JJWT) Plugin (jjwt-api): 0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173 Job Direct Mail Plugin (job-direct-mail): 1.5 Job Configuration History Plugin (jobConfigHistory): 2.26 Job/Queue/Slaves Monitoring Plugin (jqs-monitoring): 1.4 jQuery plugin (jquery): 1.12.4-1 JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin (jquery-detached): 1.2.1 jQuery UI plugin (jquery-ui): 1.0.2 JQuery3 API Plugin (jquery3-api): 3.5.1-3 JSch dependency plugin (jsch): JUnit Plugin (junit): 1.49 Kafka Logs Plugin (kafkalogs): 0.1.6 Kanboard Plugin (kanboard): 1.5.11 Kubernetes Client API Plugin (kubernetes-client-api): 4.13.2-1 Kubernetes Credentials Plugin (kubernetes-credentials): 0.8.0 Kubernetes Credentials Provider (kubernetes-credentials-provider): 0.16 AWS Lambda Test Runner (lambda-test-runner): 0.1.0 LDAP Plugin (ldap): 2.4 Live Screenshot (livescreenshot): 1.4.5 Lockable Resources plugin (lockable-resources): 2.10 Mail Watcher Plugin (mail-watcher-plugin): 1.16 Mailer Plugin (mailer): 1.33 Managed Scripts (managed-scripts): 1.5.4 MapDB API Plugin (mapdb-api): Mask Passwords Plugin (mask-passwords): 3.0 Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin (matrix-auth): 2.6.5 Matrix Combinations Plugin (matrix-combinations-parameter): 1.3.1 Matrix Groovy Execution Strategy Plugin (matrix-groovy-execution-strategy): 1.0.7 Matrix Project Plugin (matrix-project): 1.18 Maven Integration plugin (maven-plugin): 3.10 Mercurial plugin (mercurial): 2.14 Metrics Plugin (metrics): Mission Control Plugin (mission-control-view): 0.9.16 Modern Status (modernstatus): 1.3 JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin (momentjs): 1.1.1 mean time to repair plugin (mttr): 1.1 Multiple SCMs plugin (multiple-scms): 0.6 myst-plugin (myst-plugin): Naginator (naginator): 1.18.1 Nested View Plugin (nested-view): 1.17 next-executions (next-executions): 1.0.15 Node Iterator API Plugin (node-iterator-api): 1.5.0 NodeJS Plugin (nodejs): 1.4.0 Node and Label parameter plugin (nodelabelparameter): 1.7.2 Notify.Events (notify-events): 1.3.0 OAuth Credentials plugin (oauth-credentials): 0.4 OkHttp Plugin (okhttp-api): 3.14.9 OpenShift Client Jenkins Plugin (openshift-client): 1.0.34 OpenShift Login Plugin (openshift-login): 1.0.26 OpenShift Sync (openshift-sync): 1.0.46 PAM Authentication plugin (pam-auth): 1.6 Parallel Test Executor Plugin (parallel-test-executor): 1.13 Parameter Pool Plugin (parameter-pool): 1.0.3 Parameterized Scheduler (parameterized-scheduler): 0.9.2 Parameterized Trigger plugin (parameterized-trigger): 2.40 Pending Changes plugin (pending-changes): 0.3.0 Performance Plugin (performance): 3.19 Persistent Parameter Plugin (persistent-parameter): 1.2 Pipeline Aggregator View (pipeline-aggregator-view): 1.11 Pipeline: AWS Steps (pipeline-aws): 1.43 Pipeline: Build Step (pipeline-build-step): 2.13 Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin (pipeline-graph-analysis): 1.10 Pipeline: Input Step (pipeline-input-step): 2.12 Pipeline: Milestone Step (pipeline-milestone-step): 1.3.2 Pipeline: Model API (pipeline-model-api): 1.8.4 Pipeline: Declarative Agent API (pipeline-model-declarative-agent): 1.1.1 Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API (pipeline-model-extensions): 1.8.4 Pipeline: REST API Plugin (pipeline- rest -api): 2.19 Pipeline: Stage Step (pipeline-stage-step): 2.5 Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata (pipeline-stage-tags-metadata): 1.8.4 Pipeline: Stage View Plugin (pipeline-stage-view): 2.19 Plain Credentials Plugin (plain-credentials): 1.7 Plot plugin (plot): 2.1.9 Plugin Utilities API Plugin (plugin-util-api): 2.0.0 Popper.js API Plugin (popper-api): 1.16.1-2 Post build task (postbuild-task): 1.9 PostBuildScript Plugin (postbuildscript): 2.11.0 PowerShell plugin (powershell): 1.4 Prerequisite build step plugin (prereq-buildstep): 1.1 Project Description Setter (project-description-setter): 1.2 Project statistics Plugin (project-stats-plugin): 0.4 promoted builds plugin (promoted-builds): 3.9 Infrastructure plugin for Publish Over X (publish-over): 0.22 Publish Over SSH (publish-over-ssh): 1.22 Pub-Sub "light" Bus (pubsub-light): 1.13 Python Plugin (python): 1.3 Python Wrapper Plugin (python-wrapper): 1.0.3 R Plugin (r): 0.6 Release Helper Plugin (release-helper): 1.3.3 Remoting Kafka Plugin (remoting-kafka): 2.0.1 Resource Disposer Plugin (resource-disposer): 0.15 Role-based Authorization Strategy (role-strategy): 3.1 ruby-runtime (ruby-runtime): 0.12 Run Condition Plugin (run-condition): 1.5 Rundeck plugin (rundeck): 3.6.9 S3 publisher plugin (s3): 0.11.6 SAML Plugin (saml): 2.0.2 SASUnit Plugin (sasunit-plugin): 1.024 Amazon EC2 Container Service plugin with autoscaling capabilities (scalable-amazon-ecs): 1.0 SCM API Plugin (scm-api): 2.6.4 Script Security Plugin (script-security): 1.76 scripted Cloud Plugin (scripted-cloud-plugin): 0.12 Selection tasks plugin (selection-tasks-plugin): 1.0 Selenium Auto Exec Server(AES) plugin (selenium-aes): 0.5 Selenium Builder plugin (selenium-builder): 1.14 Shared Workspace (shared-workspace): 1.0.2 Shelve Project Plugin (shelve-project-plugin): 3.1 ShiningPanda Plugin (shiningpanda): 0.24 Show Build Parameters plugin (show-build-parameters): 1.0 Simple Parameterized Builds Report Plugin (simple-parameterized-builds-report): 1.5 Slack Notification Plugin (slack): 2.46 Slack Upload Plugin (slack-uploader): 1.7 Slave SetupPlugin (slave-setup): 1.10 slave-status (slave-status): 1.6 Snakeyaml API Plugin (snakeyaml-api): 1.27.0 Amazon SNS Build Notifier (snsnotify): 1.13 SQLPlus Script Runner (sqlplus-script-runner): 2.0.15 Server Sent Events (SSE) Gateway Plugin (sse-gateway): 1.24 SSH plugin (ssh): 2.6.1 SSH Agent Plugin (ssh-agent): 1.21 SSH Credentials Plugin (ssh-credentials): 1.18.1 SSH Build Agents plugin (ssh-slaves): 1.31.5 SSH2 Easy Plugin (ssh2easy): 1.4 Statistics Gatherer Plugin (statistics-gatherer): 2.0.3 Status Monitor Plugin (statusmonitor): 1.3 Structs Plugin (structs): 1.22 Subversion Plug-in (subversion): 2.14.0 Support Core Plugin (support-core): 2.72.1 Team Views (team-views): 0.9.0 Theme Manager (Incubating) (theme-manager): 0.6 Timestamper (timestamper): 1.12 Token Macro Plugin (token-macro): 2.15 Tool Environment plugin (toolenv): 1.2 Trilead API Plugin (trilead-api): 1.0.13 Active Choices Plug-in (uno-choice): 2.5.5 Variables Replace (variables-replace-plugin): 1.0.0 Variant Plugin (variant): 1.4 View Job Filters (view-job-filters): 2.3 Webhook Step Plugin (webhook-step): 1.4 WMI Windows Agents Plugin (windows-slaves): 1.7 Pipeline: API (workflow-api): 2.41 Pipeline: Basic Steps (workflow-basic-steps): 2.23 Pipeline: Groovy (workflow-cps): 2.90 Pipeline: Nodes and Processes (workflow-durable-task-step): 2.38 Pipeline: Job (workflow-job): 2.40 Pipeline: SCM Step (workflow-scm-step): 2.12 Pipeline: Step API (workflow-step-api): 2.23 Pipeline: Supporting APIs (workflow-support): 3.8 Workspace Cleanup Plugin (ws-cleanup): 0.39 cross-platform shell plugin (xshell): 0.10 Yet Another Build Visualizer (yet-another-build-visualizer): 1.14
          Charles Smith made changes -
          Attachment New: plugin updates tab.PNG [ 54251 ]
          Mark Waite made changes -
          Attachment New: plugins.txt [ 54252 ]

          Mark Waite added a comment - - edited

          Based on a modified version of that list of plugins (using workflow-api 2.42 instead of 2.41), I was able to see that the "Job Direct Email" plugin (last released 8 years ago) is damaging the "Manage Jenkins" / "Configure System" screen. When I uninstall that plugin, the configuration screen looks correct but it still fails to complete the save when I press the "Save" button.

          A null pointer exception is reported in the console log for the globalpostscript plugin. When I remove that plugin, the configuration UI seems to save though it still returns to the save screen instead of transitioning to the next page.

          There are 4 deprecated plugins that should likely be removed:

          • Multiple SCMs plugin
          • Icon Shim
          • Pipeline: Declarative Agent API
          • jQuery UI plugin

          Since there are security vulnerabilities in many of the plugins you have installed, you might try also removing those plugins.

          Since at least one of the plugins depends on the ruby runtime that does not work with Java 11, you may want to remove any plugins that depend on the ruby runtime plugin.

          I've uploaded the modified plugins.txt file that I used in my experiments plugins.txt in case others want to experiment further.

          Mark Waite added a comment - - edited Based on a modified version of that list of plugins (using workflow-api 2.42 instead of 2.41), I was able to see that the "Job Direct Email" plugin (last released 8 years ago) is damaging the "Manage Jenkins" / "Configure System" screen. When I uninstall that plugin, the configuration screen looks correct but it still fails to complete the save when I press the "Save" button. A null pointer exception is reported in the console log for the globalpostscript plugin. When I remove that plugin, the configuration UI seems to save though it still returns to the save screen instead of transitioning to the next page. There are 4 deprecated plugins that should likely be removed: Multiple SCMs plugin Icon Shim Pipeline: Declarative Agent API jQuery UI plugin Since there are security vulnerabilities in many of the plugins you have installed, you might try also removing those plugins. Since at least one of the plugins depends on the ruby runtime that does not work with Java 11, you may want to remove any plugins that depend on the ruby runtime plugin. I've uploaded the modified plugins.txt file that I used in my experiments plugins.txt in case others want to experiment further.

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            clsmith4 Charles Smith
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